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Setting Up A Poll?

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    Setting Up A Poll?

    Hi Folks,

    Being still (relatively) new around here, I am wondering if it's possible to set up a poll on these forums. Specifically, I thought it might be interesting to have a poll in which people taking baclofen could indicate the dosage at which they hit their 'switch'. So, it might be something like:

    30 - 50mg per day
    60 - 100mg per day
    110 - 130mg per day
    140 - 160mg per day
    And so on...

    You get the picture!

    "Love's the only engine of survival"

    Leonard Cohen

    Setting Up A Poll?

    220 - 240
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Setting Up A Poll?


      was 160, now 120-140 w/ the new brand..................staying here longer this time tho, Tip, how long did u stay on your switch dose again??

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Setting Up A Poll?

        Thanks for the feedback. Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I should have been with my original query. What I was hoping to do was to set up a poll, which would list a range of baclofen dosages and MWO members then select the one that relates to them. This is the sort of thing I had in mind:

        Official global warming PF Earth forum poll!

        The above link shows the poll results and not the poll itself. However, it's probably necessary to be registered on that specific forum to see the latter.

        Hope that clarifies what I was intending.

        Sorry for any confusion.

        "Love's the only engine of survival"

        Leonard Cohen


          Setting Up A Poll?

          That sounds good to me virgil could i sugguest that if it is anyway possible you include weight sex and severity of al problem , as it seems to ememrging through various posts that these could play a factor in what dose is required to reach the switch and how much somebody can tollerate, and how low they can go down to as a maintenance dose. Or would all that make it to complicated ? I read on here somewhere that the pharma companies come on sites like this to see whats happening I wish one of them would take up a study such as this might not make them millions if the marketed baclofen as I believe is out of licence or something but surely they could come up with their own version and surley the publicity that they would recieve if they could really prove that baclofen has effect ( I hesitate to say cure) on al problems would be worth a fortune a pharma company doing something as a public service whow I would buy stuff from them !!!! and in the big picture of research it would not cost that much and there would be an army of voluterees ready to assist !!!!


            Setting Up A Poll?

            Virgil: as far as I'm aware, MWO doesn't offer that kind of functionality. Maybe set it up elsewhere and post a link?

            BH: the 1st pharma company to bring out a time-release tab / capsule for bac is most likely to make some bucks. Not much else in it for them.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Setting Up A Poll?

              Hi BH,

              I did start a thread a little while ago, which tried to address some of the issues to which you refer, e.g. gender, body weight, drinking history, etc. Please see:


              What I was hoping to do in this new thread was just set up a simple voting poll that would enable people to see at a glance (after people had 'voted') what was the most common range of baclofen dosage at which people experience the 'switch'.

              BTW, I seem
              to recall reading somewhere a little while ago that a company is working on a form of baclofen that has a longer half-life than the current baclofen. Trouble is that it's probably a few years away. However, it would presumably be a new medication and therefore patentable. In other words, it may generate a lot of interest. I'll see if I can find out where I saw the original article. Don't think I'm imagining it!

              "Love's the only engine of survival"

              Leonard Cohen


                Setting Up A Poll?

                Message deleted.
                "Love's the only engine of survival"

                Leonard Cohen


                  Setting Up A Poll?

                  There is one way this can work on the MWO threads:

                  Set up the dosage parameters as a post.

                  The next person copies and pastes it in their reply, and updates the ranges with where they fit in. The next person copies and pastes the last post and updates. Etc etc.

                  Cumbersome, I know, but it could work.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Setting Up A Poll?

                    OK, I tried to set up a poll on the lines of that which I described but I was unsuccessful. So, I think I'll start a new thread.

                    "Love's the only engine of survival"

                    Leonard Cohen


                      Setting Up A Poll?

                      i would find a poll nonsense and even negative.
                      people who start to take baclofen, could feel under pressure.
                      German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                      my alcohol baclofen statistic


                        Setting Up A Poll?

                        Or they might feel encouraged:

                        - realising that they might need to go higher than they already have before the switch happens, but just need to hang in there and take it easy; or
                        - see people reaching the switch at a fairly low dose
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          Setting Up A Poll?

                          fets;789837 wrote: i would find a poll nonsense and even negative.
                          people who start to take baclofen, could feel under pressure.
                          Hi fets,

                          I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm merely trying to find out what dosage is the most likely to have a beneficial effect. I have only recently started taking baclofen but I don't feel under pressure. However, if the consensus is that we'd be better off without the thread I have just started, I'd be happy to pull the plug on it.

                          "Love's the only engine of survival"

                          Leonard Cohen


                            Setting Up A Poll?

                            Virgil & tiptronic_ct,
                            hey, it's fine for me. i'm still a drunken, just a way of thinking.

                            so lets see where i and up, nobody went over ameisen dosage and that makes me wonder.

                            but i will never do the race, i'm lower then x, i will take what is needed and i would be happy to post here sober. (where i read this one?) "what ever it takes"
                            German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                            my alcohol baclofen statistic

