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    Hi, I came here ages ago, wondering if there was a chemical /medical cure for drinking too much, then got sidetracked on to the TSM site, since TSM promises an effort free cure for drinking - just taking Nal one hour before drinking was going to cure me, without the slightest bit of effort of my part.

    Well, after 8 months and reaching pre TSM levels of c 125 units, I realised that TSM was simply providing me with a licence to drink all I want and wait to wake up cured. I was more likely to wake up dead.

    So I got online desperate one night and ordered Antabuse, which I've been taking since. It makes drinking impossible, cos of the sideffects, but since starting to take it I've only been tempted to try twice, in the first week. I have now been sober for 18 days.

    This is progress for me. I've rarely got this far before. It is years since I've been AF for more than 2 weeks.

    But I know that this disease doesn't give up easily, and I'm waiting warily for it to leap out and bite me from somewhere.



    Thank you for sharing your experience with us. And congratulations with your sobriety.

    I don't know why there have not been others who have responded, but maybe they are all so busy responding to other posts?

    There are a number of threads about antabuse on this forum, as I'm sure you know.

    Please keep us posted about your progress.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      Hi, I have spent the past 13 days sober after many years of heavy drinking EVERY night...around 150 standard drinks every week. I had to do a diazepam-based outpatient detox to guard against dangerous withdrawals, and from the very start I began taking Antabuse. I take it early in the afternoon each day, since my alcohol cravings and thoughts don't hit until evening approaches. I am also taking baclofen, although at modest daily doses compared to most other people here, as I have had trouble tolerating it.

      The baclofen seems to be helping with cravings, but without any doubt whatsoever the Antabuse has helped me dramatically. I'm sure I'd be drunk again if I wasn't taking it. Once I take it I know there is no point trying to make up excuses in my mind to drink when evening comes, so there's no longer the infuriating depressing mind-game raging in my head about wanting to drink but knowing I shouldn't.

      I have tried Antabuse before and made up excuses not to take it so I could go back to drinking, but this time I'm taking it like an obsessive ritual each day and constantly reminding myself how rotten life will instantly become if I go back to drinking. Antabuse isn't a cure but it certainly allows some "time out" from all the excuses to drink and allows time to try other activities at night in place of drinking. I've never been pro-AA but I'm finding that AA meetings are a valuable source of night social contact with sober and understanding people. I'm not religious either, but when starting my latest sobriety attempt I did say a quiet prayer to "something out there" and when I take the Antabuse I quietly thank that power for the latest opportunity to be sober. In a way I see the taking of Antabuse as a symbol of working with my higher power to stay sober.

      Best wishes, I hope you are able to keep taking Antabuse regularly and able to find substitute activities to take the place of drinking.



        Drink2Much and Greg,

        I am a great believer in "whatever it takes." Something good I have gotten from AA.

        It is good to see both of you doing whatever it takes.

        Yes, this disease does rear its ugly head at times. Taking the Antabuse will tell "it" to stay away.

        AF April 9, 2016



          Congratulations on your successes. I too got side tracked with TSM but I didn't stick with it as long as you did, or others.

          I came back here, and am not trying Bacolofen with a script from my dr. I hope this is the one.....time will tell.

          I just wanted to wish you well, and tell you, GOOD JOB!!!!!
          AF July 6 2014



            I have been alcohol free for over a year & i did not use any medication what so ever ,did it cold turkey, that was me.
            But I am really thankful that there are lots of approaches, why? Because there are a lot of different people with different beliefs, attitudes, interests and these different recovery approaches means that there is a place for all of us. No one approach works for everyone!

            It may be true for some that online supports or AA is not enough in itself, for others it is enough. That is fine, .

            We have enough of a struggle with alcohol without struggling with whose recovery group is best or worst. I have said it before - If it works for you great, hold onto it, if it doesn't then try another approach. Think of the recovery scene as a restaurant with a large menu - choose what suits and respect other people's choice.:goodjob: everyone

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

