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Baclofen and Naltrexone together

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    Baclofen and Naltrexone together

    Hi All

    Well I hope I am ok posting this thread here, still getting used to this site and have been lurking around for sometime and I can only say I feel hope for the first time. I have read here posts about baclofen and natrexone and am awaiting same in the post. Has anyone got any advice about may be taking these two together?

    Much love and hope you all


    Baclofen and Naltrexone together

    hi cm i take the two together been doing for 6 months now with good results do u want to gointo chat see if i can be of any help and glad to see u have posted bh x


      Baclofen and Naltrexone together

      Thanks BH, but I dont know how to go into chat? Ta


        Baclofen and Naltrexone together


        There are others that are combining the meds. See link.

        Everything I need is within me!


          Baclofen and Naltrexone together

          like bright says there are posts on taking both , but if you wan tot chat just let me know when u will be about and can go into chat , you do it by clicking the link at the top of the page that says live chat and it takes u into a online chat room just like msn etc. Itis good to read all the links on the meds as we all have differant experiences but like I said to somebody this mrning I did the bac like boot camp trated up slowly stuck with it I take nal an hour before I want to have a drink usually 2/3/ times a week but I have found recently its easy to drink though the nal even when I dont really fancy it so I am having a bit of af time to see how that goes. I wish you luck , and never worry aobut posting on this site I know some people are well known and respected for their frequent great posts but everybody is welcome to posts thats what makes it such a great site. I find when I get bored and that can be a trigger to drink I just come on read posts reply to them and start my own its a great tool . Best wishes BH ( and guess what all this snow is sending me crazing stuck indoors for posted a lot today lol ) but its better than picling up a bottle which I would have done in the past !


            Baclofen and Naltrexone together

            Calling advice

            Hi Well I;ve been taking the bac now for about 2 weeks and have titrated up to 50mg daily. I am now on my second day of 25mg of Nal. Can anyone advise?? I really am reluctant to taking two drugs as not only do I feel the side effects but am really afraid that by taking the two and I might be stopping the other from doing its job properly, am I making sense?? I would like to keep up with the Nal as for the very first time last night I only drank one glass of wine and this was forced as I knew I had to drink it after taking the Nal. I am also aware that this is what is known as the honeymoon period. But it felt nice!!


              Baclofen and Naltrexone together

              I suppose

              what I am really asking for is advice and when I think about it if I do only one medicine at a time at least I will know if it is that medicine that is working for me. If I try the both together I will not know which one is doing good or not. See what I mean??

              All these drugs are going to my head


                Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                Hi Mousse, hope you're well

                Chocolate Mousse;794237 wrote: ...I really am reluctant to taking two drugs as not only do I feel the side effects but am really afraid that by taking the two and I might be stopping the other from doing its job properly, am I making sense?? I would like to keep up with the Nal as for the very first time last night I only drank one glass of wine and this was forced as I knew I had to drink it after taking the Nal. I am also aware that this is what is known as the honeymoon period. But it felt nice!!
                I know I've responded quite a bit to your posts, so you already know more or less what I think, I hope you'll get other responses too. The bit I underlined in your quote I don't think you have to worry about. You are from from at that stage yet. Now
                were you at the stage where you don't want to drink anymore at all because of the Baclofen, but were still hoping to 'cure' yourself with Nal by drinking and taking it one hour beforehand, that might be a tricky situation. But you are a long way from that dilemma now (and what a nice dilemma that would be to have eh?!)

                I know it was lovely (I had it myself) but the 'honeymoon effect' of Nal only lasts a few days. After that you will probably soon get back to drinking as much, and perhaps more than, before (speaking from experience of Nal alone, without the Bac involved).

                Chocolate Mousse;794248 wrote:
                ...if I do only one medicine at a time at least I will know if it is that medicine that is working for me. If I try the both together I will not know which one is doing good or not. See what I mean??...
                Absolutely. I think that was the point I made to you in a previous message. It'd be interesting to see what others say about this.

                All the best Mousse!

                I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                  Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                  Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                  Getting ready to start this combo. Does it matter which one you start first? And how fast should you buid up on the Bac?

                  It has taken me a long time to learn that the term "functioning alcoholic" is an oxymoron.

                  Wish me luck..........Lord knows I need it.


                    Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                    Dear Micah :welcome:

                    Micah;795149 wrote: ...

                    It has taken me a long time to learn that the term "functioning alcoholic" is an oxymoron.
                    I'm sorry I don't feel able to answer your other questions (though all the other threads and posts on here will answer those for you), but I feel I can address this. A 'functioning alcoholic' is one who can tend (or pretend) to have a 'real life' outside of alcoholism, even if it goes hand in hand with that alcohol dependency.

