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Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

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    Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

    :new:hi to all,
    posted on here the other night for first time,after reading for the first time about naltrexone and TSM.
    So found myself with an optimism of curing my alcoholism,something i never thought would ever really happen! Spent the last 24 hrs,reading medical reports,journals etc about tsm and naltrexone,but since then have read many many posts on this site about people using baclofen,so have read Olivier Ameisen`s case report thru a link on here,and he stated he had been on nal for 12-18 mths without much joy at all!
    So sorry i have made this a bit long winded,but my question is-just what is the best medication to take? I would just like to state that i am now unbelievably optimistic,after now having found out about not just 1 possible cure,but 2 cures in the last 24 hours!! Wow im totally blown away! But am now really confused also. Please anyone out there who can advise me,i would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any replies x:thanks:

    Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

    TSM???? what is it - I keep asking but no one answers. . . .


      Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

      Morning Relocated
      and Welcome to the site, I can see you are fairly new by the number of posts that you have made.

      I think which medication you take depends on which approach sounds like it would be best for you.
      I have tried topamax, antabuse and now I am on Baclofen.

      I didn't like the topamax as it felt like I was swallowing little tablets of anger - ie, I became moody and very volitile on it. But, others have had great success on Topamax.
      Antabuse didn't work for me, because I just didn't take it.

      This is the second time I have decided to use Baclofen. I became sober last year using Bac, dosed up to 80 - 120mg and had a complete indifference to alcohol. Then, I put myself under an extreme amount of pressure professionally and because I hadn't put any other measures or tools in place, I took less and less Bac and eventually picked up the quick fix - a drink.

      I am back on Baclofen now and I am sober with a different approach. I know now that I need to work through my underlying issues while on Baclofen, and that I need to build up concrete tool box and plan so that if I am tempted, I have ways to work through the moment and stay sober.

      The Sinclair Method, (as far as I know), allows you to drink as long as you take your Naltrexone one hour before drinking - every time you drink. Over time, you begin to want to drink less and less.

      Relocated, it all depends on the type of person you are and the goals that you want to achieve.
      Keep on reading posts if you are not sure. Maybe, by reading more posts by members that have tried one or the other, you will feel like (at the moment) one or the other would suit YOU better.
      We are all unique and meds do react differently for different people.

      Some are using Bac and Nal together!
      Anyhow, once again Welcome to the site. Look forward to seeing you around and watching your progress.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

        Funny Girl, TSM, means The Sinclair Method, as roughly described in my post above.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

          Thanx Amelia,really appreciate your advice! Have been non-stop reading up on both bac and nal since yesterday,and am starting to make a bit more sense of it all. Have ordered both the sinclair method book,and the ameisen book this morn,will recieve them both tomorrow(friday). Cant wait!
          Have believed for many years,despite what other closed minded fellow drinkers and doctors have said,that alcoholism was some sort of brain chemical malfunction. Bought a book called" Alcoholism the cause and the cure with the 101 program 3 years back,and although it confirmed what i believed about brain chemistry and taught me so much about neurotransmitters etc,and proper nutrition for the alcoholic brain,it was just wat to expensive to follow its program,and way to time consuming as well! Not ideal for an alcoholic with the usual alkie trait of lack of follow through!
          Anyway after being kicked out of an aa meeting for trying to expouse the virtues of this book,and being convinced once again by those around me that my problem of over 20 years,was down to lack of willpower,not having a higher power,and immaturity, ive spent another 3 years since in absolute hell.
          So,im just so exited with these new to me developments wit nal and bac,that i want to make sure i get it right(another typical alkie trait i know!)
          Looks as though i will be goin down the route of using both bac and nal,as i do suffer from anxiety and depression,and anger bursts when im not drinking!
          Anyways thanx again for your input,and i will keep you posted x


            Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

            Hi relocated!

            For what it's worth, I tried TSM (The Sinclair Method) for 38 weeks but had no success whatsoever. However, there have been some successes and others that, like myself, did not benefit from TSM.

            That's why I'm now taking baclofen but I'm still in the early stages. Consequently, I am unaware of any benefits - as yet.

            Unfortunately, for the reasons above, I don't feel able to answer your question "just what is the best medication to take?". Sorry. To be honest, it appears to be very much down to the individual.

            Whatever you choose, good luck!

            BTW, a warm :welcome: to MWO. I'm still relatively new here myself.

            "Love's the only engine of survival"

            Leonard Cohen


              Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

              Thanks Virgil:thanks:


                Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                Hi relocated, I think you posted a similar thread in another section of the site?

                Anyway, in case you didn't see it, or if it may help anyone else, here is what I wrote:

                Hi Relocated :welcome:

                I think with the Nal it may take a lot longer to get results, (perhaps six months plus), whereas with the Bac it will be sooner, depending on how quickly you can titrate up to a level that helps (I am at 70mg a day and it's not helping at all yet).

                With those that have had success in the real world that I know of with Nal, many choose to become either almost abstinent, or end up drinking very little, just like those who succeed with Bac. I have not seen any 'real world' figures that match the reported near-80% 'cure' rates from the clinical studies in the book, though some have had great success with it.

                I think the advantage Nal has is that you only need to take it when you're going to drink, whereas with the Bac you're going to need to take it every day for the rest of your life.

                All the best, let us know what you choose and how you get on
                I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                  Baclofen or Nal?Confused!


                  I thought I would give my 2 cents worth. I am fairly new here. I started at first on the bac because it was the first one I read about and heard great stories and wanted to start right away. I then started reading up on Nal. I was on the bac for about only 3/4 weeks and decided to come off it, not because of side effects or anything it was just when I read about Nal I decided I would give one a go at first as I did not want to start on two drugs and not know which was working if any at all. and also i decided on the Nal because it seemed a lot easier as you only take one pill when you drink. If i have no luck on the Nal I will then start on the bac, well that is the plan. Also I as I have alcoholism in my family and Nal is supposed to to work well in such cases this was another reason for me sticking with the Nal. Of course this is not advice to you but just contributing. best of luck on your journey.


                    Baclofen or Nal?Confused!


                    good luck in whatever one you decide to try...I used TSM and naltrexone and it did wonders for me...why TSM and Nal it was the first one I came across and it worked...I agree alcoholism is a scientific disease not a spiritual disease whatever that actually is..IMO


                      Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                      Thanks again for your input and much welcomed advice eight days a week:thanks:
                      Like i said in another post,its not just the craziness induced un me when i drink,that i want to stop,but the anxiety,depression and all other dry drunk symptoms,that come back when not drinking! But i guess thats what we are all striving for! All the best:thanks:


                        Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                        Hi chocolate mousse,
                        Thanks for that,its actually very helpful to me,as i too have a family history of alcoholism,and i didnt know that about nal and alcohol heredity! All these extra bits info help to build a much clearer picture'
                        so thanx again:thanks: Wishing you too the best of luck!


                          Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                          Thanks crown 86:thanks:
                          All the best to you.


                            Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                            I have a strong family history of alcoholism, and six months on Nal hasn't 'cured' me and I still drink as much as ever, even though the endorphin 'rush' of drinking does seem to 'fixed'. There could be a number of reasons for this, you'd have to look at my 'journey' to see what they are. So, I've started Baclofen as well.
                            I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                              Baclofen or Nal?Confused!

                              Gald you are beginning to get a feeling for what plan of action you may take.
                              Looking forward to hearing of your experiences.
                              Keep focused and remember to make a plan and research tools to use to remain sober, even if you are going to take baclofen.
                              Best wishes

                              Sober since 30/06/10

