Then came my last two shipments from 4X, which I will have to say - they dealt with the situation very, VERY well. An excellent co. to deal with! I got immediate refunds and they made no disclosure to the local "authorities".
However, the German government was distressed and sent me several nasty letters concerning my shipments of Baclofen. Not only that they stopped the shipment and so it seems everything that I get is inspected these days, including even Christmas Cards that were obviously opened and then placed in a plastic bag and shipped to me a few weeks later.
How does one go about getting a real Dr. to prescribe the Baclofen - when I asked 2 doctors here they said that they used it for schizophrenia but they certainly could not prescribe such a thing for drinking control!
I tried the Bac for several months with outstanding results.
But, how does one go about getting it???