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Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

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    Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

    Yeah who died? You all know I haven't hit my switch but soon I hope.
    This Princess Saved Herself


      Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

      Cowgal committed suicide.
      * * *




        Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

        This and a couple of others were what moved me to STUDY the women who had gone before.

        If you follow the people on here, only one reached the switch. Phoenixrising. At 240mg if memory serves. That was last June. She dropped off the boards shortly after but we've exchanged emails. She's post-menopausal.

        Her switch post said something to the effect that she was finally free and would never drink again. She was elated, and very bac'd out! Lots of very stressful SEs and she'd considered quitting several times. She credits Tip with encouraging her to go up just a little more and voila! She found indifference.

        In November, I think, she told me via email that she was drinking occasionally. When I emailed her on February 10th and told her I was 6 days AF and had reached indifference, her email response was something to the effect of, "6 days? good for you." That was it. Haven't heard from her since.
        just sayin

        There are lessons from those who went before and we should honor that by not doing the same thing.
        I need a plan. Everyone needs a plan.

        Serenity, cowgal, her name was MaryAnn, committed suicide in March or maybe April of last year. It was her second attempt.


          Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

          Mary Anne (Cowgal).
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


            Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

            Ne/Neva Eva;1082710 wrote:
            There are lessons from those who went before and we should honor that by not doing the same thing.
            I need a plan. Everyone needs a plan.
            What kind of plan are you envisioning? An "if this doesn't work" plan or a "how can I make this work" plan?
            * * *




              Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

              I have goosebumps, for her. Good lord.
              This Princess Saved Herself


                Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                TracyA;1082715 wrote: What kind of plan are you envisioning? An "if this doesn't work" plan or a "how can I make this work" plan?
                Obviously both would be wise. But I am thinking, for myself, a plan that ensures that it is going to work for me. Long term.

                redhead77;1082716 wrote:
                I have goosebumps, for her. Good lord.
                I joined here shortly after it happened. I was devastated though our paths never even crossed. I carry her with me, too. Another one lost to the ravages of the disease.

                she has left a lesson in her wake for me/us to honor as well. i know a lot about her, actually, because of what she wrote here. she was very sweet, i think. and loved a good emoticon. and left a lot of people behind. and horses, apparently.

                There was a candle thing, where people could go to a website and 'light' a candle in her memory. I was too late to light one, but there were many from her friends here on MWO.

                I hope I'm not being disrespectful, there were quite a few of her friends that are still here, that could give her a more fitting tribute.

                love and hugs to you all.


                  Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                  All I can say is that I have some very specific circumstances, I may or may not decide to talk about them. In the meantime they are definitely NOT comparable to any male situation, even in their fantasises.


                    Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                    I don't know about switch but I am totally abstinent for over 14 months since starting baclofen. I never drank at all after starting it. At first I didn't trust that it was "for real" but it lasted. I went up to about 100/day and am now on 0-20 at bedtime for sleep as much as anything. For details read the "Sunny's Success" thread. I bet there are others who reach their goal and don't keep posting. Good luck to all


                      Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                      Thanks Sunny.

                      Sunnyvalenting;1082748 wrote: I bet there are others who reach their goal and don't keep posting.
                      I think this is a very good point. Mostly people post here because they are looking for advice or support. Some post because they are cured but want to help others. I'm sure that the majority of people who have achieved their goal just leave. And why not? They've got what they wanted and moved on.

                      The unexamined life is not worth living


                        Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                        Ne/Neva Eva;1082710 wrote: This and a couple of others were what moved me to STUDY the women who had gone before.

                        If you follow the people on here, only one reached the switch. Phoenixrising. At 240mg if memory serves. That was last June. She dropped off the boards shortly after but we've exchanged emails. She's post-menopausal.
                        Ne, from what you say here and on the other thread, it is basically only post-menopausal women who can reach indifference, at least without severe side effects. I know Serenity was an exception, but in general, this is a pretty daunting thought.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                          And not an entirely accurate one. Take look at this old thread:


                          Or look at Ne herself. Or Isolde. Or Serenity. There is evidence all around that this is not the case, but there are none so blind as those who will not see!


