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My NAL Trip

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    My NAL Trip

    CM, Brightlite, Hanging and DisEase, thank you so much for your insights. Everyone's patterns are so different.... I hope that those of us who are down and not seeing much progress will keep with it. Between Nal and Bac and our own evolving systems of moderating/abstaining, there is going to be a key for each of us that unlocks this prison. Don't give up! And keep up the self-care -- things like exercise, naps, healthy food tell our bodies that we're not going to let them get sicker and sicker without a fight.

    DisEase, my experience so far with Nal has been very like yours. Here's my update for Week 5 of TSM:

    I've been thinking that my original calculation of pre-TSM units/week may have been a bit high because I was still figuring out how to calculate units the "right" way (finally gave up and just went with one glass of wine/one beer/one shot (alone or in a drink) = one unit). My usual poison is wine, and I think there are about five glasses (my pours) in a bottle. So I think I should recalculate my pre-TSM units/week at 40-55 rather than 50-70. This isn't the way everyone's calculating, but (other than my original pre-TSM calculation) you should be able to see trends in my numbers regardless as I am keeping my own "unit" pretty consistent. I thought I should make this note about my pre-TSM adjustment as it makes my progress look less dramatic (don't want to mislead anyone or give false hope).

    Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (NOT standard TSM calculation, see above), 0-4 AF

    Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF (definitely honeymoon)

    Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

    Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

    Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

    Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

    A few notes:

    -- My units seem to be staying pretty low (compared to pre-TSM). Week 1 was definitely the honeymoon, and Week 3 was a spike. It's now Week 6. I've yet to go back to pre-TSM levels or above. I'm still drinking quite a bit in each session -- Note that there are sometimes 4 AF days in a week, so the Nal + Al days are contributing lots of units each.

    -- I can barely drink red wine anymore. It used to be my drink of choice. It tastes pretty bad now, and I have to choke it down when I choose it. I've found myself drinking white wine and vodka/cran.

    -- Craving: Seems more "habit" now (e.g., looking forward to wine with dinner) than overwhelming desire. It will take a while to understand what's what, I'm sure.

    -- Definitely still having way more control when I drink. Remembering most or all of my evenings, drinking each drink slower. My husband frequently "laps" me now when we are out for drinks, which was unheard of before. (He is not an alcoholic and usually stops drinking on a given evening long before I do.)

    -- Nal continues to have a very flattening effect on my mood. I think that this is because a) without endorphins, the days after drinking I feel way more letdown and b) endorphins in general are lower.

    -- Hangovers have become brutal. Many others report this -- just want to say that I hear you.

    -- Still needing sleeping pills on AF days. I was doing a good job titrating down but then noticed a spike in need for them last week (not a desire for a "high" -- just unable to sleep without a bit more each time). So I think I may go cold turkey (my dose isn't high enough that this is medically dangerous) and just get off of them. That's not fun as it means two or three nights with no or very little sleep.... But I've done it before, and once they're out of my system, I'm able to get sleep normally again, usually, on AF nights.

    I've noticed that some here have long periods of no AF days/nights. Everyone's drinking pattern is different.... In the past, I've had whole weeks that were binges. More recently (pre-TSM), it's been more likely that I'll alternate drinking night/AF/drinking night/AF. This has definitely become a more noticeable pattern on TSM -- possibly because the hangovers are so bad. More on this as I figure it out....

    -- Like DisEase, I find that I'm not so worried anymore about getting the next drink/calculating whether there's another bottle at home after the bar/etc. The Nal + Al equation has calmed something in me, both when I'm drinking and when I'm not -- just not as much obsession.


      My NAL Trip

      great job! I think the habit is hard to break, it seems I have a lot more time on my hands which is good because I have a ton of things to do. I am trying to take it a day at a time and stay strong.


        My NAL Trip

        Best of luck Virgil. I hope you do well and Hangin I have been having the one bottle days lately too. Annoying ever since a painful breakup. Right now my glass of wine tastes like salt thanks to Nal.


          My NAL Trip

          Hi all,

          I hear you Potato. For me, trying to have a relationship and fight the devil, just doesn't mix. Don't let it get you down....if he was too much of a drinker, that will never work.


          I said I was going to be AF Sunday....but I wasn't and I was very disappointed with myself. Then AF two days. Drank a bottle on Wednesday night. AF on Thursday and I am going to try to be AF for the weekend. I do seem to be getting more AF days under my belt and really starting to enjoy the feeling especially in the mornings of waking up clear headed. The more AF days I have, the more positive reinforcement of being AF.

          Hang in there all my Nal friends.

          Everything I need is within me!


            My NAL Trip

            Hi, all. Brightlite, sounds like you are on the right track. We all have a long road, and no one is perfect. Where are you now with Nal/Bac/etc.? (I know you've posted elsewhere about this -- just wanting to get updated info from you.)

