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Going off Topamax and going back on...does it work?

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    Going off Topamax and going back on...does it work?


    A couple years ago i tried topamax using the my way out book as my guide. It really worked well...I wasn't alcohol free however it made me cut way back and I lost 40lbs. I felt good on it except for thee occasional lack of memory but the longer I was on it the less that side effect affected me.

    After a year of being on it my husband (soon to be ex now) suggested that I try going off of it to see if I could maintain my level of I did. Needless to say...gradually I started drinking more and more each day so about a year later...I tried going back on it again but I didn't titrate up the way the book explained because I had a new doctor and he started me out at 100mg a day. Well..I went all the way back up to 300 mg again and still no change...also...I could have sworn that it was making me gain weight so I went back off of it.

    My question is....has anyone had this same sort of experience? It has been almost a year since I have taken it and I am considering trying it again to see if it will work this time. I tried baclofen and naltrexone and baclofen seemed to make me angry and naltrexone doesn't do a darn thing!!

    I am also on prozac and wellbutrin though and am considering going off of wellbutrin because of hearing how it increases your alcohol intake (which is exactly what is happening to me). I am also going through a divorce right now though so that could be a major contributing factor as well..I know. Funny thing is...I do drink less now than I did when my husband was here. He was I'm way better off now but still would like to either stop drinking or at least cut way back.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as I have 2 small children to take care of.


    Going off Topamax and going back on...does it work?

    I'm sorry but I really don't know. The first time I started it, it really seemed to help. But, my Dr. didn't work with me about upping the dosage so I ended up going off it. When I started up again, it didn't seem to help at all. But I started up again a month ago and it does seem to help and I am going to work on upping the dosage and then go back to the Dr again. (YES - I know that is not the way to do it - but I will be going to the Dr very soon)
    I wish that someone with more knowledge would see your post.
    Good luck!!!!!
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Going off Topamax and going back on...does it work?

      I take it too...but it's only been a week and I follow the dosage in the MWO book.....DeeBee and Funny Girl take it and does sunshinedasies......I hear it takes about 4 weeks or 100 mg to really stop cravings and the weird side effects do pass.....I up to 50 mg today and so far only have a little brain fuzz and tiredness, but that could be b/c i am not af yet, too!!!!
      Good luck
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Going off Topamax and going back on...does it work?

        hi stellar,i dont no much about topomax.other then what ive read,im not a doctor,but ive seen quite a few of them,including specialists,stress is an offel thing to have,lets face it,off moments with someone that once cared for you,can even make that stress worse,add the chidren,well there you go,i beleive that is what led up to my depression,other then alchol abuse,not physical and depression ran in my family,im kinda glad to say it,for all going thro,with the devorce and all,you seem to ave good control,but you dont want to lose it,i also no,if one is on ssri-s or anti depressents,drinking is out of the quetion,as far as the naltrexone,i asked a pharmisist there opinion for the drug,on battling the stress of wanting a drink,cravings,he said it wouldnt hert to try,i also tried it the other way,drinking,being honest it worked both ways,but i have to admit,i had no feeling,i lost desire to do anything,those were my symtoms,thro xperience i can tell you,the anti depressents can become very addictive,100 times as hard ,coming off compared to Al,i do wish you well,gyco hope it helps

