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Ordered Baclofen today.

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    Ordered Baclofen today.

    Okay, I've been here just over a year. I've had some success and some failure. More failure lately I have to admit. It was a rough holiday stretch for me. Off work, cold...really cold, dark and no family. The combination was just too much. I managed to hold it together for the most part for my son but still drank too much. When I say hold it together it's really just that I hid it better. No drinking until after 7 and no passing out.

    So, its a new year and I'm here to start over. I tried antabuse and topamax but they didn't work for me. I'm hoping Bac will. I am going to read as much as I can until it gets here but was wondering if anyone has advice. Also wondering if anyone is just starting Bac, maybe we can do it together. I used to have PM buddies and it helped but they are not around much anymore. Either way, any support is helpful as I start my journey again.

    I'm starting over but never giving up. :boxer:
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

    Ordered Baclofen today.

    Hey, AK

    Good to see you again! I hope that means mini-me can come for a visit in Alaska one day!

    A few threads to start reading more about baclofen:

    And to record your progress as often or as little as you like, where we compare notes with each other:

    You've been on MWO for quite a while, so I assume you're familiar with the Tool Box thread on the Monthly Abstinence forum? It helped me a huge deal before I started on bac, while I was titrating up and now while on a maintenance dose.

    Good luck!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Ordered Baclofen today.

      Thanks alot Tip and yes...of course he can come to Alaska! He might want to wait until it's not 30 below. Brrrrrrrr
      :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


        Ordered Baclofen today.


        Hi AK

        Am awaiting my baclofen and Naltexone. Am going to go where this takes me! Just spent my very first holidays on my own as well, and do not want to do that again!!

        With love and hope



          Ordered Baclofen today.

          I Ordered Bac Today!

          Hello all,
          I did really well using Topamax a couple of years ago, backed off of it, still did pretty well... then due to some negative changes in my life, yup! excuses! have been back sliding for the last few months. Decided to go back on Topa and came back here to read as I started ramping up at the start of the New Year. I was amazed at all of the posts on Baclofen, so I've read just about all of them and I am impressed by all of the postive news! The side effects don't look any worse than Topa Dopa was for me, along with the metal mouth and tingling, certainly worth a try if it will stop the craving! I am not currently employed, so can handle some short-term somnolence while I continue to study for a new career (I hope). I am so grateful to all of you have posted about your personal experience with Baclofen to light the way for others!
          Best Regards,
          "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
          Leonard Cohen


            Ordered Baclofen today.

            The best of luck to you, Jenn!

            Let us know how you're doing once you start on it
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Ordered Baclofen today.

              Still waiting on Bac but now possibly reconsidering. After talking with someone in chat I'm wondering about Campral. Sounds like it has less side effects and you don't have to titrate up the dose.

              Hmmm, I know it's time to try a different med but now I've got to figure out which one. I will have to keep reading.

              CM and Jenn, sending you support :l
              :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.

