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BAC administered p.r.n.

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    BAC administered p.r.n.

    I've been thinking that there are many different types of drinkers. There are daily (all day long) drinkers. There are daily evening drinkers. There are every other day binge drinkers and weekend only binge drinkers and so on........

    I drink only in the evening probably every other day at this point. I just started taking Nal one hour before drinking. I was previously taken Bac everyday up to 100mgs. The side effects on a daily basis were just too much for me. I am going to try to take the BAC on an as need basis when I feel that demon calling around 4pm on the days that I would drink. I wil continue to drink on the Nal, but I'm hoping that instead of a bottle of wine, I'll only want 2 glasses due to the Bac dosage which will be 25 to 30mgs.

    I think and am hoping that the Bac can be catered to the specific drinker. It doesn't make sense to me for someone that only binges on the weekends, let's say, to have to take it at such high doses all week long.

    Any thoughts or research on this would be helpful to many.

    Everything I need is within me!

    BAC administered p.r.n.

    can i ask how long you have been on the bac brightlife ? I found that I cannot tolerate high dose of bac I too am more of a binge drinker than a daily but still wrecked my life. I have tirated down to 25 to 50 mg a day usually only 25 mg 50 if there is big stress about. This is just my view but i think u need a daily lower dose to keep the effect up in your brain if that makes sence like drip feeding a sponge to keep it moist . I too take naltrezone its all working well so far but I continue to learn and taylor what i do and take to my particular situation


      BAC administered p.r.n.

      I like this topic, Brite

      I rely quite heavily on p.r.n. doses.

      Let me get my thoughts organised in between enjoying my summer leave - I'll be back later
      I'll do whatever it takes
      AF 21/08/2009


        BAC administered p.r.n.

        i like this thread too..can i ask what PRN is?


          BAC administered p.r.n.

          Hey, Maco

          P.r.n. means "as needed"
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            BAC administered p.r.n.

            My use of p.r.n. doses of baclofen only really started after I had become AF and titrated down again, to help me stay that way. Titrating up on bac, I religiously stuck to three evenly spaced doses.

            For example, I would take slightly more on a Friday afternoon or early on a Saturday morning due to my past drinking patterns. Even now, I ramp up with 10 - 20mg about an hour and 30mins before I'm going into a difficult situation where triggers may come my way.

            Currently, I'm titrating down further on my maintenance dose. Today is day 2 on 100mg (50 x 50). I intend using p.r.n. doses of 10mg to help me manage that process as well.

            I still haven't made up my mind completely if its important to keep a level of bac in your system all the time. Given its short half-life, you need to take at least 3 doses a day, evenly spaced every 8 hours to do that. Yet people like Lo0p and myself take only two doses per day, fairly close to each other. PandaFarts did the same (where is he?)

            Following that logic, Brite's argument makes a lot of sense.

            Zenstyle: if you see this,won't you please also weigh in? You also use bac p.r.n. quite often.

            Brite: have you looked at the one study Lo0p lists on his info thread? On the use of bac in occasional binge drinkers, if I recall correctly? I don't think the subjects were classified as having alcohol dependence, though...
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              BAC administered p.r.n.

              Thanks all for your posts. Tig, I have not read Lo0ps info on binge drinkers. I will check it out. You are doing so well and obviously your method is working for you. We do need to hear from Pandafarts....come on check in with us.

              BH I had taken BAC for about 2 1/2 months and was up to 100mg. I was driving alot and could not cope with the effects, I felt unsafe driving. I also felt Zombie like and couldn't think clearly and quickly. I also had problems with balance in my yoga and aerobic classes. The side effects may have passed if I waited longer, but I couldn't live like that. Once I weaned myself off, I felt better physically, but my (binge) drinking came back in full force.

              I'll keep up with my method and keep everyone posted. Bac on the days I feel/know I will drink (to less the cravings) and Nal before any drinking.

              Everything I need is within me!


                BAC administered p.r.n.

                oh birght its a real shame it worked out like that for you , I was lucky I had the facility to stop home and ride the side effects out and to be honest I was frightened what would become of me if I did not sick with it as I really had come to the end of the road with things ! I still do prn dose when the heat is up, for me I find that is very much linked to hormones ( I am a women lol) try to up my dose the week beofre my period is due (sorry guys) as that is a time when I am vunerable to slipping ! . My big problem now is the cravings have gone but the habit is still there have to keep reminding myself I dont want a drink ! does that sound crazy ? But overall I am just grateful I came upon bac and its working for me !


                  BAC administered p.r.n.

                  Hi I have just re read tips post on the half life of bac I am now on a once daily maintneance dose of 25mg taken in one hit and it works for me ! so its not keeping me topped up in that sense. Does anybody think the the bac once you reach your trigger changes your brain in a perminate or semi perminate way ?

                  Bright did you every reach your trigger or did you have tirate down before you got to that stage ?

                  I find all this so interesting, shame that cant make a film out of our combined stories guys, we could all retire to the sun then and get away for me from this awful snow !

                  Sorry just another question . Tip do you think given its half life I would be better dividing my dose and taking 10mg three times a day ?? THink i will give that a try . Will keep you posted on what happens !


                    BAC administered p.r.n.

                    BH.... if the one hit of 25mg is working for you...I would stick with that!

                    BTW I like the idea of retiring to the sun.

                    Keep fighting everyday....never give up.

                    Everything I need is within me!


                      BAC administered p.r.n.

                      Brave Hearted;786739 wrote:
                      Sorry just another question . Tip do you think given its half life I would be better dividing my dose and taking 10mg three times a day ?? THink i will give that a try . Will keep you posted on what happens !
                      I'm not taking mine to spread it out, BH. My doses at the moment are 50mg around 1.00 p.m. & 50mg around 4.00 p.m.

                      By all means play around to see what works best for you, but just be careful. When I do make changes to my schedule, I do so gradually.
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        BAC administered p.r.n.

                        And as Brite says: if its working for you, maybe leave it as is, unless you still experience side-effects? I can feel the bac in my system - mostly in my legs, but all the traces of somnolence have gone, and I now only have two cups of coffee in the morning
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          BAC administered p.r.n.

                          brightlite;786820 wrote: BTW I like the idea of retiring to the sun.
                          Hate to rub it in, but its 32C here today, and I've had to bypass the solar heating on the pool, because it was getting too warm
                          I'll do whatever it takes
                          AF 21/08/2009


                            BAC administered p.r.n.

                            Thank you for that little aside tip !!!! ahhhh lucky you !!! I am sooooo jealous we are knee deep here in snow and sign of it subsiding ! . Will take yours and brights advice and stick with my 25mg one hit dose have gone through all the side effects and feel on a fairly even keel, so will roll with it !. I must admit on the odd occasion feel slightly light headed but I can deal with that and it can be quite a pleasant experience !!

                            Mind you dont get your tail burnt in the sun tip !!

                            A very jealous frozen BH x


                              BAC administered p.r.n.

                              Friday night last night and I took the 25mg of Bac and also a Nal. I did not feel like drinking at all which still amazes me. This may sound stupid, but since I took a Nal, I did not want to waste it since you are supposed to drink on it so that it will reinforce the "no dopamine release" because of the locked receptor....anyway I usually drink white wine, I did not have any, so I drank a beer. One beer. Yuck I don't like beer. Hope I did the right thing.

                              Everything I need is within me!

