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My NAL Trip

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    My NAL Trip

    Thanks seeking1,
    I haven't read TSM, but will look it up now. Wow I'm going to have to start mine in the morning as that's when I usually start, hope it lasts the day out.


      My NAL Trip


      Xavier, if you are an all-day drinker, PLEASE consult the literature online and get the book to figure out how to dose your Nal. I believe that some all-day drinkers take Nal one hour before the first drink, then again 12 hours later if they're going to continue drinking. I am an evening drinker usually, so I don't have any personal experience with this. You really, REALLY need to read up on the method before you begin -- Nal is FAR more effective with TSM than just used randomly on its own.


        My NAL Trip

        Also just wanted to say that I drink about 3 bottles of wine a day, I haven't started the Nal yet (which I've had for 2 days) I think I'm just really scared aboput the side effects but I'm also waiting for blood test results for liver function. That's my excuse anyway!
        My big wake up call was when I told my 3yr old that I was going to the doctor & he said to me "to get all the wine out of your belly" How bad is that! Why does my little man have to grow up watching his mother have a wine glass in her hand all day. I have just booked him into some activities during the week so I will have to take him & won't be able to drink ( driving ofcourse) That will get me away from the bottle & give him some fun away from home. I think I haven't done this in the past because I needed to be home to drink, & couldn't drive him somewhere, it kind of interfered with my drinking day.
        Not anymore I am determined to do this & would love and appreciate all the support I can get! xx


          My NAL Trip

          More for Xavier

          Hi again, Xavier.

          I think it's great that you are doing this for both you and your family. Everyone here has felt the pain and guilt and humiliation associated with letting down those we love because of alcoholism.

          My experience was that the side-effects of Nal were kinda bad the first two days, then almost zero after that. The positives for me have been SOOOO worth those couple of uncomfortable days. And NONE of the brief discomfort on Nal was even close to that of a bad hangover.

          Everyone has a different reaction to Nal. If you're like most who have success, you'll have SEs up front and then a honeymoon period during which your drinking will decrease, dramatically or semi-dramatically. It will then go back up, and you like all of us will question yourself and the program and the drug. It may take three, six, nine, twelve months or more until it works for you. It may never work for you. But read the literature: In the majority of cases, if taken correctly in alignment with TSM, Nal works.

          Please keep posting here or PM me if you have more questions or concerns!


            My NAL Trip

            Hi seeker, thanks for your kind words.
            I'm on day 2 & haven't really had any bad side effects, feel a bit foggy but that's about it. Took my first nal yesterday at about 9.30am, had my first drink at 10.30 am. That bottle of Sav Blanc lasted me until 5.30pm & that was it, didn't have anymore.
            Had a shocker of a sleep though, but I'm going to stay away from the sleeping tablets & just see how it pans out.
            Today I took it at 9.30 as well & have had 1 drink so far and it is currently 1.00 pm.
            I'm exited about what is happening, but will have to just wait & see how the weeks go, & when I can go 1 day AF. :thanks:


              My NAL Trip


              Great news, Xavier! Keep me posted. It sounds like you're having a textbook decrease the first couple of days. That is a VERY good sign re: ultimate success. Let me hear more as your days go by!!


                My NAL Trip

                Check out Week 28!

                Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF

                Week 23: 26 units, 4 AF

                Week 24: 37 units, 2 AF

                Week 25: 34 units, 3 AF

                Week 26: 32 units, 2 AF

                Week 27: 18 units, 3 AF

                Week 28: 5 units, 6 AF

                Note: Bronchitis in Week 28 (one reason for low units), but I would've had several drinking days through the illness in the past. Also, my tolerance has gone down quite a lot -- this week, for example, experienced unexpectedly bad hangover after 5 units. Progress!


