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fets Baclofen Log

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    fets Baclofen Log

    5mg at 8hr
    5mg at 13hr
    10mg at 17hr
    20mg Total

    7 Beer

    smoking as before

    feeling good, compare to before, missed my alarm clock this morning. went to bed at 23hr and should wake up at 6am, but only one hr later i been running and then very fast =)

    we received guest yesterday and i end up with 7 beers is good for me, this is the moment where i really could drink like a fish.
    German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
    my alcohol baclofen statistic


      fets Baclofen Log

      5mg at 8hr
      10mg at 13hr
      10mg at 17hr
      25mg total

      7,5 beer

      wake up at 3am, with a very bad headache. baclofen and alcohol are not there best friends. but fit today
      German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
      my alcohol baclofen statistic


        fets Baclofen Log

        Day 9:

        5mg at 8hr
        12.5mg at 13hr
        12.5mg at 17hr
        30mg total

        3.5 beer

        sleep ok, wake up only once but could sleep again fast.

        as i have many 25mg pills, i brake them now in half, to keep some 5mg for the morning. that why i'm up to 30mg a day now and not 25mg.
        feeling good.

        but the saturday night with 7.5 beer, been really not that great, as said, i had a very bad headache. and i believe it comes from the alcohol and baclofen. they do not match together. i wonder how o. ameisen could still bing with 180mg of baclofen, he must feel really really bad. this headache, i do not wish my enemy.
        but the day been ok, after taking 1mg of efferalgan.
        German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
        my alcohol baclofen statistic


          fets Baclofen Log

          day 10
          5mg at 8hr
          12.5mg at 13 hr
          12.5mg at 17uhr


          day 11
          5mg um 8hr
          12.5mg at 13hr
          12.5mg at 17hr
          30mg total


          5mg at 8hr
          12.5mg at 13hr
          12.5mg at 17hr
          30mg total



          12,5mg at 8 hr
          12,5mg at 14 hr
          12,5mg at 18hr 30 (konnte nicht frueher)
          37,5mg Total

          7 beer

          day 14
          12,5mg at 8hr
          12,5mg at 13hr
          12,5mg at 17hr
          37,5mg total


          12.5 mg at 8hr
          12.5mg at 13hr
          12.5 mg at 17hr
          37.5 mg total

          7 beer

          18,75mg 9hr
          18,75mg 17hr
          as i forgot the 14hr dose, i did not take more

          more then 10 beer

          sorry that i did not update, but i did now my own forum, in german language at Baclofen und Alkohol
          sorry it is in german, but i really like MWO, but it's only in english. so why i don't try the same thing for german user
          German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
          my alcohol baclofen statistic


            fets Baclofen Log

            thanks for posting fets! Looks like maybe you haven't yet hit your "switch" with the Baclofen yet....
            I'm up to 40 mg/day for 2 days now, really hoping the Bac will kick in soon.

            Be Well,
            "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
            Leonard Cohen


              fets Baclofen Log

              Hi Jenn,
              but i must say i forgot one dose, as i did not cary it with me.

              day 17:
              18.75mg at 8hr
              18.75mg at 13hr
              12.5mg at 17hr
              54.5mg total

              3 Beer
              German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
              my alcohol baclofen statistic


                fets Baclofen Log

                Hi Jenn,
                but i must say i forgot one dose, as i did not carry it with me.

                day 17:
                18.75mg at 8hr
                18.75mg at 13hr
                12.5mg at 17hr
                54.5mg total

                3 Beer
                German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                my alcohol baclofen statistic


                  fets Baclofen Log

                  Really Good updates fets. Please continue your log. Ijust took my first dose of Bac; 5mg three times a day for five days than 10 mg three times a day. I will keep a log as well.
                  My drinking pattern is as follows:
                  1 beer and approx 0.5 pint of Rye per night - in a 2-3 hour span
                  Weight - 155lbs
                  height - 5"6
                  age - 39


                    fets Baclofen Log


                    18.75mg at 8hr
                    18.75mg at 13hr
                    12.5mg at 17hr
                    50mg total

                    6beer and 5 rum

                    25mg at 8hr
                    25mg at 13 hr
                    25mg at 17 hr
                    75mg total

                    6 beer

                    25mg at 8 hr
                    25mg at 13 hr
                    25mg at 17 hr
                    75mg total


                    25mg at 7:30hr
                    25 mg at 13 hr
                    25mg at 17 hr
                    75mg total

                    11 beer

                    Hoping for the best, thanks, please let me know when your start your log.
                    and all the best!
                    German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                    my alcohol baclofen statistic


                      fets Baclofen Log

                      25mg at 6 hr
                      25mg at 10 hr
                      25mg at 14 hr
                      25mg at 17:15 hr
                      25mg at 21:30 hr
                      125mg total

                      7 beer and 5 rum

                      i jumped now from 75mg to 125mg per day.
                      to see if my alchol intake will change, it did not.
                      i will stay by 125, but take it different.
                      as i'm a evening drinker, i need to find the 18hr point, as this is the time where i start drinking.
                      then i will see, that i force my self to lower, the alcohol intake. i did not do that up to date. as ameisen did not drink on his second second baclofen trial.
                      German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                      my alcohol baclofen statistic


