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a new journey

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    a new journey

    I came here a few years ago and have been through numerous detoxification processes. I was an early customer to the Topomax system and did find help with it until I built a tolerance towards it. One thing that I've learned is that most medication and drinking does not work together and can be quite dangerous. That being said, I am about to enter a new journey on Baclofen.

    I've read enough stories about this medication to realize hope again. I plan to see a doctor that specializes in mods and meds and for the first time, am going to fully embrace it. The problem with me is that I detox so well that I get confident that I can have a couple of drinks or one night off and then find myself in the same place again. I also do not have a great support system in place and am hoping that I can use this forum to get that kind of help.

    I can also be a resource to anyone contemplating AA, detox, Topomax and Naltrexon.... I have been there, done that.

    The difference in this journey as opposed to my past is that I am going into this realizing that medication is not a magic bullet. I plan to address this problem from all angles with the help of Baclofen, herbal supplements, therapy, exercise and low carb/healthy diet.

    Anyway, I will continue to post and make myself accountable to everyone here. My plan to start this program is on Monday.

    Thanks for listening!

    a new journey

    Welcome here, HS!

    You will surely be a great asset as a member, and hopefully we will also be able to be helpful to you.

    It sounds like you've been through about everything (as I have, too), but that you have a sound and realistic attitude -- and you are not the type to give up. That's why we are all here.

    And most importantly, you have hope.

    Please continue to post (you promised!) and keep us updated on your progress. Also, please chip in on other threads when you have insight, advice, or just want to commiserate.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


      a new journey

      thanks beatle

      I was starting to think I was invisible. I've been eagerly reading the positive posts on Baclofen and am so excited to start. It will be interesting to see how the doctor prescribes it and with/out other meds. I will post this when I know.


        a new journey

        Welcome HS!!!!!


          a new journey

          Welcome HS!

          I've been eagerly reading the positive posts on Baclofen and am so excited to start.
          I am in a similar position, just returned to MWO about 2 weeks ago, and am anticipating the Bac I ordered to arrive. The info on Bac on this site makes me feel really hopeful!
          Be Well,
          "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
          Leonard Cohen


            a new journey

            HS, I'd love to hear your Nal story.I am starting with it tomorrow.


              a new journey

              Hopeful, it's so nice to meet you here, please keep us all posted on how things are going for you. Love your username by the way!

              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