                            Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                            beatle;1082891 wrote: Ne, from what you say here and on the other thread, it is basically only post-menopausal women who can reach indifference, at least without severe side effects. I know Serenity was an exception, but in general, this is a pretty daunting thought.
                            Yes, it is. I regret opening the door to it all in many ways. On the other hand, it's a very important thing to keep in mind and I base my success, fwiw, on the fact that I literally compared and contrasted these stories to find out what the common denominators were. I'm continuing to do that with post-switch success stories.

                            It doesn't mean, beatle, that there is reason to give up hope. Just the opposite. Bac works. period. You know it and I know it. Managing it to reach indifference takes work, and thought and planning. You know it, and I know it.

                            bleep;1082894 wrote:
                            And not an entirely accurate one. Take look at this old thread:


                            Or look at Ne herself. Or Isolde. Or Serenity. There is evidence all around that this is not the case, but there are none so blind as those who will not see!
                            That old thread is fraught with reasons to be anxious. Virgil himself, once a stalwart here, gave up on bac and left the forum. I got up to page 10 and did not see a woman who had achieved and stayed indifferent. Except Phoenixrising, who did indeed go down to 100mg/day and then back up again to 240mg or 260mg/day when she reached indifference. She is no longer indifferent, however.

                            Yes, what do Ne, Isolde and _serenity_ have in common? I think Isolde and _serenity_ are the best examples. However Isolde still drinks (albeit very little and by choice, hallelujah). That leaves _serenity_ as the only example of a pre-menopausal woman who reached indifference without debilitating SEs with the goal of permanent long-term abstinence. It's only been a couple of months for her, I think? Still, she's on the right track and I'd like to know EXACTLY what she did and what she's doing for posterity and for myself and for my husband, who started bac this week.


                              Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                              Look, I'm not saying I have the answers, by any means. Maybe there is something to your theory, maybe it's complete nonsense. I don't know, and based on the evidence available to me, I unable and unqualified to make a decision one way or another.

                              But does it matter?

                              Would the increase in the chance of possibility of failure have deterred you? Would you trade what you have now for what you had then? If not, I don't think it's right to be screaming it across the boards as if it were fact. It may deter some, certainly with all the attention it is getting at the moment, but hopefully they are able to look past the uncertainty and decide to give it a bash, because it does work, for males and females.

                              I regret rehashing those threads, I was hoping they would help the debate. An error, it seems. Luckily, with the pace of the boards these days, they should soon fade.


                                Any women hit the switch (with bac)?

                                bleep;1082917 wrote: Look, I'm not saying I have the answers, by any means. Maybe there is something to your theory, maybe it's complete nonsense. I don't know, and based on the evidence available to me, I unable and unqualified to make a decision one way or another..I don't know either. It bears looking into because yes, it matters if one has a goal of long term sobriety.

                                bleep;1082917 wrote: Would the increase in the chance of possibility of failure have deterred you? Would you trade what you have now for what you had then? ..
                                I knew all of this before I started bac, so obviously it didn't deter me. It made me more clear in some ways, about what it was going to take. That's why I stopped taking ALL other meds/supps. That's why I reached out to make friends here and hoped to find some that would share with me in the *real* world.
                                That's why I started a thread. To be held accountable, to share the burden, to glean insight from the many who are here and going through the same thing.

                                These things I found out about by doing the research. Women don't make it. Why not? Who knows. What does it take? KEEP TAKING THE PILLS. I'll follow this up on my own thread.

                                bleep;1082917 wrote:
                                I regret rehashing those threads, I was hoping they would help the debate. An error, it seems. Luckily, with the pace of the boards these days, they should soon fade.
                                I've posted some of the threads that I returned to in times of despair in my own thread, so as not to belabor the point elsewhere. I'm not trying to deter people. Just the opposite. I'm trying to help us arm ourselves for the ride. These are important considerations and this is not to be undertaken lightly. It's not a magic bullet. It's medicine. The fact that it works is not magical, it's scientific. How well we manage it, and how well it works for us, are based on factual knowledge, not conjecture. I have tried to winnow that down for myself, with major flaws along the way. I'm attempting to rectify those errors.

