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Nal and Wine Drinkers

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    Nal and Wine Drinkers

    Hi All,
    I a ma white wine drinker; specifically Pinot Grigio. I was driking 2 bottles a night. I stated the Nal a week ago today and have had 2 AL free days and 3 days 2 glasses and 2 days one glass. I do say I have to really concentrate and push myself. Am I supposed to go moe with the flo and I should not have to even think about it or am I better pushing myself to keep it under control. I never would have been able to do that without the Nal. Moved up to 50mg last night and have bee nauseated most of the day today. Last night was one of the 2 glasses night but much better than 2 bottles. I have to keep the faith that Nal does work on white wine...


      Nal and Wine Drinkers

      hanging, as someone who's been there, I would strongly suggest pushing yourself to keep it under control if you can. The book promises an effortless 'cure' but I've only read of a handful, at most, (amongst hundreds), who got where they wanted to be like that. For the rest of the 'cured' they seemed to need some willpower at certain points, so if you can do so, why not apply it early on? It's supposed to be the number of times you drink on Nal that helps you, not the amount you drink each time.

      And don't get too hung up on this wine thing - absolutely no disrespect to the wine drinkers on Nal who have seen no results intended - because you already have had promising signs, so keep positive!
      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


        Nal and Wine Drinkers

        Thanks Eight, WOW! I should have hit spell check, looks as though I was drunk instead of busy at work. I agree, learning some self control early on is probably a good thing. Thanks for always responding so quickly.


          Nal and Wine Drinkers

          Last night I believe I felt the effects of Nal and only had two glasses of wine (pinot grigio here too)...anyway it gave me encouragement because normally I would have easily finished the bottle. Might have a glass or two tonight with the Nal...can't seem to let an open bottle of wine sit in the fridge!

          Everything I need is within me!

