If your doctor will only prescribe you 100 mgs. per day, I urge you to seek out a second doctor. It's detrimental that you reach a threshold dose to ensure that you meet your objective. At least, this is what I've found in my own experience (as did Dr. Ameisen).
Baclofen can be ordered fairly easily through internet pharmaceutical companies. But I wouldn't rely on these sources for long term care. I found this out the hard way... twice. Customs has a way of holding onto your package for inspection a little too long sometimes. In my last case, months.
I ran out twice while undergoing this treatment on my own. The anxiety and insomnia quickly returned and I was back to drinking within a day. My disease picked up where it had left off with a vengeance, and I was worse off than I was before. That's when I sought out and obtained a prescription.
If your intent is to supplement your "legitimate" regimen in order to attain your "switch" dose, I say go for it. Just make sure your prescribed daily dosage is high enough for a "maintenance" dose. Otherwise, making "the climb" would be all for naught.
Personally, I wouldn't go with much less than 110-120 mgs. a day. I've been in contact with another I met in an article discussion on this subject, and their maintenance dose is also 120 mgs. daily. If you've read Dr. Ameisen's book or case report, his daily maintenance dose is also 120 mgs.
It sounds like the laws are different there than they are here in the States. There are no set limitations on the dosage here that I know of. That's determined at the discretion of the physician. I'm sorry to hear this is the case for you. Before ordering online, are you sure you couldn't obtain a second "discreet" prescription from another doctor?
If you're fairly certain this is not an option, then I say go for the internet purchase. Just be sure to purchase well in advance and also in bulk. I always purchased 3000 mgs. per order. It was the cheapest source I could find ($.25/10 mg. capsule).
I actually kept a log from the first day I started taking Baclofen. I rated each day by anxiety and craving levels, and noted other observations along the way. I stayed at 190 mgs. for three days, then tapered the dose until I reached my maintenance dose.
As long as you have an earnest desire to quit drinking (and obviously you do), I guarantee that Baclofen will work for you. But you have to reach your threshold or "ceiling" (switch) dose before complete suppression of craving and preoccupation will occur.
I wish you well in your endeavors. You'll have to keep us posted on your progress!
Take care.

Thanks for the feedback.
Sadly, all attempts at finding a second doctor have been unsuccessful. As regards customs delaying any deliveries, I'm not sure that that would be a problem in my case. I say that cautiously as I haven't ordered any online as yet. Today, that will change. But I will be buying baclofen from Inhouse Pharmacy here in the UK.
With reference to your statement that "There are no set limitations on the dosage here that I know of. That's determined at the discretion of the physician", I think that may also be the case in the UK. However, it is clear that some doctors choose to stay within the BNF guidelines.
I will certainly keep everyone informed of my progress.