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Bupropion + Alcohol = FAST and INTENSIVE Alcoholism

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    Bupropion + Alcohol = FAST and INTENSIVE Alcoholism

    Sam- this is with the usual caveat that of course AD's affect everyone very differently, so take my findings with a grain of salt- but I've found that Effexor didn't really have SE's for me. The trouble with that is that most of the time I was on Effexor I was also drinking alcoholically, quite heavily, and all the bad effects that come with that- anxiety, depression, etc. I noticed that things got better with Effexor but those things were still there to varying degrees. When I got sober they got much better but I'm still learning my balance as a sober person.

    All that said, lack of focus and drive has been a problem for years, and it *COULD* be partly the Effexor- a dull feeling- and I won't really know if it's the EF or not for a while. I'm considering weening off it to see how it differs, when I'm more stable in sobriety etc.

    Never had insomnia problems on it, though I did with bac, though that's usual. Sleeping good these days...

    Anyway work closely with your doctor, and good luck.


      Bupropion + Alcohol = FAST and INTENSIVE Alcoholism

      A word on Effexor- it is the ONE antidepressant that Dr. Joseph Glenmullen unilaterally trashes and wants yanked from the market. The reason is that it has an extremely short half life and is very, very tricky to ever get off of.

      He especially warned about anyone under 18 taking it, as they have an accelerated metabolism and are hit twice as hard by withdrawal effects.


        Bupropion + Alcohol = FAST and INTENSIVE Alcoholism

        Wow... OK thanks Fred, I will google him and look up his info regarding Effexor. When you say it is very tricky to ever get off of, how do you mean? Withdrawal effects are crazy brutal, or?