                    A 'non-functioning' alcoholic is one (like myself) who has no life outside of their dependence on alcohol. I have other issues...extreme support network...I'm sole carer for a disabled own anxiety disorder...all these can be blamed in part. But basically I am stuck at home 24/7 just trying to deal with all that, and with alcohol on top. A 'functioning alcoholic' would live a life outside of these issues, despite their alcoholism.

                    Please never become a 'non-functioning' alcoholic. Hang on to all the outside stimuli you have, and never let go.

                    All the best to you

                    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                      Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                      Here's me on bac and nal together. Granted I started the bac in mid October, albeit after the initial drop. I really think they are working synergistically. These days I actually TRY to drink instead of try not to drink. That's not a joke, I'm deadly serious.

                      :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                      Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                      Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                      Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                      A Forum
                      Trolls need not apply


                        Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                        Lo0p;795197 wrote: Here's me on bac and nal together. Granted I started the bac in mid October, albeit after the initial drop. I really think they are working synergistically. These days I actually TRY to drink instead of try not to drink. That's not a joke, I'm deadly serious.

                        Lo0p my friend, you had a very
                        unusual and completely unique journey on Nal and then Baclofen, in combination, with the great results only coming in when you added the Bac, right?

                        So I don't think your graph will be applicable to anyone else, most probably ever.

                        The part of your post I've bolded though, is absolutely marvellous, so happy to see that!!
                        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                          Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                          Bac & Nal together

                          Dear 8,

                          Thanks for your response, an more importantly your support. Your "eight days a week" name always reminds me of the Beatles.

                          I started my dual (Nal + Bac) program yesterday so I don't yet know how it is working but I did manage to get throught this Sunday night without draining every drop out of the bottle.

                          I want you to know that whether you are a "functioning" or" nonfunctioning" alcoholic doesn't matter because you feel "dead" on earth, no matter which and you are a just a step away from being dead -period.

                          Your situation doesn't sound like a lot of fun and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers..............

                          but my "monitarily sucessful", horrible divorce, lonely, my dad died (without asking), stressful job, and on and on and on life...........doesn't make mine much different from yours. We are both unhappy with the cards we've been dealt by the universe. And I guess I am ready to give that up but don't yet quite know how.

                          Yes, I look like success on every front outside my home...........But No - I am not what I appear to be to others.

                          I have a broken wrist (a plate with 11 screws), a repaired rotator cuff, two scars on my face from falls, and numerous other bruises and bangs from alcohol abuse.

                          My latest wake up call was to wreck my $40,000 vehicle and be charged with a DWI. I keep trying to remember how out of control I was and how fortunate I am that no one was hurt - but alcohol always erases those truths from my memory. Seems to me like I have a death wish and don't really understand why.

                          Anyway, I didn't mean to get long-winded but I appreciated your message and wanted you to know that. To be a "Functioning or a nonfunctioning" alcoholic is a state of mind because "functioning" is truly an oxymoron........

                          I wish for you the best. Stay in touch.



                            Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                            Your graphs are incredible..............they give me hope.


                              Baclofen and Naltrexone together

                              Thank you so much for your reply Micah, so full of truth.

                              Functioning vs non-functioning, such a thin dividing line, you couldn't see it even if you squinted hard, you are right.

                              We are all in this together, and just as badly off in a sense whatever our circumstances, even if some don't realise it - yet.

                              I think the ones who know me look at me and think 'why doesn't this guy just sort himself out? He's intelligent, well-educated, successful in the past, pretty good-looking, never married, wants a family of his own to care for; he's a deeply caring and loving person, would be an asset to anybody' etc etc etc. But I have this weakness that I just can't get over right now.

                              In my case I think if I was 'functioning', and not stuck at home 24/7, had any kind of support network, was not utterly alone, I would have more of a chance to get out of this hole, but maybe that's just a dream....I guess I'll never know.

                              Thank you SO much for your kind thoughts, and I wish you all the success in the world with the Nal and Bac. I'm right here with you, and will keep an eye out for your posts and your progress

                              Ah, the Beatles yes (don't mention it to our friend Lo0p, hehe!!) A cheerful tune, a bit of hope in there amongst all the frustration and misery. It's important to try to stay positive, however difficult at times.

                              The kind words and support of people I've met through this site and others have meant the world to me, and helped keep me strong. I thank you so much for yours

                              your friend

                              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

