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On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

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    On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

    Hi all, I've been pretty active on TSM boards but haven't been here in a while (though I recognize some familiar "faces!")

    I've been doing TSM since last May and I've come to the conclusion that I need another weapon in my arsenal to beat this disease. While I had some initial success with TSM, I am still drinking at pre-TSM levels most days. So, I am interested in seeing what baclofen could do.

    I have Oliver Amiesen's book and his results are clearly impressive. I don't understand the medical charts and such (hello, LoOp?) but obviously the approach has worked for him and others.

    The problem is, I have kinda lied to my psychaitrist in the hopes that she would keep prescribing the nal. She wasn't really onboard with TSM but she was willing to prescribe the nal, so I told her it was working so she would keep prescribing it for me. (From reading about the method, I knew it would take at least 6 months to see results and I didn't think she'd keep supplying me with the med that long if I wasn't having success.)

    So, I would like to ask her about baclofen, but she now thinks TSM is working for me. She is pretty traditional in her approach to addicition -- the 12 step thing and the usual meds. Not sure if she would prescribe the bac for me anyway.

    Any advice? Can I order it from alldaychemist? It's either this or rehab. Don't know what else to do.

    On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

    hoping4better;797777 wrote: (hello, LoOp?)


    AllDay is the cheapest I've found. Takes 15-20 days to the US.
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

      LoOp, do you know where I might find info on what dose to start off on the bac and how to titrate? Does your physician know you're on it? I vaguely recall a discussion over on TSM boards about it. Thanks!


        On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

        What is the TSM boards?

        I'll see if I can bump the Bac thread for you.
        :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


          On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

          Hello my friend, how lovely to see you here

          I've been adding in Bac while sticking with Nal, so far no change - except I can't stop sleeping at silly hours! But it is very early days yet.

          Could you tell your doc that the Nal has almost worked but not quite got you to the finish line, and that you'd like to try Bac to see if it will make the difference. There are a lot of convincing studies out there I think - I know our friend Lo0p made one such thread with all the links.

          I don't think most doctors would prescribe at the levels required for the 'Ameisen' cure, unfortunately. I bought Bac from Inhouse and it's the real deal. I recently switched to Nal from AllDayChemist and it doesn't seem to work as well as the official UK stuff or the stuff from River, but I'll be starting a new batch soon, perhaps it was just a shonky one?

          akgirl;797855 wrote: What is the TSM boards?
          It's another forum dealing mainly with the Sinclair Method for using Nal. More and more members are starting to post here rather than doubt you might be able to guess at why.
          I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


            On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

            Hi Eight, good to see you too!
            That's a great idea. I put in a call to her so we'll see. I am disappointed, really was hoping TSM would be the thing for me. Hopefully bac will make the difference for both of us.


              On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

              Welcome, H4B. Here's a thread about places to order bac - as far as I know the info is still accurate:

              I (in the U.S) do have a prescription from my doctor, but it's only for 80mg/day. So I have supplemented with bac from Inhouse, which has been a really easy process.

              It's so sad and bad that baclofen isn't accepted in the medical community and your choices are rehab OR baclofen. Seems to me that both would be a great idea! But that would mean waiting whatever number of weeks of treatment to start the bac and that doesn't sound so great. Backa$$wards, the medical community is sometimes. Aiiyyyy!

              Best of luck to you. Baclofen has been a miracle for me and I hope it is for you, as well.
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

                Hello h4b!

                I was also very active on the TSM board. I could not get any benefits from TSM.

                Taking since 8th Jan Baclofen with so far incredible success.

                No craving. No drinks, no desire to drink. I can watch other people drinking and I am totally indifferent.
                15 freaking AF days in ROW! - Seriously considering total abstinence - an option for the first time in my life.

                For me Baclofen did the trick. If you have done TSM before, it might have cured your opoid receptor addiction. Now with Baclofen you can deal with your GABA addiction!

                All the best to you - please keep us updated!
                since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

                My stats :


                  On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

                  Yes, I guess the GABA thing is key. I am also a wine drinker.
                  I talked with my dr yesterday and she was open to bac, even though she had never heard of it being used for alcohol addiction. She asked if I had any studies and I printed out a bunch for her. She also thanked me for introducing her to TSM; she says it has helped lots of her other patients. So I'm looking forward to adding bac to my arsenal!


                    On TSM, thinking about adding baclofen

                    There is a 12 % margin where people do not respond to opioid antagonists - in this case the biological addiction may be coming from another system (such as GABA - the one valium/librium and Baclofen act on).

                    I think the reality is that Alcoholism is a combination of opioid and GABA addiction. It could be that you are 80% opioid receptor addicted and only 20% GABA - then TSM would help you significantly.

                    I think Baclofen cures the part that Nal is leaving out. Looking at people for whom TSM worked out, many of them still drink alcohol, and can not imagine living without alcohol.

                    The "can not imagine living without alcohol" is a very strong indicator for alcoholism. So although TSM helps reduce drinking to secure levels it does not help them to stop completely.

                    Since taking Baclofen I am seriously considering total abstinence (although abstinence is the wrong word, as it implicates constant fight against the drug).

                    I experience a control over Alcohol like I have never had before. It is not controlling me anymore. 3 Weeks on Baclofen and my thinking on Alcohol has almost zero'ed! I am seriously considering trashing a good part of my alcohol in my house.
                    16 AF days in a row. I keep on repeating the AF days in my posts - as I can simply not believe it!!! :clapping2:

                    I really think that going TSM the first instance is the right way. I think the initial combination of TSM+Baclofen is not good - as Baclofen lets you block the addiction (so you seriously reduce intake) meanwhile TSM needs significant intake of alcohol.
                    TSM 6-8 months - if results are not promising then switch to Baclofen. That way you defeated your Opioid receptor addiction and then deal only with the missing GABA. You can then still continue to take Nal before drinking - although WITH THE RIGHT DOSE your craving will be erased and you will seriously consider removing alcohol totally off your life!

                    The key to Baclofen is the dose. You have to take 2-3 mg/kg to receive a full relief of all symptoms of craving. There are tons of people reporting Baclofen is not working for them, mainly because they were only taking 30-80mg/day. Only 250mg/day did the trick for me!

                    Even people having success on Nal might consider taking Baclofen. It removes the last thoughts of alcohol in your brain!
                    since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                    since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                    reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                    since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                    since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

                    My stats :