            Here's my Week 6 update:

            Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

            Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

            Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

            Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

            Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

            Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

            Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

            Units continue to be lower than pre-TSM. I am not having expectations, only hope.


              My NAL Trip

              Hi all,

              I did have 4 AF days last week, but Friday I drank too much, more than a bottle of wine and I had one of the worst hangovers in years. Barely could get out of bed on Sat. So of course Sat was AF.

              I'm going to try for Mon-Fri AF this week. However, I've decided that if I do drink, I will of course take my Nal and try to limit the amount I consume. The idea of trying to drink a whole bottle of wine seems horrible to me now. Pre-TSM that would be no problem and I would pop out of bed in the a.m. with only the slightest grogginess. Maybe this stuff is working! Oh happy day!

              What I do know is that I do not want to have another hangover like that again!

              Everything I need is within me!


                My NAL Trip

                Week 7 Update

                Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                A couple of days into Week 8 now. Would appreciate any insights -- Not sure how to read my units/week as trend(s). Obviously dipped the first two weeks, then came back a bit. Still nothing like my pre-TSM units. Thoughts?


                  My NAL Trip

                  You're doing tremendously well seeking!!

                  It's probably far too early to read any trends into your figures, but the fact you've managed to cut down so significantly and consistently might possibly be a good sign that you'll be one of the lucky few to get a quick 'cure' from Nal. Unfortunately, you wouldn't know that until it happened.

                  If not, don't be disheartened if your drinking increases before finally dropping right down, as has happened with so many others. For many it's just part of the process.

                  So, very very encouraging so far, but too early to predict anything quite yet, I'd say.

                  Keep up the great work, especially those AF days with positive up-regulation of endorphins and positive reinforcement of other, healthier activities
                  I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                    My NAL Trip

                    Thanks, 8!


                      My NAL Trip

                      thanks brightlite for your reply. I so agree with you about trying to fight the devil and have a relationship. They just do not mix unless openmindedness can prevail. Alas this is a dream. That I can find a partner who will work with me. thanks


                        My NAL Trip

                        potato;830953 wrote: thanks brightlite for your reply. I so agree with you about trying to fight the devil and have a relationship. They just do not mix unless openmindedness can prevail. Alas this is a dream. That I can find a partner who will work with me. thanks
                        I agree with both of you on the whole. Unfortunately I'm rather too romantic, so won't rule out meeting someone who's understanding and with understanding and openmindedness as the key. I feel worth it, despite my problems (and after all everyone has them). It may be a long shot for us all right now, but we definitely shouldn't rule it out, though we should probably be particularly careful!

                        Just mho
                        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                          My NAL Trip

                          4 weeks taking nal only starting tsm principles today

                          :wd: hi everyone .... i too have been taking nal every day for 4 weeks now its quite hard to get it prescribed for al here in england ... had to see a psychiatrist who didnt mention TSM at all just said take one a day ..... my cravings are def down and units down a bit too but still drinking much too much have just finished the book outlining TSM and am going to implement the nal an hour before - drinking diary - no nal on abstinent days (if only! we'll see) rules starting today ........ does any one have an outline for a diary which covers the craving and units experienced each day???? take care everyone..... have a good day here from bank holiday england!!
                          I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round .... really love to watch them roll .... no longer riding on the merry-go-round ...... I just had to let it go

                          Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans


                            My NAL Trip

                            Great humble opinion Eight Days, and definitely better than my jaded one. Lol. Thanks


                              My NAL Trip


                              Hi there, Pompey.

                              There are no real rules for a diary, or even units. Dr. Eskapa's book shows how some calculate units. It was too hard for my VERY non-mathematical brain, so I've just used one beer, one glass of wine, one shot = one unit. I am a wine drinker, and I figure about 5 glasses in a bottle. As far as cravings, etc., if you look at people's progress threads here, you'll see that some list units, craving, and meds (whether Bac, Nal, or other) each week. Others include even more info. In my actual diary, I note units and observations (about sleep, hangovers, relationships, etc.). I don't include all of my observations here, just sometimes some I think others might find useful or about which I have questions. Hope this helps!


                                My NAL Trip

                                Week 8 Update

                                Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                                Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                                Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                                Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                                Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                                Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                                Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                                Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                                Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                                Still staying pretty steady. Waiting to see if this plateau will continue, if units will rise back to or above "before" levels, or if they will begin to decline (for a while or to extinction, perhaps with a burst?). Not too worried or overthinking. I remain concerned about use of benzo sleep meds on AF nights. I was able to taper at first but am back to usual dosage. I can quit these cold turkey (have done so before) but know that that means at least 48, sometimes 72 hours with no sleep -- and the next three weeks are extremely busy (need to be alert). I'll keep updating. Most important to me is allowing TSM to work, so I will need to kick the benzos for sleep at some point -- they could be the reason I continue on the plateau, but not sure. I know that some here have had success while staying at low doses of benzos while others have found that they hamper progress.

                                Thanks to all for the continued support!

