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Naltrexone and Zoloft together...anyone have experience??

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    Naltrexone and Zoloft together...anyone have experience??

    Once again..i am desperate and back here. I have just started reading about naltrexone and want to give it a try. I am on zoloft for out of control anxiety which is a chicken and egg issue with the alcohol. Regardless...I need to get my drinking under control. I was beligerant and abusive to one of my friends saturday night- everything in my life has spun completely out of control. The details are blurry from sat but I can't stop replaying what i actually remember (I was on a bender and am so ashamed). It sounds like baclofen is good for this type of anxiety issue which i have struggled with since childhood. what do i do? i know no one can technically give medical advice...but i really need help. Posting your experiences helps tremendously. I can't live with this pit in my stomach any longer...I just can't.

    Naltrexone and Zoloft together...anyone have experience??

    I've been on so many things over the years now.
    Drinking has continued up & down, with the use of the anti- anxiety-depressant-seizure-pharmacopia I've been prescribed.
    I can't use, because of side effects;
    neurontin-pergolide-lyrica-cymbalta-and yes Topomax.
    I'm on wellbutrin and citalopram now. I recently asked to decrease the wellbutrin, Doc agreed, then decided to wait until the next visit because I really seem better.
    I don't want to be on these forever..going off seems to involve withdrawal no one is willing to wait for me to pass through, before saying..uhoh gotta go back on.

    I don't know if I'm grasping at straws, but I did find of interest a post with a link about slow withdrawal from alcohol, via beer (one a day as needed to curb craving, seemed good for me).
    Go to sites about the meds you are going to combine...really look at pro & con issues.
    Just my experience


      Naltrexone and Zoloft together...anyone have experience??

      honestly you should worry more about the cross interaction between a depressant like alcohol and any anti depressiva.

      the combination alcohol+anti depressiva caused my alcohol problem. without that combination i would not be were i am now!!
      since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
      since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
      reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
      since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
      since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

      My stats :

