Being a night-only drinker who recently detoxed, I had hoped to be able to take a large portion of my baclofen dose at night to hit the cravings when they would be strongest. I had also hoped this would help me sleep, after having been an insomniac most of my life. An additional benefit would be minimising daytime sleepiness that many others have spoken about.
The problem is that a large dose of baclofen before bed seems to keep me awake instead of allowing me to get a peaceful night's sleep. I did take a stupidly high dose the first time, but am still noticing the problem with more sensible doses. Can anyone help with this and give me an answer? I thought baclofen is basically a sedating drug and a GABA-B agonist but its night effects seem different to GABA-A agonists like benzos and alcohol. Apart from insomnia it also seemed to cause tinnitus, high blood pressure, and racing/irregular heart problems.
Any answers that could allow me to get a decent night's rest while still taking most of my bac at night would be most appreciated!!