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My NAL Trip

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    My NAL Trip


    I'm sure you're aware that Nal has a honeymoon period for many (and that it's said that those with a honeymoon period = those for whom it ultimately will work). Do NOT get frustrated if you pass through this "good" phase with reduced consumption of Al and then go back to heavy drinking. That is normal. VERY few of us are cured in a few months, let alone a couple of weeks. Just let the process be, and be vigilant about Nal + one hour before Al each time!


      My NAL Trip

      Eight Days. I admire and respect your first post. Of course no one knows for sure but it is still young and needs more conclusive work. I am feeling like a test sometimes of the medication.


        My NAL Trip

        Week 14

        Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

        Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

        Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

        Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

        Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

        Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

        Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

        Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

        Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

        Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

        Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

        Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

        Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

        Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

        Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

        Note: Started off Week 15 with an evening with Nal + one drink. One was all I wanted, it turns out.

        And I am officially off of prescription sleep meds. Excited to see what happens!


          My NAL Trip

          So much I want to comment on here, but am falling asleep at the wheel - again! But need to go to bed regardless...will try again later :-)


            My NAL Trip

            Hi Seeking,

            So sorry....I just saw your post in response to mine 5-12. Yup, I'm aware of Nal's honeymoon period but for now, I'll guess I'll enjoy the honeymoon since I've never been on one ! LOL. My drinking has decreased 50% just by being on NAL and reading the posts from everyone here. I so appreciate the time you took to honestly log your progress and drinking patterns. You do everyone here a wonderful service. Wishing you success in your journey! :-)



              My NAL Trip

              Hi all, Major newbie here, just wondering what youre jargon TSM stands for, I've just started the MWO program and the dreaded topamax is making me very tired and teary and cranky, but tnite is my first nite for as long as I can remember that I'm not interested in popping my beloved champs bottle, that I would have at least 1 -2 bottles a night:-/ But after trying to get my usual buzz last night and just getting frustrated because that pleasure path wasn't activated due to the topamax I guess, I went to bed in tears feeling ripped off that my old comfort bubble haze was eluding messed up is that, I should have been cheering that it's working...go figure


                My NAL Trip

                TSM stands for the sinclair method. the most effective way to use naltrexone. but it takes a long time. I'm doing it and having success but I hope extinction occurs before too long. trying to be patient.

                check out • Index page if you want to know more about it. Meanwhile I hope the Topo works


                  My NAL Trip

                  Well, the most important point first - seeking you seem to be going really, really well, all power to you

                  I love the fact that you have so many alcohol free days and that you're adding in such positive activities like yoga. It's all so promising! I know everyone's different, but for me I think I might have had more success on TSM a long time ago if I'd been able to have those AF days, wash the Nal out my system, and indulge in healthy, endorphin-releasing pursuits.

                  You're doing great, and I'd really like the echo the thanks for continuing to post your progress here, it indeed could and most probably will save other lives in the future - how amazing is that?!

                  seeking1;844392 wrote: Hi, 8.

                  I certainly understand why you have these questions and why you're frustrated. I don't have answers other than via my own experience. I don't know about percentages (e.g. the legendary 78%).... I sometimes wonder if there doesn't seem to be a lower success rate than promised because some of those for whom Nal works simply drift away from the boards as they no longer think (and thus no longer write) about alcohol and alcoholism. But that's just an idea.
                  I think there's a lot in the point you make, and crown (hey buddy, great to see you, and continuing to do so well!) also. I equally think though that people drop off when it doesn't work, and I know quite a few who have done so without making it public, so I'm guessing it evens out to an extent. On the 'cured' side, personally I can't fathom how someone can have their life turned around and yet not make one single post to say they've been 'cured' so they can be put on the list on the TSM forum. I guess there must be a few folk like that in life, but even so....?

                  seeking1;844396 wrote: PS, 8 -- I've wondered the same thing about Bac/benzos/GABA. Eskapa has said that benzos CAN be a factor in TSM not working for some, but to my knowledge there is nothing conclusive, and yes, it does seem odd that if both benzos and Bac have this relationship to GABA, there's a drug in the work that combines Bac and Nal. My fine arts education is not serving me well, here.
                  I have an arts education too and struggle with a lot of this, although I've followed what's in the book and most of the arguments put forward on the forum. Unless there's clinical feedback at least (and there's been no hint of that) I just don't get this point. I saw a doc in London who worked with Sinclair and Eskapa and he said the same thing, but had absolutely nothing to back it up with. Bizarre.

                  aurora borialis;855361 wrote:
                  Eight Days. I admire and respect your first post. Of course no one knows for sure but it is still young and needs more conclusive work. I am feeling like a test sometimes of the medication.
                  Thank you for your kind words. Yes, we are indeed pioneers here! In certain cases we're way ahead of even the foremost experts I believe in our experiments, that's why we're so valuable - invaluable in fact - to each other.

