Got my Rx for Topa and am scared to start b.c of the possible side effects..... nausea and vomiting are NOT my friend!!! (I know some would say, "hello, you've had 4 kids, and you've been totally hungover many times, so WHY are you afraid of puking?") ... But I just am. I just need to get the courage up to take that first 25 mg. pill, which sounds so lame!!!! I am SO mentally ready for a change, but physically... I am scared. I had 2 glasses of wine tonight and I am thinking I should wait till I haven't consumed one ounce of alcohol before I start this drug-- just in case-- but I'm just not sure where I will muster the strength from... can anyone offer any advice?!?! For risk of sounding desperate and crazy and confused!
I know I'm not alone in the fact that as a mom of 4 young kids (and whatever anyone else has as a job!) I need to be able to function! (sounds SO stupid-- like I was REALLY able to function before on 2 bottles of wine per day...... YAH right!!) :P
Anyways, all this to say..... any tips about taking topa for the first few days? Experiences? Advice?
Thanks SO much you guys--