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Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

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    Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

    It seems that Flexeril does have sleep enhancing properties that aren't the same as just taking an antihistamine from what you said.

    As I mentioned elsewhere, trazodone is unfortunately not available in Australia these days and I'm not sure if it ever was. It's a shame because it seems to help a lot of people with sleep issues. I'm hoping to try mirtazapine (Remeron/Avanza) when I see a specialist soon, since it's also an antidepressant that helps with sleep. It's one of the few ADs I haven't tried yet.

    I kept on hoping baclofen would help me with sleep, and in fact I had hoped for this as much as I had wanted its anticraving effects. I have been taking a break from it but intend to restart it, at a slower pace to see if I tolerate it better (I'm still AF but either white knuckling it or using unhealthy substitutes). I won't be taking any large doses close to bed this time. It doesn't actually affect me the way a stimulant would, it just seems to "turn off" my brain's ability to drift off to sleep. When I finally do sleep I wake again very easily. Hopefully taking it no later than late afternoon will change things this time.


      Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

      Greg, have you checked for trazodone by its various names? Other names it goes by are Desyrel, Beneficat, Deprax, Desirel, Molipaxin, Thombran, Trazorel, Trialodine, Trittico.

      Also, have you tried amytriptyline (Elavil, Tryptizol, Laroxyl)? It's one of the old tricyclic ADs, and is also used for sleep and restoring proper sleep architecture. Again, it's taken in much smaller doses for sleep than fr depression.

      Yeah, baclofen seems to have a similar effect on me. I'm hoping taking it 4+ hours before bed will help.


        Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

        Thanks Pegasus, but trazodone is not available under any name in Australia. I haven't tried amitryptiline for sleep but have been prescribed mirtazapine for both sleep and depression so will try it instead.

        Taking baclofen a few hours before bed does seem to cause less of a sleep disruption. Good luck with it.


          Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

          Greg;820772 wrote: Taking baclofen a few hours before bed does seem to cause less of a sleep disruption. Good luck with it.
          Oh so by taking it right before sleeping I am actually doing myself a favor? I really loved the time when I could get up totally awake at 3am and use all the day. It was an amazing time. :H
          since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
          since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
          reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
          since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
          since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

          My stats :


            Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

            Hi Greg, For what it's worth, I have taken Flexeril on occasion when my neck problem flairs up --and it works great. It does make me very sleepy. But even though Baclofen is also identified as a muscle relaxer, it has never had an affect on my neck problems one way or the other. I'm not so sure the meds are at all interchangeable or would be safe taken together. But what do I know? I tend to be overly cautious with these things.
            I also had sleep issues on Balofen. I was practically dropping off to sleep at the dinner table. But once I crawled in bed at 8 PM, I was wide awake again by midnight. Spreading my balcofen dosage out earlier in the day definitely helped a bit. But I was too frightened to throw any other meds into the mix. So I bet everything I had on straight Baclofen, I toughed out the side effects the best I could, and luckily it paid off for me. At 130 mg I hit the switch, and I'm a month into being AF and doing great.
            I don't know if anyone has brought up Melatonin (a natural sleep aid). As I'm tirating down on Baclofen (now at 80 mg) I've found that it has really helped to get my sleep regulated again. And BTW, all the Baclofen sleep issues are gone.
            My next step is to start running again after most this snow is gone! Hope this helps.


              Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

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                Baclofen and sleep...any answers??

                sound healing

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