I made an appt to see my shrink on Thursday and am going to (again) ask him for Topamax. I'm not really comfortable ordering it myself online for a few different reasons. I take Cymbalta and Abilify so I feel like I need his blessing before doing the Topamax is the biggest reason.
I am at my highest weight EVER so of course the weight loss is very appealing to me. I also know several people take it for cravings. I've tried Campral and Naltrexone and liked neither. To date he has only prescribed me Campral but too many pills and I just didn't think it was doing any good. I mentioned Bac to him once and he knows nothing about it so he's not going there and I won't just add it to my med cocktail myself.
How can I convince him to let me try Topamax? Any success stories here I can share with him? He has diagnosed me as bipolar so that is one angle. However, he has referred to it as Dopamax so I don't think he thinks too highly of it. Thanks!