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My NAL Trip

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    My NAL Trip

    Thanks, Scot! I seem to be on a bit of a plateau right now, but overall my units are down, I'm off sleep aids, and I'm feeling more in control than I have in years. More than I can say for anything else I've tried! Hoping for more "decrease" weeks soon, but mostly just staying the course. Appreciate your support.


      My NAL Trip

      Nal makes me nauseous but it does work for me. Best of luck to all trying.


        My NAL Trip

        First Post

        Hi There! I just wanted to pop in ad say I started on Nal and have been on it for 2 weeks tomorrow. I had a "girls reunion"...ok so I'm 52, more like a "moderately-aged women's" reunion last week with all ladies having cocktails, and I think I did quite well. No embarassments, no black-outs & I even left the wine in my glass and in the I can see that it is definitely working. I have been going to AA and have been a frequent relapser because I really don't have a "desire to stop drinking"...I have a "desire to stop getting drunk & out of control."
        I have been AF since last Thursday - my husband (alcohol policeman) will have trouble accepting this program - but I am hoping to ease him slowly...
        My daughter (19) can see the difference NAL is making since she went on the trip with me and she has never thought I was an "alcoholic" either...rather, alcohol just affects me differently...but with the Nal, I feel so much more in control for now...maybe the honeymoon too - not sure - just know it's worked so far.
        As far as AA goes, wonderful program for people, I do not want to become a "professional Alcoholic" and I don't really like the feeling of having to call someone everyday & reporting to them (sponsor) and be told what to a women, I think we already come into this world humble enough...our self-esteem does not need to take anymore hits then necessary. I prefer to think that "the past is gone forever" and that I don't need to keep bringing it up in a drunkalog...just my humble opinion for me...I know it works for others and has saved their lives, and that is awesome.
        Alrighty then...carry-on, and here's to us!! :new:


          My NAL Trip

          Hi, Trooper!

          Thanks for posting, Trooper. You are headed in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any questions about Nal -- I've been at this going on 20 weeks now, and I have experiences to share. Very glad your daughter is supportive. Who cares about the label -- "alcoholic," "alcohol affects me differently," bleh. You are here because you've acknowledged your problem and want to approach it with dignity and science rather than groveling and magical thinking. Good for you!!


            My NAL Trip

            Best week yet!

            Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

            Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

            Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

            Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

            Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

            Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

            Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

            Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

            Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

            Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

            Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

            Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

            Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

            Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

            Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

            Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

            Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

            Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

            Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

            Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF


              My NAL Trip

              Week 20 Update

              Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

              Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

              Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

              Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

              Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

              Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

              Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

              Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

              Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

              Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

              Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

              Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

              Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

              Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

              Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

              Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

              Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

              Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

              Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

              Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

              Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

              A bit disheartened this week.... Just trying to remember that this is by its nature a long, confusing trip. Best wishes to all here!


                My NAL Trip

                Welcome, Trooper!:welcome:

                I took NAL for about 3 weeks and Baclofen for about 2 weeks and am now Alcohol Free (AF). Since you're new here, you can go to this Forum and click on Naltrexone (in blue font) and all the posts/information about Naltrexone will pop up. It's REALLY helpful. It is a slow process.

                Seeking, you've been wonderful to post your progress and taking the time to keep us informed! Thank you so much. I always enjoy reading your posts.

                Trooper, I started at 50 mg. and I took it with food for a few days before I went to 75 mg. I didn't get nauseated until I went up to 100 mg. but it was worth it to me because with all the alcohol I've consumed in the last 3 1/2 years, I've put on 60 pounds:upset: so the NAL not only decreased the desire to drink but to eat as well.

                NAL takes time and I'm sure your husband is looking for instant results. He's probably just not educated about it; most people think only of AA and Rehab to treat problem drinking. My family wasn't crazy about me going on NAL....they were very skeptical, but I have to say, I have happily proven them wrong. You and Seeking will get there....I know it. You can do it!

                Good luck on your journey and Private Message me if you wish,



                  My NAL Trip

                  Rusty, that's an incredibly short amount of time from disease to cure. Also an interesting deviation from Sinclair's recommendation re: Nal dosage. What brought you to follow this protocol? Very interesting. Thanks for the kind words re: my posts.... It really helps me to stick with the program if I make myself responsible to the boards, checking in.


