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When is it too much???

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    When is it too much???

    Big question... I have topomax being prescribed I also have naltrexone and lamictal at 50 mg
    and I have bac. I don't know what I should or should not cut out. I can use some advice.
    I am taking lamictal 50 mg just started nal 25 mg taking bac for cramps 10mg and have not started topa dopa yet. Thinking I might be too medicated as I take welbrutin 250mg sr and4 mg lorzapam a day. I can use some thoughts here. I have panic attacks so I can't let go of the lorzapam.

    ANy ideas

    When is it too much???

    Not sure about all the meds but L-Theanine helped me with anxiety ands its natural. Be very careful with meds. Very careful.....have you talked to your doc or pharmacist?
    :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


      When is it too much???

      I have spoke with Dr.s I am a vet and use the VA health system. The Bac I have on my own but all the others are prescribed by the VA Oh I forgot the Lorzapam I get on my own also but they do have knowledge of it and there is a note in my file that they may discontinue lamictal. I also suffer depression. I was af for 3 years and I don't even know why I started again but I did and now back I go. There is nothing in a bottle of booze for me but I keep on.
      Thanks for the response



        When is it too much???

        First of all, 10mg of bac is very little. You will need a lot more if you are using it for alcoholism.

        Also, bac doesn't have many contraindications (except alcohol ) or interactions with many other drugs, but you should probably check it on an internet drug interaction checker, like:

        Drug Interactions

        There are many others, so if you google it, you can check on more than one site.

        On these sites, you can list all the drugs you are taking and they will check for interactions on all of them.

        As far as your medicine regime goes, yes it sounds like an awful lot. But if you are doing this under the supervision of a physician, it is most likely not dangerous (unless you aren't revealing everything to your physician).

        As for lorazepam, I think that's the one you should target to eliminate (as a daily dose) Here's why: I also have panic attacks and GAD, and I used to take lorazepam mostly on an as-need basis (although sometimes this could be days or even weeks at a time). When I say as-needed, I mean about an hour before I know I will be in a situation that might cause a panic attack or high levels of anxiety. Of course, you can't always predict that, but if you put lorazepam under the tongue, it works much faster, even within minutes.

        Ok, but since lorazepam is HIGHLY addictive, and harder to get off of than alcohol, I was always worried about taking it on a daily basis. Thus, my anxiety and panic attacks continued, although I could help stave them off by anticipating high-risk situation. (Of course, the best way to stop a panic attack has always been to throw as much alcohol down me as possible in as short a time as possible -- this really does the trick... but at what a cost!)

        However (and here is the point): When I started taking baclofen, my anxiety abated immediately. I have not taken a single dose of lorazepam since I started bac half a year ago.

        Unlike lorazepam, bac is not addictive (although it is dangerous to stop it suddenly -- but that has nothing to do with addiction) and it has relatively minor side effects for most people. And if you get it as a prescription from your doctor, it is dirt cheap, even if your insurance doesn't pay for it (or if you don't want your insurers to know).

        I started on it to help me stop drinking (bought it online) and its affect on anxiety was unexpected and miraculous. I was taking Lamictal (200mg/day) under the supervision of a psychiatrist for my anxiety, and I told her about baclofen, and although she had not heard of it (strange -- since a major off-label use for baclofen is anxiety, and she IS an anxiety specialist). Anyway, I gave her Dr. A's book and she checked it out and made some calls to colleagues and then gave me a prescription.

        She is also comfortable with me taking it together with Lamictal, and even ambien for occasional sleeplessness (although the effect of the ambien is greatly magnified while taking bac).

        So, in general, I think you should try keep your drug use under the supervision of a physician. But it doesn't hurt to do some research yourself. And, if you haven't read Dr. Ameisen's book (The End of My Addiction -- a new edition has come out called Heal Thyself) please do. He healed himself from both severe anxiety and severe alcohol addiction (the two are very often related) with just baclofen.

        Keep us posted.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          When is it too much???

          Thanks Beatle. Is anyone else also having problems with RLS. Restless leg syndrome. I also have it in my arms. Last night was terrible I could not get to sleep till 6 am this morning.


            When is it too much???

            Whatever you do, don't drink with all of those meds. The combination is very dangerous and could be deadly.


              When is it too much???

              I have had RLS all my life. Alcohol greatly intensifies it.

              Baclofen also helps RLS, together with cutting down or out alcohol.

              But you do get twitching with Baclofen. I've learned to like it -- it feels like I know it's working, even though it is a trifle irritating.
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                When is it too much???

                Hopefulspirit I am not taking everything. I have not got the topo and only taking of nal and 10 to 20 mg bal. I am taking "nut pills" lorzapam 2 mg am and pm. I am drinking. I thought that was what tsm was all about but this side affect(rls) is driving me crazy.
                Beatle are you AF?


                  When is it too much???

                  Help! Went to bed and woke uo 2 hrs later with RLS again in the arms and the legs. I am lifting weights just to relieve my arms


                    When is it too much???

                    Took 10 mg oxycodone just ti relieve symptoms of rls. Was trying to not take oxy because of the naltrexone.


                      When is it too much???

                      Hi musicman,

                      You might like to look at the threads about Cowgal, a member here who is currently in intensive care because she mixed meds and alcohol. It's your choice to take whatever you like of course, but please be aware of the risks of what you're doing.

                      So how did you stay AF before? How about starting there, employing the tactics you did then and doing what worked for you then?
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        When is it too much???

                        musicman1;793855 wrote: Thanks Beatle. Is anyone else also having problems with RLS. Restless leg syndrome. I also have it in my arms. Last night was terrible I could not get to sleep till 6 am this morning.
                        Hi, I get awful RLS when I quit drinking, never experienced it until then and it was hell! Like yourself I sometimes didn't fall asleep until 5 am and was really getting me down, particularly when I had to get up for work at 7!

                        I was prescribed a medication called Pramipexole, which is used for Parkinson's disease but is licensed for RLS, at least it is here in the UK, works amazingly with pretty much no side effects.
                        I am not sure if you can take that with the medication you are on but maybe worth having a chat with your doctor.

                        Also as someone said, it is a really bad idea to drink on the meds that your are on at present.

                        Good luck


                          When is it too much???

                          Thanks scot98. I am stopping the nal after 2 days because I think its making it worse. I only took
                          My Dr said I could load up on the nal like 200mg or more but I don't think I will.


                            When is it too much???

                            That's a real pity Nal makes your RLS worse, I thought Nal worked on different receptors than dopamine receptors but hey I haven't a clue really and can only go by what I have read and to be honest I really don't think anyone really knows what goes on in the brain at all levels.
                            Out of interest, do you smoke cigarettes? I do and apparantly they make RLS much worse.


                              When is it too much???

                              I don't know it its the nal but I am going to try to rule it out. I do smoke to answer your? The last 3 nights have just worn me out. I am soo tired. Perhaps I would do better on Topo

