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Completely new here

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    Completely new here


    Hi all - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays for starters. I am new here - read MWO about a year ago - never really followed anything on it. Things have gotten worse, feel like its about time i actually do something about it. based on what i've read here and the book i just finished reading - (the end of my addiction)..i've ordered some bac. i know i should really talk to my dr first, but i absolutely know what they will say - it will be frowned upon much like many other drs have done. i am going to the dr just for routine check ups and to ensure everything checks out (getting routine blood work).

    in any case, i just wanted to say hello and that i truly hope that bac works for me as i really feel that is my only way out....i plan to seek therapy perhaps even aa but for right now hope this way will work....

    I also pray this doesnt get held up in customs...

    Completely new here

    Merry Christmas Maco and welcome. So glad you are with us. I hope the bac doesn't get held up in customs either.
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      Completely new here

      welcome maco, you have come to a good place, good luck x
      Keeps x:happyheart:


        Completely new here

        :colorwelcome: Macro

        I am much the same as you, I drifted in and out of MWO, all the while convincing myself that I dont have a huge problem with the booze, finally after yet another binge, I finally decided after 27 years of binge drinking that I DO have a problem.

        It scared the hell out of me to take a drug unprescribed - but I found another site, run by Dr Phill (who is a member here also) that goes into a lot of detail re Baclofen. The awesome thing is, Dr Phill will actually answer your email personally. I felt soooo much better about it. My Baclofen took some time, but got thru customs no worries.

        Head over to - check it all out. You will feel much better about things, once you have some more knowledge.

        I am day 12 on Baclofen, am up to 70mg a day - and got plastered last night - Christmas night, I convinced myself that I could have one or two drinks of Champas, after drinking "weak" scotches since lunch time, finished off the bottle - guess I havent got to my "switch" dosage yet. Its ok, I know i will get there.

        Patience is the key, NC (another member here) wrote a post of not titrating too quickly, works for some, but i suffered from the Somnolence sooo bad that I decdided to go with his advice. I increase my dose by 20mg every 5 days. Seems to help - but you many be different.

        Good luck and stay with us, the support is so much a part of the treatment. :l
        Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
        :h ya


          Completely new here

          Welcome Maco,
          As Trix, I too suffer from somnolence. That is the side effect I have noticed. I have taken bac now for about eight weeks. I went up rapidly to 120 mg a day in 10 mg increments every three days and then got hit with major somnolence in attempting to go to 130 mg. I titrated back down and am going back up at 5 mg increments every four or five days. It seems that I am most somnolent two days after an increase. With the 5 mg increments the somnolence doesn't seem to be as bad. I am up to 115 mg now and will go to 120 mg probably tomorrow.

          As I said before, it took me years to get to the point where I had to do something to get this devil off my back. I figure if I am patient and titrate up slowly, even a couple or three months to hit the switch will be worth it. If you don't suffer any side effects, then titrate up as tolerated.

          Twelve days ago I suddenly had a big decrease in cravings. I still have them, but I now am drinking only a glass or two of wine a night. Up until that time, I had been drinking to passing out every night. I go to bed sober now. Unbelievable!!!! So, something is happening that is good. I have still not hit the switch, but remain hopeful.

          Anyway, welcome. Do check out Dr. Phill's site It is full of great information. He does respond to personal emails. I have an ongoing communication with him at this time.

          Patience, Patience, Patience.



            Completely new here

            thanks so much

            your words really mean so much to me..I am so looking forward to this next phase in my life...or as Dr A states, Life afterward......

            I will continue to read your postings for guidance and support!!!:thanks:


              Completely new here

              Woops, I called you Macro lol, must have been the hangover, sorry. BTW, I was AF yesterday - so can read better, lol.

              Yes do keep reading, and read as much as you can about Baclofen, it will make you feel better about taking it.

              It seems to work differently for everyone. One thing I have noticed, about 2 hours after taking the Baclofen is that my bottom eyelids (where your eyelashes are) pulse for a minute or so, then stop, I havent read about this symptom and its a really bizzare one, but hiliarious I think.

              Well Im off to take my morning dose, stay with us Maco!!
              Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
              :h ya


                Completely new here

                Thanks to all of you again..I recieved my Bac yesterday and have started to take far so good. I really am very positive about this - especially after reading all of your experiences.

                thanks again!


                  Completely new here

                  Fantastic Maco, stick with us, you'll find heaps of support here.
                  Time to whip AL's Ass :b&d:
                  :h ya