                  I'm dragging seeking's thread already off-topic too much. But I'm preparing (slowly, unfortunately) a thread about my questions of where TSM's headed, and will probably write to Dr Eskapa. The crux really is that Baclofen seems to be gaining a head of steam because it has more of the medical community getting behind it. I'm interested in both equally if they're a 'cure' (and by many accounts many people have been 'cured' - and their lives totally transformed - by both) and so don't like to see one sideline the other.

                  houtx;861488 wrote:
                  So much I want to comment on here, but am falling asleep at the wheel - again! But need to go to bed regardless...will try again later :-)
                  Great to see you here houtx, hope you're doing well on the Bac
                  I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                    My NAL Trip

                    No worries!

                    I'm glad that we're having these conversations, and NO ONE should worry about hijacking this thread -- I will always drag it back to my progress, anyway. I'm thrilled that my posts here are opening up into ideas and challenges.... Keep posting here as long as you like, all!


                      My NAL Trip

                      Week 15

                      Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                      Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                      Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                      Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                      Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                      Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                      Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                      Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                      Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                      Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                      Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                      Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                      Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                      Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                      Continuing to feel promise in the absence of prescription sleep meds. Went to VEGAS (!) this past week for a long weekend with friends. Mixed bag -- a couple of nights of clarity while drinking, a couple foggy. ALL, though, far better than they would've been a few months ago.


                        My NAL Trip

                        Thanks for the info about TSM

                        joe12pack;867471 wrote: TSM stands for the sinclair method. the most effective way to use naltrexone. but it takes a long time. I'm doing it and having success but I hope extinction occurs before too long. trying to be patient.

                        check out • Index page if you want to know more about it. Meanwhile I hope the Topo works
                        Thanks so much I'll research the sinclair method, it's great to have back up plans, for now I'm hoping the topo will do the trick for me, if I can handle the side effects:thanks::thanks:I admire youre determination and patience, we all struggle with this inner battle often alone and I am gratefull from the bottom of my heart for youre encouragement and your kind support. :h Good luck with the rollercoaster wouldn't it be great if we could get on and off when we felt like it, thats the goal I guess


                          My NAL Trip


                          Hi there, Chickey.

                          If you want more info about TSM, please feel free to PM me. All the information you need is here and at the TSM website, but it can be a little overwhelming to find it on your own at first.

                          If Topa is working for you, you should stick with it. If at any point you feel that you should investigate other options, TSM is worth looking into.

                          All the best to you!


                            My NAL Trip

                            Weeks 16 and 17 Update

                            Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                            Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                            Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                            Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                            Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                            Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                            Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                            Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                            Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                            Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                            Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                            Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                            Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                            Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                            Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                            Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                            Funny, my units have gone up the last two weeks (until the last few days), but I actually am feeling better about my levels. I am three days into Week 17 and seeing my units drop per session (also last session last week) from 8+ to about 6. Also seeing more and more times I'm having 2 AF days at a time. Hoping this is a trend that will continue from here, will see (no expectations).

                            Regardless, I remain completely off of prescription meds and am taking only an occasional Unisom for sleep. Sleeping sometimes more than 8 hours a night NATURALLY, which is the first time this has happened in years. So happy about that!


                              My NAL Trip

                              Pre-TSM: 40-55 units/week (see above for my calculation of units), 0-4 AF

                              Week 1: about 20 units, 2 AF

                              Week 2: about 30 units, 4 AF

                              Week 3: 38 units, 2 AF

                              Week 4: 23 units, 4 AF

                              Week 5: 28 units, 4 AF

                              Week 6: 31 units, 3 AF

                              Week 7: 29 units, 4 AF

                              Week 8: 32 units, 3 AF

                              Week 9: 30 units, 3 AF

                              Week 10: 30 units, 3 AF

                              Week 11: 25 units, 4 AF

                              Week 12: 30 units, 3 AF

                              Week 13: 22 units, 4 AF

                              Week 14: 38 units, 3 AF

                              Week 15: 24 units, 3 AF

                              Week 16: 34 units, 3 AF

                              Week 17: 36 units, 2 AF

                              Week 18: 32 units, 3 AF


                                My NAL Trip

                                Hi seeking1,

                                I am really happy to see how things are going for you on Naltrexone, I really think you may be on for a great result given your stats so far! I do hope so!

                                Keep at it!

