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Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Not sure if its just drinking in general, but it seems that since I've started taking Bac, and Nal when I drink, if I do have a few drinks one night I am moderately depressed for a couple days after. And the drinking has been relatively light, so I don't mean depressed because I humiliated myself or anything. Like, I'll sleep for 12 hours and then feel absolutely unmotivated and down for as much as three days after just a few drinks one weekend. All in all it's fine because its just another motivation to drink even less and less, which the Bac already makes soooo much easier. But anyone else get the sads?Tags: None
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Hi Thirdman,
You got me thinking. Of course, AL is a depressant and I usually feel down the day after I drink. But I think that maybe the NAL is dragging that effect out for two or three days.....I don't know for sure. It could also be that it is winter and I've been snowed in. I was supposed to go to sunny Florida today, but they cancelled my flight! Now, I'm really depressed!!! Anyway, hope you feel better. You can always go into chat most time of the day or night if you need someone to talk to.
Everything I need is within me!
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
I'm so sorry your flight was canceled!I totally agree about the winter thing, btw. I'm a total victim of SAD, but I'm in Southern Cali where it hasn't been too bad lately. The depression isn't anything major, just a lack of enthusiasm that I was enjoying prior to imbibing last weekend. That and fatigue whereas before I was almost insomniac. I also think it might be that since I haven't been drinking much lately I can feel the effects of alcohol's depressant effect more? Who knows... hope you get to Florida!
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Also your body may be experiencing some withdrawl symptoms which can really cause fatigue. A little exercise helps sometimes, go for a walk or a jog. I am happy to here that the Nal is working to reduce your intake....keep up the fight. I'm sure S. Cali is beautiful and sunny. I had to postpone my trip to Fl. The airline was so backlogged. I'll be going next month. sigh!
Everything I need is within me!
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Hi Thirdman,
Some people have reported worse hangovers and knock-on effects after drinking on Nal and/or Bac, though I haven't myself.
Nal blocks the pleasure receptors in your brain, and takes a few days to completely wash out of your system, could it be that it's blocking the enjoyment you usually get from other endorphin-releasing activities? I noticed it most strongly for the first week, along with other side effects, but no longer feel it now. Have you been taking Nal for long?I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
Figure I would throw my 2 cents in as it related to me...I would say Nal doesn't cause any depression. Myself, prior to taking naltrexone, I am sure I had a nervous breakdown and was heavily depressed for a hair over a year. I was taking lexapro but like my therapyst said why take it if you continue to drink the way you do. Alcohol counteracts everything an anti-depressant is suppose to help with.
About a month into TSM the depression started to lift and after 2 months it was gone. I had ceased taking the lexapro and also ceased therapy when starting TSM. I figured once I got the booze out of me I would resume the lexapro and therapy. Fortunatly for me, I felt I did not need lexapro nor therapy any longer. I know for myself, getting booze out of my life was the but only truly learned this after a period of time of not getting drunk. Everything just fell into place as far as peace of mind and contentment. The same stress and BS is all still there however without booze it is quite managable and even challenging in a fun way.
I know alcohol is a depressant in a big way, so me once the heavy amounts of booze were gone so was the depression.
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
you should ask yourself if Drinking can cause depression
Alcohol is a known depressant. A lot of people on this board take Anti Depressiva and combine them with alcohol (very contraproductive indeed)since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day
My stats :
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
If I can put my 2cents in. Your symptoms sound a lot like detox to me. You don't say how much you were drinking before you stopped/cut back, but detox can last some time. The worst is always the first 4 days, after that most people start to feel better. But that's with going a/f. After that, it's also common to experience tiredness and heavy sleep for quite some time. I had this for 3 months, a/f, and then oneday I just went back to being able to easily get up early (always was a morning person). The effects of a/c can last months! Also, your brain is readjusting. Google PAWS.
The other theories about Nal might be true, too. The only way you'll know really is to quit Nal, but if it's helping you, then why would you?
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
hey mettaphorica, i know for myself. i react differently than others, others react differently, our brains are so different so its likely that if your feeling that, it isnt in your head. i know i get down the day after drinking, and by a few days alter i feel alot better usuallly. it deef makes me depressed if i drank alot without taking the nal. so def the nal could be having that effect moreso for a few possible different reasons.
Does Drinking On Bac Or Nal Cause You Depression
It doesn't cause me depression but I can tell you when I drink on those medications I am deathly ill the next day, which is not a pleasant emotionally healthy reaction.The Universe stirs up our comfortable nests, and pushes us over the edge of them, forcing us to use out wings...