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Topamax -long term use

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    Topamax -long term use

    I would really appreciate any input if anyone knows what the long term effects would be to continue taking this medication. I'm fine not drinking alcohol as long as I'm taking it, but am scared to quit taking the drug for fear I will slip back into old habits. Thanks for any input. Postalgram.

    Topamax -long term use


    I am not a doctor BUT there are several people here who have been on Topamax for a long, long time and staying sober.

    I hope they post and respond here.

    Also, Topamax is an anti-seizure medication. People who suffer from seizures take Topamax forever.

    While I am not versed in the effects of taking it long term, I can say that there are those who have no choice.

    It is great to hear it is helping you so much!! Congratulations and :welcome: to MWO.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Topamax -long term use

      Cindi, you are always so kind --answering a post seemingly unrelated to you.

      I will try to follow your example, since I have no experience with Topamax either.

      Alcohol is a far worse substance than almost any other you can put into your body. What is the record of long-term Topamax use compared to the record of long-term alcohol use?

      I don't know the answer to that, but please think about it before you start worrying about it.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Topamax -long term use

        Hi there. I have a dilemma and I'm hoping someone can offer some advice?
        My Doc decided she will not prescribe me Topamax for my problem. Another Doc I know said that the cognitive deficits that people get when they take it, outweigh the benefits of the curbing the alcohol craving. I'm not sure what to do, but I know I have to stop and cannot do it alone....
        I ordered from an online Pharmacy and plan on taking it anyway. My concerns are:
        1. Does this drug make you stupid?
        2. Can this drug be taken with Effexor?
        3. What will happen if I take this drug on my own???

        Can anyone help?
        Any advice is appreciated!


          Topamax -long term use

          As a former Topa user - I'll pop in a bit.

          I think the MOST important thing any/all of us have to keep in mind is that all of us will react differently to different medications. What works for some, will not for others. The awful side effects for some, will not be experienced at all by others.

          This is a great forum for information and understanding each other's experiences - BUT, you are not the same person you may be reading about.

          Topa was a miracle drug for me - to a point. As a daily "Mediterranean drinker", I had not seen an AF day for years. With Topa, I began to have those without much panic or stress.

          There are many here that have found great success with Topa. The downside for me, were the side effects.

          I was soon over the "spaciness" with Topa and handled that part just fine. But I started losing weight - rapidly. Great for some - not for me as I am still very active ad lost WAY too much weight. Not everyone has that SE! And then my hair began to thin - big time. Again - not everyone has this experience.

          I HATED stopping Topa because I really felt I was on to something. But I had too because of the SEs.

          We all have to test the waters for ourselves. Go slow and careful and remember that you may have found something that works for you - or you may need to keep exploring.

          PS: I was not "stupid" on Topa - in fact I still lectured through it all. And I did it w/o a DR.


            Topamax -long term use

            I can only state my own experience... As noted previously in this thread, everyone reacts differently. about 2 years ago I took Topa for about 3 months. It really helped with eliminating the craving! I ordered it online, & I followed the dosage schedule in the MWO book. It "kicked in" after about 3 weeks. By the time I was up to 200 mg I decided to quit due to the side effects...metallic taste in my mouth, my hair falling out big time (had already lost a lot due to thyroid issues, but they were then under control), anorexia (lost 35 lbs without trying at all!) and Topa Dopa .... I kept losing words! Generally at the worst times, like at work.
            It took quite a while before I returned to my earlier heavy drinking, but over time (6-8 months) I just slipped into old patterns. So now I am back here and have been taking Baclofen - this is day 10 and I am hoping the "switch" will turn soon!
            Wishing you the best of luck...
            "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
            Leonard Cohen


              Topamax -long term use

              Hi PG,

              I'm back again. I use to be known as Bird of Paradise around here a year ago. Welcome! My story is the almost exact same as Jenn's. EXACT. Except I'm still waiting for my Baclofen!
              I did gain benefit from Topa. I fell into the "I don't need a pill to help me anymore"....I didn't give my sobreity enought time. "The Dopa effect" evens out...the weight loss did not..until I discontinued taking the Topa. Good luck and keep posting.


                Topamax -long term use

                Hi, Postgram here, thanks everyone for all of your support, I really appreciated reading everyones thoughts, and did learn that everyones experience is different. I took my last topa pill today so until I can decide what to do hopefully I will keep doing the research and talk to my doctor. But I have enjoyed all the support I've gotten from MWO. Thanks bunches.


                  Topamax -long term use

                  So my doctor told me I may not need to go that high on the dosage and that I may be able to sit on 100 or 150 per day? Has anyone had any success at that level. I am currently on 50 mg and week 2.
                  I am hoping it might lick in sooner then MWO says and if it does I can stay on that level for a while and see what happens. Any thougth???


