Thank you for asking my friend
Since I last posted, my AL consumption has been up a bit, between 11-14 UK units per day.
I'm not sure exactly why this is, but a lot of it has to do with anxiety, which has been much worse this last week. Of course, AL itself can raise anxiety, but this is to do with my clinical diagnosis of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is a completely different and separate issue. I was abstinent last year for five months and my GAD still continued at horrific levels.
That's the reason I take diazepam, and also the reason why I drink / will drink a bit more.
I've been cutting down my diazepam use, 1) because it's a horrible, addictive drug and I hate the side effects, and 2) because it's been proposed that benzos may hamper extinction of alcohol addiction through Naltrexone under TSM (which I still follow).
So, even as my alcohol use and anxiety (due to GAD) have been higher, I've managed to cut down my diazepam to mostly 6mg or 7mg a day.
It's a bit of a see-saw between the diazepam and the AL. I drink a bit more, I can take a bit less diazepam. But, reducing the diazepam is at least eliminating one of the problems.
I'm up to 70mg of Bac a day. I need to go higher, maybe much higher, so from tomorrow I will increase to 75 or 80mg and take it from there. Hopefully at some point an anti-anxiety effect will kick in.
Regarding video games, yes they certainly are addictive! I have a generally addictive nature and a touch, I believe, of OCD. In the past I've been addicted to video games, the internet, and online shopping, all of which appeal to both those sides of my character.
The funny thing is, TSM seems to have cured my addiction to video games, even if it hasn't worked on the alcohol (yet?)! :H
I don't play them instead of going out (although I may have done in the past). I'm often house-bound due to GAD, and only ever play them in the evenings when I wouldn't be going anywhere anyway (I think I explained this earlier). The alternative would be watching TV, or most probably using the internet.
hanging, I do sympathise about your son. Video games are all the rage now with youngsters (how old do I sound?! :H) especially with online play. I think there's peer pressure among young lads to play and have the latest games, and to be online, and competition to be the 'coolest one' with the latest games or the best scores. I think a lot of kids today are missing out on outside life, physical activities, and learning about the real world and real people through spending time on the internet and video games, which is very sad. In fact, even though I love both myself, I think there's a social and health 'ticking bomb' right there.
I'm just glad they weren't there when I was growing up, at least not to the same extent.
That reminds me a little of Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen sketch:[/video]]YouTube - Monty Python - Four Yorkshiremen (40 years ago)
Who'd have thought thirty year ago we'd all be sittin' here drinking Ch?teau de Chasselas, eh?
In them days we was glad to have the price of a cup o' tea.
A cup o' cold tea.
Without milk or sugar.
Or tea.
In a cracked cup, an' all.
Oh, we never had a cup. We used to have to drink out of a rolled up newspaper.#
The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.
Best wishes to all