I find I wake myself up with a snore....odd because I never used to snore before. I also find a little shortness of breath----not scary, and nothing a big sigh won't cure.
Another SE is that I feel drunk! I awake in the middle of the night and I stimble to the washroom....like I have been on a binge! I try not to stress about it because I know I am not drunk...however a slight concern. So in a sense, lightheaded....almost dizzy.
My hands are tingly....twitchy. I'm not sure what that is about as I haven't read anything of anyone else having the same SE's.
There is NO DOUBT in my mind that the Bac is working! I, in the past, after the day I had at work today, would have jumped into a bottle to drown my sorrows, however, I found myself amazed that though I did think of it, was more of a fleeting thought and that I didn't want it. That drinking wouldn't slove anything. So it is definately working!!!
So I am sitting here....wondering if anyone has had similar experiences.....similar SE's, any advice....I am really at a crossroads in my job, and that certainly adds major stress. Though I am not drinking to mask my feelings....it is so raw....I am trying to cope.....