                  My NAL Trip

                  Hi Seeking1,
                  Had a bad time on the Nal. I took it for 2 days, & on the 3rd day (hadn't taken the nal yet, as I was at work) ended up in the doctors with my blood pressure 157 / 120. Could of had a heart attack or stroke with it that high. So in the end I'm not allowed to take it anymore, my body just does not agree with it.
                  That was Friday & it is now Monday & I'm just starting to feel normal again. Scary when all it took was 2 tablets to have that sort of reaction.
                  I'll just keep going on my own now. I'm sure I will get there!
                  Thanks for your advise & it looks like you're going great!!


                    My NAL Trip

                    So sorry, Xavier

                    X, so sorry to hear about your SEs on Nal. I've never heard of a reaction that strong in the bp department -- wow. It isn't a miracle cure for everyone, and there are other things that work. Hope you find your path! Best wishes to you.


                      My NAL Trip

                      X, is it possible that the elevated blood pressure was due to withdrawal or drink? Either one can cause it to go up. Something to consider before totally ditching the naltrexone trial.


                        My NAL Trip

                        Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                        Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                        Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                        Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                        Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                        Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                        Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                        Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                        Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                        Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                        Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                        Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                        Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                        Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                        Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                        Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                        Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                        Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                        Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                        Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                        Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                        Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                        Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF

                        Week 23: 26 units, 4 AF

                        Week 24: 37 units, 2 AF

                        Week 25: 34 units, 3 AF

                        Week 26: 32 units, 2 AF

                        Week 27: 18 units, 3 AF

                        Week 28: 5 units, 6 AF

                        Week 29: 38 units, 1 AF (big swing after low in Week 28)

                        Week 30: 26 units, 3 AF

                        Week 31: 26 units, 3 AF

                        I am noticing that I am having thoughts like some others here about the train's having slowed down and my possibly being able to step off due to Nal. Also thinking that at Week 32 and a bit of a plateau, maybe a catalyst is needed to send the units down to the next lower level. There have been lots of discussions here and on other boards re: willpower vs. letting Nal work. I'm starting to believe that for me, the final push toward cure may be exerting a bit of willpower NOW THAT I CAN. (I am drinking half what I was at the beginning of this process and very often feel indifferent to or repulsed by alcohol -- more attracted to it at times via habit than via craving.) There is no way I would've been able to realistically consider choosing to stop drinking in the middle of a session a few months ago; it's possible that now I may be able to guide myself toward bed or another activity rather than those last few habitual drinks. My physical tolerance is lower, and a few times lately I've simply gotten sick of drinking and done something else or gone to bed (the latter aided by my having conquered the alcohol- and pill-related insomnia that plagued me at the beginning of this journey -- see older posts). I'm going to start fiddling with this idea in the coming weeks. Not going to overthink it; these are just a few notes for those who are following. If the willpower theory is flawed, I'll admit it and keep trusting the Nal. And I'll keep posting....


                          My NAL Trip

                          Breakthrough - IT WORKS

                          Hi, all. I've been away a while -- hit a long plateau, tried some willpower (not much success with that though it was interesting), got tired of posting the same stuff over and over. Kept taking Nal, kept keeping track of units.

                          The last three weeks have been a breakthrough. (I know that it's possible that I'll swing back up in consumption, but I feel solid lately -- like habits masquerading as cravings are getting changed via practice, just as the cravings began to change for me via Nal.)

                          My alcohol cravings are down to less than 1/4 of what they were when I started. My weekly units are into the teens now. I am having weeks with far more AF than drinking days. When I do drink, my units are about 1/3 of what they used to be per session.

                          And I am healthier than I have been in a long, long time -- Doing yoga four days a week and cardio two to three days a week, eating healthy.... This is where I hoped I'd be at the beginning, and I sense that it's going to get even better from here. (By the way, I don't mean to get preachy, but I've come to believe that a centering practice like yoga can be really helpful on the Nal journey. It calms the racing thoughts, promotes good sleep, and creates balance and positivity with or without exercise endorphins. At least for me.) There were some white-knuckled, nasty weeks before this breakthrough, and I'm grateful to be here. Excited about the future!