                    My NAL Trip

                    Hi Seeking,

                    I really don't know why it didn't take long for me to become AF after being on NAL and BAC for such a short's a mystery I'm happy to leave alone.

                    I did not execute the Sinclair Method....I wanted NAL to help with the cravings to give me time to change my routines, habits, and thoughts, and that's what NAL and BAC did for me. I used BAC because when I quit drinking, I suffered from horrible insomnia and it fortunately made me sleepy enough that I could fall asleep and stay asleep.

                    I was not a during-the-day drinker as I have an extremely demanding and time-consuming career and even when my drinking was at its worst, I was never consumed by "drinking thoughts" during the day. My problem has always been after work, and/or on the weekend bingeing. I had to find an activity, "my plan" for after work so I didn't end up drinking for 2 or 3 hours on the weekdays I did drink. Now my workout routine replaces the after work drinking and planned family events replaces my drinking time on the weekend. I was also very committed to being AF finally with my excess weight being a huge motivation.

                    I so appreciate the time you put into charting your progress, Seeking. You provide valuable information to newbies and veterans alike. AA is not my cup of tea, either, and I know it works for millions but it was not the path I wanted to take. I'm glad we both found the right one, it seems!



                      My NAL Trip

                      Weeks 21 and 22

                      Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                      Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                      Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                      Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                      Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                      Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                      Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                      Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                      Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                      Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                      Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                      Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                      Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                      Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                      Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                      Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                      Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                      Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                      Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                      Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF


                        My NAL Trip

                        Hi I have read through this thread and found it interesting and helpful

                        I am about to start Naltrexone tomorrow. I finally got the nerve to talk to my Doc about my alcohol problem.

                        I am a beer binge drinker. I don't drink wine or any other liquor. If I have one or two I will always have 5-6. I binge I can't moderate - never have and never will. I'm a small person so 6 beers pretty much is my maximum. On occasion I'll have 7 or 8 but I am completely smashed and severely hungover.

                        In the past 15 years...I generally binge 1-2 times a week (sometimes 3 and sometimes less).

                        Since joining MWO in January I have done better staying AF then the past 15 years. I went 18AF then 42 days, and a few week long AF's so far this year. I have the CD's, supplements and this site which has helped big time but I need something else to really help me quit completely.

                        So will try Naltrexone and hopefully it will help with all the other steps I am doing. I will keep reading this thread to hear of other's journeys on this med. Thanks!


                          My NAL Trip

                          Welcome, Meech!

                          If I can be of any help, please PM me or post here. I have lots of hope for you and am feeling great about my experience so far. Stick with it and ALWAYS take your Nal one hour before you drink. Please keep track of your progress here as often as you can so that you have a record.... You may even help others! Kudos to you for understanding your problem and treating it as the disease that it is.


                            My NAL Trip

                            Update -- away a few weeks

                            Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                            Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                            Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                            Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                            Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                            Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                            Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                            Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                            Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                            Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                            Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                            Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                            Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                            Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                            Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                            Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                            Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                            Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                            Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                            Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF

                            Week 23: 26 units, 4 AF

                            Week 24: 37 units, 2 AF

                            Week 25: 34 units, 3 AF

                            Week 26: 32 units, 2 AF

                            Week 27: 18 units, 3 AF

                            Still a pattern of a couple weeks of higher units, then a week of lower ones. The lower weeks seem to be lower each time.... I think that over time, a graph will show an overall decrease. And I'm hoping that the "higher" weeks will begin to be fewer and farther between. A couple of the higher weeks lately were vacation weeks overseas, so you do the math.


                              My NAL Trip

                              Hi, I just got Nal from my doctor, going to start it tomorrow. Just wondering about the side effects & what time is the best to take it?


                                My NAL Trip

                                for Xavier


                                To follow The Sinclair Method, a person should take his/her Nal at least one hour before drinking. The side-effects from Nal the first couple of times for some are nausea and dizziness. Some people feel agitated or sleepy. Some feel no different than usual.

                                Also if a person is following TSM, he/she should start out at half-dose the first couple of times, then go up to full dose. This can mitigate the SEs.

                                The most important things: A person on TSM should NEVER drink without Nal, and ALWAYS wait at least an hour from taking Nal before drinking.

                                Hope this helps. If you have not read Dr. Sinclair's book or the literature available here and at other sites about TSM, you should.

                                I am NOT a medical professional; this is anecdotal stuff ONLY, not medical advice.

