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    im going to doctors tomorrow. i was given info about campral from my drink shrink (AL councellor) and it appears to be something that helps keep the urge to drink away. anyone taken it or know anymore about it. my doc doesnt seem keen on giving me drugs to help, he says because im diabetic i shouldnt take some things. i dont actually have an awful lot of faith in him. im now on 22 days AF (yippee) and want to ask about this tomorrow as i am getting there but finding it bloody hard work. i have research a bit on internet but i wonder if anyone has personal experience of this. thanks
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


    Well done on the 22AF Spuddle that is fantastic. :goodjob::goodjob:
    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.



      It's a lot of pills to take each day - 6 to be precise.

      I took it for a bit but stopped as I didn't feel it was doing much for me. BUT that is just me. It may work wonderfully for you. Good luck and great going on 22 days!



        Mrs Spuds,
        I took campral the last time round the block and it worked very well, then I had a massive relapse. It can take a few weeks to build up in your system but won't work if you drink while on it.
        From what I can remember I was given a dosage to match my body weight.

        For some reason I don't need it this time ( :yay: me) perhaps my mind set has changed. I'm all for using any meds or supps recommended by a professional or health food expert. It's another tool in the box.

        See what the doc says.

        BTW :goodjob: on 22 days. Keep on doing what your doing because you're doing great.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009



          gr8 work ,22 days!
          i have been on campral since 26th oct. 6 aday, has been the difference for me. I am still A/F 140 odd days...
          It does take a few days to get into the lvls required, but that means if you miss one dose its not the end of the world. however if i miss two doses in a row i definatly feel the lack of it.
          if you track back a few pages there were some threads on campril a little while ago.

          gratz again on 22days...
          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



            i take it back about my doc. he was very pleased im not drinking and prescribed the campral. ive now read up on it and there seems to be a lot of positive feedback. im hopeful so here goes tommorow .. and the day after... and the ...etc etc etc
            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
            Keep passing the open windows



              I am on year 2 of Campral and for me it has been a miracle drug-I have had no cravings and I love life MUCH more now than the 25 years drinking.



                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009



                  I have been taking Campral for about 3 months now. At first I was really positive about it, but back then I was completly 100% AF. I have since relapsed, but I still continue taking it. I think it really DOES work if you use it as it's intended to be used....without alcohol. I know a lot of people think taking it 3 times a day to be difficult, but what I do is just set a recurring calendar event on my cell phone and I am automatically reminded to take it at the same time everyday.

                  Does anyone know if taking Baclofen and Campral together is safe? I know Campral is a non-controlled substance, and doesn't really interact with anything, but taking too many "drugs" is scary, as we've all seen in the news recently!

                  Thanks for any help.
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

