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Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

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    Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

    I have been thinking does anybody think that the severity of a person al problem inpacts on the dose of baclofen they are able to tollerate or need to reach the switch? I am more of a binge drinker than a daily all day drinker and I could only tollerate up to 125mg of bac I could not go beyond that my body would not tollerate it and I am now on a 25mg daily manitenance dose and up it to 50mg if there is anything stressful going on which fortunatley is not that often. Just such a shame clinical trial canot be conducted so that a more accurate tiration scedule could be established. Was thinking along the line of diabetics receiving inslulin inline with their blood sugar levels !

    Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

    Hey, BH

    I was a daily binge drinker to the point of blackout, for well over a decade.

    I hit my switch at 240mg, and used to be at a maintenance dose of 120mg. I've gone down to 100mg as of today to see how things go.

    So superficially, it seems as if there could be a link. As you say, its a great pity there aren't clinical studies underway that we are aware of.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

      It is tip this has really got my interest, I have to think of things in simple terms and I see our brains as being wiered up wrong, the more messed up the wiring the bigger the drink problem, so hence more of the bac is required to rewire it and potentially keep the wiring in check ? I am going to put my thinking head on and see if I can do a bit of research just for my own interest. Time for a moan now why the heck cant they put some money into researching it ahhhhhhhhhh imagine the day hwen they could give you a blood test check how lacking your brain is in the required chemical and you could walk out with a script taylor maid for your condition !!!!!! well who knows onr day , at one time they never though a man would walk on the moon or women have the vote !!! so hope shines eternal !


        Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

        Baclofen Journey

        Hi, Don't know, again, if I am posting in the right place, I am still getting my feet here. I have started taking the Baclofen as of last night and would like to keep a progress of this here. I am awaiting Naltrexone and will see where the bac takes me and may be then go on to the naltrexone. I started on 15mg yesterday and will increase dosage every 3 days or just follow what my body is saying. I have been a binge drinker to the point of black outs.

        This site has been a real hope and help to me as I have been lurking here for sometime and would like to start taking more of an active role here than just being a spectator!

        With love and hope to all



          Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

          Hi Cm I dont think it really matters where u post sometimes its better to start your own thread thne you can follow it. I was a binge drinker to and was a real mess ! did that for over 30 years and destroyed myself and many arelationship along the way. Good luck witht he bac I think you have made a sound decision, keep us posted on how you are doing and remember i cna be a bit hard going at times on the bac but my advice stick with it and you will not be disappointed ! BH x


            Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

            BH, I have thought about the very same thing. I am a binge drinker every night or every other night a bottle of white wine. I titrated to 100mg and the effects were too much for me. Whatever alcohol does to your brain, Bac was doing the same thing. However, the effect that the Bac was having on my brain was a step beyond what alcohol would do to yes, I felt that I was beyond my tolerance level, if that makes sense to anyone.

            So, in conclusion your proper dosing probably depends on how often you drink, how long you have been drinking and what you drink. The total effect that alcohol has had on your neuropathways and what shape your brain is in are the ultimate in determining factors.

            If I came up with a formula for that....I'd retire and move to the sunny oceanfront!

            Everything I need is within me!


              Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

              well said bright just how I feel ! just makes me mad that money is spent on researching what would appear to be trivial things , I saw a report on the news that a study is being conducted to find where the most tranquill places in Britian are !!!!! please !!!! just wish they would put some cash into researching a proper protocol for baclofen and give thousans and millions of people the opportunity to estabish inner tranquitiy that sobrity brings Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just drives me mad !! sorry rant over . Perhaps I should contact one of our more forward thinking tv companies and try to get somebody to make a documentary on how the potential of baclofen is being ignored and what we all have to do to use it ???? Thats a programme I would definatly watch !!


                Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

                Brave Hearted;788766 wrote: well said bright just how I feel ! just makes me mad that money is spent on researching what would appear to be trivial things , I saw a report on the news that a study is being conducted to find where the most tranquill places in Britian are !!!!! please !!!! just wish they would put some cash into researching a proper protocol for baclofen and give thousans and millions of people the opportunity to estabish inner tranquitiy that sobrity brings Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just drives me mad !! sorry rant over . Perhaps I should contact one of our more forward thinking tv companies and try to get somebody to make a documentary on how the potential of baclofen is being ignored and what we all have to do to use it ???? Thats a programme I would definatly watch !!
                don't get mad, just understand other people who have no alcohol problems, that they perhaps have other problems.
                it's the understanding, how can people understand things, what they have never experienced.
                it's only us, with our alcohol...problem.

                anyhow, i hope to get my baclofen, end of this week. perhaps i could share my "new" daily life then.

                so long
                German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                my alcohol baclofen statistic


                  Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

                  I agree with you fets, but I am refereing more to central governments who globally acknowledge thatal problems are esculating but then refus to invest in research, baclofen is a prime example Oliveier Amestein has tried relentlasly to get some trials done on it but because it would not be a cash cow for any pharma company they dont want to know. And to my simple mind surly anything that can potentially help with al problems is worth researching and the cost involved would be minimal compared to what is spent on arms defence etc not tomention how much al problems cost in health care crime anti social behaviour etc !!! phew sorry fets it mt soap box. But the main thing is it is working for some people and I wish you luck with it yourself and will look out for your posts on your progress !


                    Thoughts on Baclofen dosage

                    Thanks Brave Hearted and forget about the soap box, we would go far offtopic, i do understand your view :thumbs:

                    i will open a topic on my own, when i'm on bac. my worry ist still, that the person who will bring it down to me, could have difficulties to enter in the country, as we do not have bac here on the list.

                    so lets hope, he is ableto do so
                    German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                    my alcohol baclofen statistic

