Forgive me if these questions are answered somewhere else, or direct me to the thread.
Here goes:
Is it ok to take the bulk of your dose late in the day? I don't take any Bac in the morning, and take about 15mg at lunch time, but then load up around 5pm on, now, 50mg. The only reason I do this is I don't crave in the morning, and I'm taking it at lunch time just to spread it out a little, but really, like many people, my witching hour is evening, so I dose up at 5pm. Would I be better to spread it out a little? I've also read that it is short-acting.
When you hit "switch" how do you know how long to stay there for before titrating back down?
If you know you are going to drink, how many hours beforehand is ideal to take Bac so it has max effectiveness?
thanks all for your help