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    What do you guys think about this?

    hi guys, :new:

    firstly, what a great forum - thank you very much. what eloquent, intelligent people your posts are very well written and informative.

    i'm a big binge drinker - i don't think i'm an alcoholic (though i've never abstained long enough to know properly) - because i can go monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday without a drink. but soon as friday comes along BAM i drink until i can't stand up. and the same thing happens on saturday. i hate it. i really hate it. it's been like this for 10 years and it's such a bloody waste of a good life and i feel so damn guilty. i really really want to stop - i am drinking dangerous amounts - but i've been conciously trying to stop for 3 years now. i need help. i want to try medication. so excuse my naievity but is there any medication i can take just on friday and saturday when i get the urge without having to take it all the time? what do you guys think - what might be the best medicine for that particular drinking pattern?

    thank you very much.
    jeez...where'd all those years go?

    What do you guys think about this?


    there are many types of alcoholics.

    It is not only the person that drinks every day, it is also the person that takes every 3 months a week and drinks and drinks until they can't stand anymore, or the person drinking one or two times a week - real serious binging.

    read about TSM (The Sinclair Method) - you take Naltrexone one hour before drinking (everytime you drink alcohol), so your endorphines won't dock to your opioid receptor. I think that could work quite well for you. As you have a lot of Alcohol Free (AF) days you could take benefit of the receptor over-sensitive during the AF period for positive reinforcement.
    since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
    since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
    reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
    since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
    since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

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      What do you guys think about this?

      Hi Jimmy,

      My drinking pattern is very much the same as yours. I can also go days and days, but at least twice a week, I am drinking wayyy too much and to the point of blacking out and or passing out. I do not like the label "alcoholic" either, I do not think anybody likes to be called an alcoholic.

      If your drinking is ruining your life, as it has and is ruining my life, then you probably know you need to change. Are you ready to seriously change, or continue?

      Here is what my plan is. I have a filled prescription of Antabuse. I have thought about this for a very very long time. I decided its what I need to do. Im starting to take it on Monday. This decision came over a very long time, but I came to a point where I am finally ready.

      Its a personal decision to take meds, but there are different types out there. Perhaps start by finding a good doctor who could help?

      Best of luck in your journey. I think you will find your way when your time is right, but dont be afraid to get suggestions from others who really want to help.


        What do you guys think about this?

        welcome jimmy!

        As craving said, Naltrexone (and the Sinclair Method) seems like it might be appropriate for you. I strongly suggest you read the Naltrexone and TSM threads. You will get a good idea about it there.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          What do you guys think about this?

          thank you all for your help. jimmy b


            What do you guys think about this?

            Hi jimmy b! I agree with some of the previous posters, look into Nal and TSM. It has done wonders for me. Like you, I can go many days AF but when l do decide to have a drink at night, 1 always turns into 50 and I am just useless for most of the next day.

            With Nal, it seems to take the fun and excitement out of drinking. I often times have to talk myself into finishing my drinks, it just does not give me the rush is use to. Because of that I tend to drink less and never have a problem getting up the next day. Although I drink 1 or 2x a week, I have not been drunk in months. Taking Nal has made all the difference for me. I only take it if I am going to drink so a months supply goes a long way. I really feel like my drinking is now like a normal drinker. I never could understand why someone would just have one or two drinks and then be done. That was never me, I drank to get drunk! I drank until I passed out. But now I am one those "weird people" that actually pours the rest of her wine out some nights because I let it sit there so long, it got warm. And all this with no effort on my part aside from always taking a pill 1 hr before drinking. Good luck with whatever you decide to try and please keep us updated.


              What do you guys think about this?

              I am also a binge drinker and Naltrexone has helped me alot. It is a good bet to look into it. I don't know much about antabuse but I have heard that a person needs to be careful with it. Best of luck to you.


                What do you guys think about this?

                give naltrexone a try for 6 months. you can drink like normal.

                if that does not work try baclofen for abstinence
                since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
                since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
                reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
                since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
                since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

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