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Baclofen generics comparison about me

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    Baclofen generics comparison about me

    Hi ya'll again -

    I have combed the posts but can't find a clear comparison of the different generic versions of Baclofen. Any suggestions on the best generic?

    I saw a post a long time ago of different prices from different pharmacies. But are there different effects?

    Just wondering because I have to order more since I am finally getting serious and taking the Baclofen as suggested by Dr A., which means I'll run out in a month. I thought I would try a different company.

    Currently I take vioridon from Goldpharma. I have succesfully ordered from United Pharmacies for a few years some different cholesterol lowering prescriptions for my husband. They sell lioresal and pacifen for baclofen. Our medical insurance sucks in terms of prescriptions.

    My story is 1 -2 bottles of wine 5-6 nights a week. Would like to moderate and not drink more than 2-3 units per night, like my husband does. Would really like to leave a bottle in the fridge for the next night...

    I have been taking the baclofen periodically for two months - but, hmmm, I keep forgetting to take it... I wonder why.

    I tried topamax, too weird. I tried Naltrexone, and I can drink right past it out of rebellion. Also, I have taken the Allone vitamins for two years, (which I love) glutamine when I know I CANNOT drink (I think it is placebo effect), kudzu doesn't do a thing, the hypno cd's don't work --- I can't sit still long enough to listen, duh, that's why I drink - to STOP STOP STOP!!!! Should I mention I exercise, and have a rich spiritual life? This addiction is more than all those things. I really like to drink, and think I am on the cusp of shutting down into a sedentary I-don't-care-just-give-me-my-glass-of-wine life, or solving this addiction.

    Willpower won't cut it, after 25 years of ups and down, I know I can't do this alone.

    Baclofen seems to actually work a bit - at least I fall asleep the nights I don't drink, and I think in the past couple months, even with the holidays, I've had less nights where I just pass out from drinking 2 bottles of wine.

    I've seen people post that they wish they drank as little as I do. But, I'm 51, and I don't want to drink this much the rest of my life. Besides the calories...

    Well, thanks for listening - you all are an inspiration to me - along with the MWO book.

    Sincerely, me

    Baclofen generics comparison about me

    Good luck for your journey, muchthought.

    See, its nice to participate

    As far as different brands of baclofen are concerned, have a look at Zenstyle's thread: Dr. Ameisen's baclofen cure - relevant information.

    I have made use of two online pharmacies: 4RX & Inhousepharmacy.

    From 4RX, I got Bacmax 10mg & Liofen 25mg. From Inhouse, Pacifen 10mg.

    My experience was that the Bacmax seemed to have a slightly more potent effect, but it may well be because it is a crumblier tablet compared to Liofen & Pacifen, hence absorbed quicker.

    When I switched over to Pacifen, I had to up my dose immediately to get the same effect.

    All in all, most products seem to be OK. I am only aware of one member here who seemed to have had a completely dud batch (Cowgal).
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Baclofen generics comparison about me

      Hi I have read this thread with interest as I have been taking liofen from 4RX and them my next order from them was Bacmax which made me feel a little off my head. But your comment has cleared that up tip must bit a bit sronger ! I contatced 4RX and they said that they get the bac from various suppliers and just send out whatever they have in stock at the time . So for me the bacmax makes financial sense as I can just have one 25mg tablet a day as a maintentance dose which works a treat ! Again I can oly speak from my own experience but I find 4RX to be a good supplier my only complaint is the packaging would prefer it to be a bit more discreet but hay thats a small price to pay for getting my life back . Good luck to you much though hope you find what you are looking for, my only advice would be if you are going to take the bac take it seriously I did it like boot camp took the dose reguarly tirated up listened to my body but stuck with it even on a few days when it made me feel awful and 6 months later and at 47 I can honestly say I have entered this new decade with more hope and happiness then any other and I personally attribute that to baclofen and all the great support I get from the wonderful people on this amazing site !! good luck .


        Baclofen generics comparison about me

        HI - that's so cool, brave, that you can take one pill a day and have kicked it. Sounds too good to be true! But I believe you, yes I do!

        I will look for the bacmax at 4rx since you both have good experience with it. Thanks for responding.

        So, I must think boot camp... even today I forgot to take the first pill until 1pm. But I can still get in 3 doses in that time, I'm still on .5 3x daily, but tomorrow will take 10 in the early evening. My job, kids, activities don't allow me to be groggy so I must be careful - too much driving and too many responsibilities until about 6pm every day. Witching hour.

        Thanks for the encouragement, tip, I will try to write more.


          Baclofen generics comparison about me

          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Baclofen generics comparison about me

            How are you doing, muchthought?

            Re: online pharmacies-- I have also used 4rx, and although the delivery times can be erratic (sometimes 10 days, sometimes 4 weeks), they have excellent customer service 24/7. They even called me directly when my credit card was overdrawn, and then held my order until the next day, when I had replenished my account.

            Every time I have had a question, I just call them, and somebody always gives me the information I need. I've only ever gotten Bacmax from 4rx, so I don't know about the other brands. Also, I've only ever ordered from 4rx, so I don't know how the others compare in terms of service.

            I can't recall that the 4rx packaging was indiscreet, though. Maybe it says "Bacmax" on the customs form... can't recall. I don't think it was indiscreet, though-- Who knows what Bacmax (or baclofen) is, and even if they did, it has many applications, alcoholism being the least known, I believe.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Baclofen generics comparison about me

              Hi beatle - thanks for asking. I figured out how to subscribe to a thread.... just a little slow...

              I'm still taking the bac, my drinking goes up and down, which is pretty normal for me. I really enjoy that it helps me sleep. I am only at 25, today I go up to 30. I just have to go slow, I can now take a 10 mg tablet and not have my head hit my computer screen from falling asleep mid afternoon! In fact the somnolence seems to be gone.

              So you use the bacmax. I think I am getting lioresal. I ordered from 4rx a week ago and even if it takes 3 weeks, I have enough. I'm going to press on with this and just keep taking it.

              I remember reading that you were quite erratic when you started taking it too, but you seem to be doing fine. Are you? I appreciate all the info I have gleaned from your posts.



                Baclofen generics comparison about me

                I have taken Pacifen from In House (consistently delivers in 9-10 days) and Liorisol from All Day Chemist (delivery takes 2 weeks). I'd estimate the Liorisol to be about 20% stronger than the Pacifen.
                Go before that fire there, at the altar of your heart
                That fire of who you really are and be consumed by it fully
                Surrender everything into the fire of that love until you are one with that love. You ARE that love.
                Tilak Pyle Altar of the Heart