                        fets Baclofen Log

                        some good news.
                        i been able to get down to 0 beer!
                        i have done a statistic, after seeing that craving post one the forum here. thanks for the idea craving!
                        took me some time, but here it is:
                        Baclofen gegen Alkoholsucht Statistik fets
                        it does not explain the side effects from what i been suffering
                        German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                        my alcohol baclofen statistic


                          fets Baclofen Log

                          fets;808776 wrote: hello,
                          some good news.
                          i been able to get down to 0 beer!
                          i have done a statistic, after seeing that craving post one the forum here. thanks for the idea craving!
                          took me some time, but here it is:
                          Baclofen gegen Alkoholsucht Statistik fets
                          it does not explain the side effects from what i been suffering
                          fets I love the chart! Well done. How did you do it?

                          Looks like you hit the switch at 175mg :goodjob: I feel so happy for you!

                          Seems you are a German speaker?
                          since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                          since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                          reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                          since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                          since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

                          My stats :


                            fets Baclofen Log

                            thanks craving!
                            it took me quit some time, because with all the bac in my brain

                            i used amCharts: flash charts, stock charting software
                            they have a chart, where you could do it online.
                            but i did not it to much, as i like to update it every day, now i can do this with a csv file, very easy.
                            if you like i could make the stats for you, but would ask you to give me your dates in a special way, like this
                            Day 1;8;0
                            Day 2;8;0
                            Day 3;6;0

                            Day 1 stands for the day
                            8 for drinking units
                            0 mg baclofen

                            but only if you like

                            the problem is the stats does not show the site effects...i'm still thinking how i could show them.
                            and thanks, yes it feels good to be FREE!
                            German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                            my alcohol baclofen statistic


                              fets Baclofen Log

                              fets;809354 wrote: thanks craving!
                              it took me quit some time, because with all the bac in my brain

                              i used amCharts: flash charts, stock charting software
                              they have a chart, where you could do it online.
                              but i did not it to much, as i like to update it every day, now i can do this with a csv file, very easy.
                              if you like i could make the stats for you, but would ask you to give me your dates in a special way, like this
                              Day 1;8;0
                              Day 2;8;0
                              Day 3;6;0

                              Day 1 stands for the day
                              8 for drinking units
                              0 mg baclofen

                              but only if you like

                              the problem is the stats does not show the site effects...i'm still thinking how i could show them.
                              and thanks, yes it feels good to be FREE!
                              the charting software looks interesting. I have worked before with flash, so should not be a problem to figure that one out. Thanks

                              What kind of side effects are you experiencing ?

                              Enjoy your new freedom and use it well It seems that once it made the "click" it stays that way as long as you keep on being with Baclofen at least at a support dose. My 36th consecutive day without alcohol :H

                              Its incredible that you managed to hit the switch at 175mg - how much do you weight?

                              All the best to you fets! :goodjob:
                              since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                              since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                              reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                              since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                              since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

                              My stats :


                                fets Baclofen Log

                                on day 19 on my chart i has a bad motorbike accident. i been "sleeping" and smashed on a standing bus =)
                                luckily i had nothing broken, but a shock!
                                anyhow, went well on bac, not to many side effects, clear dreams, what been new for me. but then on day 21 i went up faster, because i have a amount of stock, but if i do not hit the switch fast, my stock gets down fast. and when you see my alcohol consumption, it did not look anymore very promising.
                                going up 50mg in one go been ok, but i start sleeping really bad, wake up all time, low breathing, feeling i fall out of the bead.
                                i put the dose up, again but my alcohol intake stay the same.
                                the first day on 175mg, i went out on a BBQ and all been "ok", but the next day i crashed. feel very sleepy, and make very bad dream and from there on i wake up at night, total drunken. it took me always 15min to get the head a bid clear. friends told me, that's because i drink no alcohol anymore. but it been bad. i had no feelings anymore for alcohol, just gone. but the side effects, been bad for me. only now since i go down, i feel much much better. and at the end it seems to work!!!

                                lets see the future, it looks promising again :happy:

                                but never drive, when you go up with bac!! never!

                                i have 2 friends in the german forum and they used bac different, there went first down with the alcohol intake and need only a low dose of bac.
                                one of them even, stop taking bac and you can see, the day he been on 0, he took 12 beer again!!
                                Baclofen gegen Alkoholsucht Statistik Mr.Baclo
                                but been able to recover.
                                and the other one, try now to stop smoking, that why he go's up with bac.
                                Baclofen gegen Alkoholsucht Statistik MrWong

                                not like me, been always drinking on bac and it tolk me a much higher dose.
                                my weight is 82kg, by 1.85m.

                                hey if you work one day with the stats, please let me know, how to export the flash to image, i don't get this part

                                have a nice day

                                hope this is read able =)
                                German Forum on Baclofen and Alcohol
                                my alcohol baclofen statistic