                          Oh, and I know we say and hear it all the time, but TSM's timeline (in the book) is bogus for most of us. I'm in Week 43, nine weeks away from a year on TSM. HANG IN THERE -- IT WORKS. NOT FOR EVERYONE, BUT IT WORKS.

                          I left off at Week 31 (last time I posted).


                          Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                          Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                          Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                          Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                          Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                          Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                          Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                          Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                          Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                          Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                          Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                          Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                          Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                          Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                          Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                          Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                          Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                          Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                          Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                          Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                          Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                          Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                          Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF

                          Week 23: 26 units, 4 AF

                          Week 24: 37 units, 2 AF

                          Week 25: 34 units, 3 AF

                          Week 26: 32 units, 2 AF

                          Week 27: 18 units, 3 AF

                          Week 28: 5 units, 6 AF

                          Week 29: 38 units, 1 AF (big swing after low in Week 28)

                          Week 30: 26 units, 3 AF

                          Week 31: 26 units, 3 AF

                          Week 32: 31 units, 2 AF

                          Week 33: 21 units, 3 AF

                          Week 34: 27 units, 3 AF

                          Week 35: 24 units, 3 AF

                          Week 36: 29 units, 2 AF

                          Week 37: 26 units, 3 AF

                          Week 38: 34 units, 2 AF

                          Week 39: 27 units, 3 AF

                          Week 40: 14 units, 4 AF

                          Week 41: 12 units, 5 AF

                          Week 42: 18 units, 4 AF


                            My NAL Trip

                            Headed for the Cured List

                            Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                            Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                            Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                            Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                            Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                            Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                            Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                            Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                            Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                            Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                            Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                            Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                            Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                            Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                            Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                            Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF

                            Week 19: 20 units, 4 AF

                            Week 20: 36 units, 1 AF

                            Week 21: 27 units, 3 AF

                            Week 22: 20 units, 4 AF

                            Week 23: 26 units, 4 AF

                            Week 24: 37 units, 2 AF

                            Week 25: 34 units, 3 AF

                            Week 26: 32 units, 2 AF

                            Week 27: 18 units, 3 AF

                            Week 28: 5 units, 6 AF

                            Week 29: 38 units, 1 AF (big swing after low in Week 28)

                            Week 30: 26 units, 3 AF

                            Week 31: 26 units, 3 AF

                            Week 32: 31 units, 2 AF

                            Week 33: 21 units, 3 AF

                            Week 34: 27 units, 3 AF

                            Week 35: 24 units, 3 AF

                            Week 36: 29 units, 2 AF

                            Week 37: 26 units, 3 AF

                            Week 38: 34 units, 2 AF

                            Week 39: 27 units, 3 AF

                            Week 40: 14 units, 4 AF

                            Week 41: 12 units, 5 AF

                            Week 42: 18 units, 4 AF

                            Week 43: 17 units, 4 AF

                            Week 44: 18 units, 4 AF

                            ...and five days into Week 45, 4 units and 4 AF! Easy as pie, hardly any thoughts of alcohol. Just working out and enjoying my family. I am headed for the Cured List in the new year.


                              My NAL Trip

                              Hate to say it, but baclofen appears to be even more effective! Since starting in August I have done 6 days AF per week, minimum, with several 2 week stretches and a 3 week stretch, all without any effort on my part. It feels like a 100% reduction in alcohol intake - in reality it's maybe a 95% reduction. In any case my life has gone from borderline suicidal to fun again.

                              But congratulations on your success with an inferior product!


                                My NAL Trip

                                well I finally got to the point where I am taking my Nal regularly again and the results for me are great. I have noticed that I am not having a drink some days at all and if I am in a party situation it is one maybe two and I am done. I am so happy about this because I avoided it for a while not wanting the side effects. I grinned and bore it for a while and am I ever glad I did. It is so nice not to be brutally hungover and be functional again. I still find the side effects are gross. Shakey hands, tiredness, occasional nausea, are not great but I will pay that price not to be embarrassed and possibly fired. Thank you Nal!