                    Topamax -long term use

                    I only needed to take 100 mg a day. It really helped me to quit. I am now more than 5 months AF. I stopped taking it a couple of weeks ago.


                      Topamax -long term use

                      So I have been to GP today as have been having blurred long distance vision. He says it is a common side effect .Scared the hell out of me. Started when I went up to 50 mgs (2ns day up) I had taken half a 25 mg tab for 3 days then a full25 mg tab for 4 days then thought as that was a weeks worth I would go up to 50. I can't drive so had to take day off today and went to GP. He didn't seem too concerned to said to go back to 25 for another week and that vision should come back. But jeez - I am giving it the weekend and then if no improvement - off it!! Too scary. I so wanted this to work. i just want to break this damn cycle. Thanks Waiting and Sidney. Sorry any typo's - this is all a bit of a blur.


                        Topamax -long term use

                        I am not a doctor but I would get a second opinion this effect due to topomax can be very serious

                        Potential Vision Issues with Topamax
                        by Teri Robert, MyMigraineConnection Lead Expert
                        Read Teri Robert's SharePosts

                        One of the medications that has been increasingly prescribed as a Migraine preventive is the neuronal stabilizing agent (anticonvulsant) Topamax (Topiramate), manufactured by Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. Topamax is the same class drug as Depakote and Neurontin, which are also in use as Migraine preventives.

                        On September 26, 2001, Joseph Hulihan, M.D., Director of CNS Research at Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. issued a warning statement to health care professionals warning of some startling potential side effects of Topamax. Postmarketing reports of these potential side effects indicate:

                        "Symptoms have typically occurred within the first month of therapy, with patients reporting an acute onset of decreased visual acuity and/or ocular pain. Eye examination revealed myopia, redness, shallowing of the anterior chamber and elevated ocular pressure, with or without pupil dilatation. Supraciliary effusion may displace the lens and iris anteriorly, secondarily causing angle closure glaucoma."

                        The following has now been added to Topamax prescribing information:

                        Acute Myopia and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma

                        A syndrome consisting of acute myopia associated with secondary angle closure glaucoma has been reported in patients receiving TOPAMAX. Symptoms include acute onset of decreased visual acuity and/or ocular pain. Ophthalmologic findings can include myopia, anterior chamber shallowing, ocular hyperemia (redness) and increased intraocular pressure. Mydriasis may or may not be present. This syndrome may be associated with supraciliary effusion resulting in anterior displacement of the lens and iris, with secondary angle closure glaucoma. Symptoms typically occur within 1 month of initiating TOPAMAX therapy. In contrast to primary narrow angle glaucoma, which is rare under 40 years of age, secondary angle closure glaucoma associated with topiramate has been reported in pediatric patients as well as adults. The primary treatment to reverse symptoms is discontinuation of TOPAMAX as rapidly as possible, according to the judgment of the treating physician. Other measures, in conjunction with discontinuation of TOPAMAX, may be helpful.

                        < Page 1 2 > Elevated intraocular pressure of any etiology, if left untreated, can lead to serious sequelae including permanent vision loss.

                        If you are taking Topamax, call your doctor immediately if you notice anything unusual in your vision, blurred vision, or pain around the eye.


                          Topamax -long term use

                          THanks Reggie - I found that after being to my GP who clearly had no idea. Binned the Topomax and happy to report one more scary day of very blurred vision but the following day noticed improvement then finally day three back to normal. But that scared the hell out of me and my husband. Glad I didn't follow what doctor said but did some more digging on internet. I am ony just back online here Reggie so just reading your heads up on it now - but thanks. It is full on that stuff and I am apparenlty in like 1 percent of people that have that reaction.
                          So now I am back to square one and very scared of meds. I have twin two year olds and would have never forgven myself not being able to see them grow up properly if my vision has been impared permanently. So now bak to Nal and sinclair I guess as I never saw any side effects but gave up after 4 months. I hear it can take more. So will see "useless happy to write script GP" and ask for Nal. I think this has inspired me to stop relying on drugs and to start using my will power. I know I have it in me. So new plan is 5 AF days midweek and NAL on weekends.
                          Here we go.


                            Topamax -long term use

                            Sidney - this is very encouraging to hear. I just started the Topa yesterday. I am very hopeful about this & hope that side effects won't 'get' me. I too would like to stay at around 100mg a day when I get there. I'll let you all know what I experience.


                              Topamax -long term use

                              Well topa does have some side effects for me. The nicest one is I lose weight! I get the tingling in my hands which is annoying but then I know it is working. Makes me forget words but nothing as bad as a terrible hangover. It surely makes me somehow subtly indifferent to alcohol but I still have to work at it. Go slowly up the on ramp otherwise you may feel spacey. Feel free to PM I would be happy to help. I don't think there are many people here still using it.

