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Bac and crazy dreams

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    Bac and crazy dreams

    WOW! I had some crazy dreams and nightmares last night. Could this be from the bac? Yesterday was day 3 so I should move up but a little nervous if the dreams get worse. I woke up so unrested.

    Bac and crazy dreams


    Funny you should mention weird dreams, Hangin.....I was going to post on the same topic today. I'm sure Bac alters consciousness in some ways. I just got back from the grocery store where I spent at least a few minutes staring at the butchers behind the big glass window while they were slicing and packaging meat. I was in sort of a waking dream. I woke up and continued shopping......but I digress.
    I'm up to 60mg of Bac and having strange dreams, had one most of the night last night, sort of going in and out of twilight sleep. The dreams were strange for me because they could be considered positive. That is, I wasnt running away from someone, or lost in an underground maze, or hiding from a killer. There were bad guys in these Bac dreams but I was stepping up to them. My wife says I've been talking in my sleep all week. The other night she says at 2am she was awakened by me lecturing someone in a loud voice, "Get your f-king hand out of my pocket!". There is something going on chemistry wise in the old noggin.
    Last October about 3 weeks before my mother died I had some prophetic dreams about her condition. When she passed away I got on Effexor (an AD) and had no dreams at all for 5 months and then when I started on Baclofen these crazy soap operas started their visitations. Last nights marathon was a little funny because the DreamWeaver was using some old props from a dream two nights ago, different plot but same props. I recognized this and felt a bit cheated.
    So anyway, if its true that Bac can change the craving consciousness then it seems logical to me that it must change things at a very deep level. Maybe some other members will post their experiences or thoughts on this topic.

    peace, love,


      Bac and crazy dreams

      thanks dog, I dreampt that there were rats in my pantry and my dog put one in her mouth so I threw her outside but I could not just the french doors to keep her out until she dropped the Rat. Weird. and I am only on 7.5 today I am increasing to 5. 5. 5. so that will be doubling the dose maybe I will have good dreams tonight.


        Bac and crazy dreams

        Good dog!

        That's a good dog.....what kind is it? A dog in your dreams is a good omen, balances out the rats. You are lucky, my dogs are dragging dessicated toad bodies into the house now that the ground thawed out....and thats no dream!



          Bac and crazy dreams

          That is gross!


            Bac and crazy dreams

            let us know how tonight goes Hangin - how is the consumption and your cravings?


              Bac and crazy dreams

              consumption has been very low but I must say I am thinking about it alot. Hard to tell the difference between craving and habit. Going to try and work out when I get home from work and change my routine a little and see if that helps.


                Bac and crazy dreams

                Hi Hanging.

                I find it hard to differentiate between habit and craving as well. I am normally ok until I have my first...but I also tend not to drink as muxh when I do, but it could be my husband nagging me, not sure, lol.

                I haven't had crazy dreams but I have felt almost drunk on it, and TIRED! I am up to 70mgs at one time, and wow, I am toast!
                AF July 6 2014


                  Bac and crazy dreams

                  That is how I felt when I decided to just stop drinking... maybe it's a sign?


                    Bac and crazy dreams

                    I am looking forward to my increase, had 3 glasses of wine onight and did get a buzz. Need to not like that. I will go to 15mg total tomorrow so hopfully by the weekend I will not like it. I am so hopeful...


                      Bac and crazy dreams

                      Crazy dreams are usual. It freaks some people, and others (like myself) lie back and enjoy them. I believe this abates in most people after a while. (how long? I don't know.)

                      Also, the bac made me feel the effect of alcohol much more at first (making me drink less), and after a while, alcohol gives me almost no effect, decreasing the desire.

                      But everyone is different.
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

