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anyone with similar side effects????

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    anyone with similar side effects????

    Well, here I am 2:21am...I should be sleeping--I am exhausted.....but I'm not......could be life stresses (having a rough go at my new job--doesn't seem to be working out), but also Bac side effects....

    I find I wake myself up with a snore....odd because I never used to snore before. I also find a little shortness of breath----not scary, and nothing a big sigh won't cure.

    Another SE is that I feel drunk! I awake in the middle of the night and I stimble to the I have been on a binge! I try not to stress about it because I know I am not drunk...however a slight concern. So in a sense, lightheaded....almost dizzy.

    My hands are tingly....twitchy. I'm not sure what that is about as I haven't read anything of anyone else having the same SE's.

    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that the Bac is working! I, in the past, after the day I had at work today, would have jumped into a bottle to drown my sorrows, however, I found myself amazed that though I did think of it, was more of a fleeting thought and that I didn't want it. That drinking wouldn't slove anything. So it is definately working!!!

    So I am sitting here....wondering if anyone has had similar experiences.....similar SE's, any advice....I am really at a crossroads in my job, and that certainly adds major stress. Though I am not drinking to mask my is so raw....I am trying to cope.....
    AF July 6 2014

    anyone with similar side effects????

    Hi Christy,
    Yes I have had some of the SE's that you mention.
    When I first started bac and titrated up to a really high dose, I would stumble about a little too. Especially if I had been asleep. It is a muscle relaxant.
    I get a feeling of shortness of breath when I am stressed, although I don't think I can attribute that to the Bac. I also had twitchy muscles at various stages of taking Bac.
    Sleep wise, you may need to take your lsat dose of Bac earlier if it is affecting your sleep. Most nights I slept like a log on it, but there were times when I took it just before bed that it kept me up.
    Your symptoms sound fairly normal. I would check out the shortness of breath if it continues....
    Best wishes and hope you get some zzzzz's

    Sober since 30/06/10


      anyone with similar side effects????

      Hey Christy,
      What dose are you taking? I am sorry to hear about the side effects but i am really glad to hear that it is taking your mind off al. I hope you can stick with th ebac and stay off the AL!
      keep in touch


        anyone with similar side effects????

        Hi Christy:
        Me, too . . . similar SE's. The first night I took back I got up to pee and instead walked into the closet. Definitely disoriented! Fortunately got it figured out and into the bathroom.

        I get the twitchy hands especially whenever I increase my dose.

        And, exactly like you, I still feel anxiety and "raw" emotions, but bizarrely have no impulse to drink to mask them. I think that recognizing that a "big sigh" helps is your intuition very correctly guiding you toward integrating some of these strange SE's. Breathing exercises (called pranayama in the yogic tradition) have been the way I have made it through with very little discomfort. And I've been very grateful that I had some knowledge about this because I could tell right away that I needed something to help me deal with both the physical and emotional stuff that was coming up.

        And me, too. I never snored before, either! Pretty weird but compared to passed out cold and not snoring, I'm just OK with it!

        Hang in! Looks to me like you're doing great.
        "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


          anyone with similar side effects????


          all your side effects sound familiar. I had excessive tingling and itching.

          I bumped an older thread about everybody's SEs -- read through that, and you'll have a good overview of all the SEs, and in many cases, how to deal with them/how long they last, etc.
          Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

          Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

