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    Hi everyone. I realize this isn't a question pertaining to the MYO program and I apologize. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had experience with Seroquel? My doctor suggested I try this before Christmas...I was and still am an emotional mess. Drinking is destroying my life...but not's like a can't even be a part of life. I sleep for 16 hours a day...don't want anything to do with my family. I currently take 40 mg of Paxil per day. I'm scared to take the doctor mentioned weight gain. I researched it online I see so may people had huge weight gain with it. My problem is that I have already gained so much weight from my drinking. I hate the way I look/feel. My husband wants nothing to do with me. If anyone has experince with this drug I would appreciate hearing from you. :thanks:



    I am not a doctor, but a nurse w/ a thirst for knowledge on meds, seroquel, I would avoid, we use it here, it is an antipsychotic, knocks u out!!! If u are already sleeping so much this may zombify you!!! It is used off label for anxiety, should make u sleep deeply and wake up without the hangover feeling, and be less stressed out, but we do have weight gain in the guys here on it, noticeable. Thati is all I know about it, I am skeptical about anything that strong since I am easily effected by meds........ U may want to test it on a weekend night to see how it agrees w/ u???

    Good luck,:l

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



      Yeah, like MA says, depends on your status. Seroquel probably saved my life when I was drinking all the time, had totally messed up hormones and hadn't had a good night's sleep in three years. My doc prescribed a huge dose, I took it - slept 18 hours and woke up knowing that I could finally stop drinking myself to death. That was more than 4 years ago. I still take a small dose (50 mg) at night to sleep. I maintain a low-carb diet and I think that's why weight gain has not been a problem. Maybe I'm psychotic - but what's that saying - "to be sane in an insane world is to be insane." If you sleep all the time when you don't drink, maybe your soul's callin' for rest. I know I've had to be a kinda' crazy to find a way out. :h
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir



        Doubt it!!!

        I doubt you r psychoticc, it probably helped w/ your anxiety, that is how u could quit drinking! Great, maybe I should ask my doc for some, have anxiety, but bac has really helped w/ that, read in the PDR( drug reference book) that it increases craving for sweets, that is why the weight gain.... Should get some to help me sleep too maybe..... May help w/ my psycoticness too!!!!:H:H

        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



          I personally wouldn't use Seroquel, I've seen a number of folks just knocked flat by it. It may be dosage related, but it has a bad rep amongst the people I know hwo have taken it. I took Paxil a number of years ago, and I slept all of the time! Had to get off it, just to wake up. There scads of other meds out there.... best of luck!
          "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
          Leonard Cohen



            I was on Seroquel I went from 128 lbs. to 146 in no time! I had to wean myself off of the drug ...



              good feedback

              I was doubting it, good to see others the same...........scarey using an antipsycotic med for anything but psychotic'ness...................u know??

              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



       treatment and in halfway house, guys on Seroquel were zombies. But I think it is for Mania from what I understand. So I can see why it would take you down a notch. Not a doc, but I was on Paxil, Serzone, Effexxor, Celexa, Lexapro and finally Prozac (doc kept switching because of side effects). Finally had a psychotic breakdown on Prozac. So far I have not taken any AD for over a year and I am happier that way.

                I heard a quote that says "depression is not in your mind, but in your butt. GET OFF YOUR BUTT!" Presumably meaning the best things for the mind is sunshine, exercise and being social.






                  My daughter had to go to jail for a while due to DUI. (sigh, I know, I know, it sits like a lead weight on my heart.)

                  She told me they used Seroquel there to keep the inmates under control.

                  Don't take it. I don't have much other information other than if the jails use it to keep people quiet, it has to be pretty strong.

                  AF April 9, 2016



                    All sound scary stuff ! I have no knowledge of these drugs, seems to show how little doctors want to acknowledge al just problems by prescribing drugs that have the potential to knock you off your feet !!!!! that is bad . Sounds like you need a new doctor Schaf !

                    And Kevin that quote about depression is just awesome !!!! I will commit that one to memory !!! thankyou ! it hit a big personal note with me !!!!!!! brilliant x



                      Thanks much as I feel like I need something...sometimes anything at all to feel better...I am not going to take it. I obviously don't need any more problems! I really appreciate everyone's has helped so much!



                        our pleasure Shafer!

                        Most of us(I know I do)enjoy helping people!!!

                        Best of luck, keep in touch!!

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                          hey lads and ladesses,
                          I'm qualified to answer this... (university educated in medical science)
                          quetiapne (seroquel) is an antipsych but also has affinity for histamine receptors so makes one really drowsy. Because of this it probably has some use in keeping one sober by getting some sleep (probably better than most of us alkys get normally, but still rubbish). Unless one has some psychosis, at which it would be quite useful. Also keeps bad dreams to a minimum by reducing the amount of REM sleep which is the best type of sleep, that's how it keeps the bad dreams at bay.
                          Of course if you're overly paranoid (and unless someone has told you this you probably wouldn't know) there's a huge benefit there.
                          Hope that helps.
                          Andy R. Alcoholic.

