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Sickness and hospital visits !

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    Sickness and hospital visits !

    Hi My son has just had a bad bout of sickness and could not even keep a sip of water down for nearly 36 hours, fortunately he is on the mend now. But it got me thinking what would happen if somebody taking bac was in that position ?? would they start suffering from withdrawl sympons ????? like I say got me thinking and then I wonderd what would happen if anybody on bac ( I order online) had to have surgery or go into hospital what would be the best thing to do ???? is it legal to take drugs you order online but are only available on perscrition , its all a bit of a minefield ! and something i would like to investigate just in case it ever came up !

    Sickness and hospital visits !

    WOW..i just thought of this same exact thing today and meant to post, but got sidetracked.

    I wanted to ask the same thing..let's say something happens and we need to go to the hospital. Given this is something that you technically need a rx for - you should fully disclose to the hospital etc. my question is why do i say i am on it..guess i have to be honest - but then where do i say i got it and can the hospital call the police?

    any insight would be truly appreciated!!


      Sickness and hospital visits !

      Well, hopefully your doc would know you were on the bac and could take reasonable precautions. I'll assume your son got an IV for hydration? Your doc would be able to administer bac or something else into your IV to keep you going okay.

      Having said that... I stopped 120mg/daily Bac cold turkey with no discernible effects. Obviously it's not something I recommend, but there it is.


        Sickness and hospital visits !

        my son was ok fortunatley did not need to be hospitalised. My doctor does not know I am on bac only my close friends know, do not want my al problem on my health record did mention once a few years back I was drinking too much and got a very negative reaction, so have taken the under ground route and found my own support and drugs on this site. Think if I have a medical emergency I will just go cold turkey and take my chances I will be in a clincal enviroment so cant imagine I will die and my maintaince dose is now only 25 to 35 mg a day and if I have any planned hospital admistions I will tirate down to nil in advance. Think I might email OA and see if he has any insight into this problem. And I know the simple answer is tell your doctor but for me it would be commiting professional suicide and I have lost enough over the years to the booze not loosing my professional status and future job prostects !! such a shame there is not more understanding and help out there but we just have to roll with what we have got and thank god for bac however we get it for once its a drug, that for me anyway, does what it says on the tin ! best wishes to all !

