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Just got Campral....need info!

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    Just got Campral....need info!

    I haven't drank today, its 2:20 in the afternoon, I really want to get in 2 doses today, can I take one now, and one at bedtime??? I was told to start with 1 tab, 3x's daily to start. I know you are supposed to take it am, noon, and what....with dinner, or at the witching hour???? Help!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

    Just got Campral....need info!

    Also, how long did it take for it to kick in? Days, weeks??? I'm excited, just need to know how ya'll did it!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


      Just got Campral....need info!


      First off, please do not get toooooo excited about the Campral. You do not need another letdown right now.

      Campral is great. I love it. I can't take it because it gives me diarrhea from hell and I get dehydrated and sick. Sigh.

      But it does help. I mean that.

      Campral's biggest benefit, though, is staying sober while taking it, it vastly shortens the amount of time it takes your poor, beaten up, sodden brain get back to "normal." (Whatever that is for us alkies...)

      It will reduce the PAWS by months. I mean MONTHS!! That is a big deal.

      I am still kind of angry I can't tolerate it.

      I am confused, though, by your post. Campral is to be taken 3 times a day. (I know you know the medical jargon for that. ) and it is to take 3 pills 3 times a day.

      My doctor can't figure out why the company set it up that way except perhaps because they really did not want the dosage to be 666 mgs/day. :H:H

      You will not feel immediate relief, though. But, if you stay sober, it will help AND you will heal much, much faster, mentally.

      Hang in there, my friend. Do it.

      You can.

      So can I.


      ps Remember, sweetie, 40% of us DIE from this disease. And that is only the statistics that they can hammer down. I am sure the true percentage is much higher.

      Let's kick the beast to the curb, and tell him to go somewhere else, like hell.
      AF April 9, 2016


        Just got Campral....need info!

        Whats PAWS???? lol The literature we have at the pharmacy says you are to take 2 tabs 3 x's a day! That's what Chief and Proparty are taking, but, if you are less than 130 lbs., to take 1 tab 3 x's a day....maybe you took too much! I only got it today, and it was 2:20, so I threw it down the hatch, I was just on chat, and Pro said to take the next one at bedtime, so I surely will. I intend on staying AF, I'm going to do it this time!
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          Just got Campral....need info!


          PAWS is Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome.

          It can last up to 2 years. 2 years.

          It is where we are in a state of flux, between sober and drunk. Our brains don't function well.

          Google it, TIT.

          I suffer from it very much. Oh, maybe it is middle-age, too.

          No, I suffer from PAWS in an extreme way. It is one of the reasons I lapse. Campral will help you keep from relapsing due to PAWS. It is a very good drug.

          No. 3XDAY 333 mg. That is the "normal" dosage.


          I know from where I speak, or whatever.

          and I am so proud of you, TIT. You sound very determined.

          and scared at the same time.

          Me, too, sweetie. What do we do without "it?"

          Oh, live a full and happy life without sneaking, hiding, doing embarrasing things and dragging through the days trying to recover.

          We can do this.

          AF April 9, 2016


            Just got Campral....need info!

            Campral definitely helped me in that PAWS period 2 - 6 months where I was down on myself, depressed, etc. If I missed a dose, I did find myself in a more brooding mood. Then little by little those periods of panicky depression, self-loathing were short lived and I was able to tell myself, "I am fine...tomorrow will be great!"

            Keep it up. I did experience an occasional "irregularity" with #2, but I'll take over what I was going through before.


              Just got Campral....need info!

              I have been on Campral for about two weeks, was on it before for a little over a month, then relapsed. Campral controls cravings and calms my nervous system down (I guess that is PAWS). I have been going to one aa meeting a week and cking in w/ my sponsor daily as well. I relapsed last time bcause my brain tricked me into thinking I could drink moderately. I started blacking out again, my 8 yr old told me I was falling asleep and he told me to stop drinking wine, it's not good for you it's alcohol! God help me I have quit again and pray that I never drink again!


                Just got Campral....need info!


                Has anyone had success with Campral while continuing to drink. Mu shrink prescribed it and sometimes I stay AF and other days are mu harder been on the meds 1 month and continue to relapse at least once a week


                  Just got Campral....need info!

                  I think campral helps even if you drink on it. If I drink on it it makes me want less. Then the next day I can cut downto a little or nothing.
                  Reality is, it you want to drink, I mean really want to drink, campral is not going to help. BUT if you really DON'T want to drink campral helps.
                  All up to us, no?
                  Try starting campral right away, is my advice, if you don't want to drink. 6/day, every day. It helped me from day one.
                  Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                  AF since May 6, 2010


                    Just got Campral....need info!

                    Wow! This is my first time on this website because I wanted a drink again this morning after my son pushed my buttons about not wanting to go to school. It was just an excuse I was looking for and been using for years. On day 6 of taking Campral and had only 2 glasses of wine last night along with an ambient. I used to drink about a 12 pack of beer a day before I tried this. I need to quit and get on with my life, but I sure do feel like I have lost a friend and companion (though it's bad for me) in my not drinking. Drinking made me feel "normal" or so I thought and made me "happy". I feel a bit depressed now and don't sleep well (partly due to snoring husband), and I can't seem to stop cleaning and organizing. I don't know how to relax without a drink in my hand and zoning out. I have even bought some relaxing CD's and DVD's and have quit watching tv in the evening. I am trying to be more in touch with my kids, but they sure drive me crazy at times with the fighting.... I just take it day by day right now and hope this Campral will help......


                      Just got Campral....need info!

                      TIT, doesn't your husband have a pharmacy? I would imagine he has the answers. I've never taken Campral, so cannot comment.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        Just got Campral....need info!

                        its working for me
               My Story

                        AF - 08/06/2010

