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Antabuse versus Campral

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    Antabuse versus Campral

    I ask my alcohol counselor if Campral could be considered for me since I have such strong urges to drink....he agreed he would have no issue with me taking it. He then mentioned Anatabuse. I totally understand the difference between the drugs and their purpose. Due to the fact that I abhore getting sick I thought possibly the Antabuse would be a good deterent at first. However, after doing research on both I have very strong concerns about the side effects I could suffer from taking Antabuse. I am not talking about taking it and drinking - that sounded like a nightmare....I am just concerned about the potential side effects of the Anatabuse. I am 59 yr old female, I have colitis, Barretts eshpogus, high blood pressure....all of these things I take medication for. I also have to take potassium because of the PB Med depleting my potassium.

    I would like some opinions from people that have taken both and any suggestions you could offer.

    Thank you so much....this is a great place with great people and I feel it is time for me to return. Fox

    Antabuse versus Campral

    I thought I was asking a valid question or concern, but there has been no response. I guess I will do my own research and trust my judgement. Thanks to all that read my post though.


      Antabuse versus Campral

      hi foxtrot. i think onthewagon is probably right. ive just started on campral so cant judge it yet. but before being prescibed it i had a good talk to my doc and my councillor. As they are 2 very different ways of treating AL abuse i think an initial decision on which is suitable for a person is more than likely to be correct. hope you get some answers
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        Antabuse versus Campral

        Hi Onthewagon,

        Sorry not to have picked up on your post earlier on.

        No experience with Campral but am on Antabuse for the second time now. first time was about a year ago and I abstained from Al sucesfully for 4 months. I flet overconfident eventually, weaned off the Antabuse and before I knew it I though I was strong enough to have ONE drink, and the rest is history. back onto old ways.

        However while I took it it was great. The fact that I just couldn't have AL, made it so much easier to live with the reality of not drinking.

        Now I'm not a medical doctor so I do not want to elaborate on your particular concerns with side effects. All I can tell you is that I had no side effects what so ever and neither this time yet, though I only started 2 days ago.

        Works great for me!! But however you will need a prescription from Doc in any case so just discuss your concerns with him?!
        AF since 15th March 2010

        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


          Antabuse versus Campral

          Hi Foxtrott,
          Like JohnnyH I also took antabuse last year and didn't drink for several months (and lost 15 lbs in the bargain!). Then my father passed away and I used it as an excuse to start drinking again. (Sorry Dad.) I had absolutely no side effects from the antabuse except the intended one. I also had no problems with vinegar, hair spray, even mouthwash but some people are more sensitive than others.
          I started back on the antabuse a few weeks ago but found myself scamming it - not taking it regularly but just often enough to get a fairly mild reaction when I drank - enough to keep me from getting really wasted. Stupid, I know, but that's drinking for ya.
          I'm considering baclofen now but like you, I want to understand all the side effects before jumping in.

          Best of luck to you. I really hope the meds work for you.


            Antabuse versus Campral

            I was on Antabuse for 10 years. But it is more of a deterrant. It does not reduce your craving. I really wanted to be a moderate drinker. During my days on Antabuse I was completely off alcohol. It could be dangerous or even fatal if you drink alcohol when you are on Antabuse. I used to go off Antabuse once in three months and go on a binge and then get back to Antabuse. Last year I was confident I could be a moderate drinker after 10 years of abstinence. So I went off Antabuse and I was doing well for almost a year, when I went on a binge. So I am back on Antabuse, but I am looking for a solution to be a moderate drinker. Antabus also raises your BP and in the long run could cause some damage to liver and pancreas. I have never used Campral, so no comments.
            I am new here and this is my first posting - Aban


              Antabuse versus Campral

              I've used both and I like neither. I don't like Antabuse because it removes my option to drink - plain and simple. I would take one pill and then wait 5 days and drink. Really stupid so not for me. The Campral really didn't seem to do anything for me. Sorry I cannot be more positive about either but just sharing my honest opinions.


                Antabuse versus Campral

                Hi Aban, Welcome!!!

                Look guys, you got to be consequent if you're using Antabuse. that's the thing. I also started taking Antabuse every two days eventually, 3 days and before I knew it it was a week and the reaction mild enough to risk that drink. I know that now and won't let it happen again. Once's just got to be weary of the beast. But not everything works for everyone off course.
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  Antabuse versus Campral

                  You're right Johnnyh. I just am not and I know that about me. It's a bit related to another medical condition I have and I'll leave it at that, that is the reason I don't take it. I think it's a great tool. I really do.


                    Antabuse versus Campral

                    I've been on Campral for almost 2 months. When I first started taking it I was completely 100% AF...but I have slowly slipped back into drinking. I believe it helps a little, but unfortunately, no pill is strong enough to change the mind of this alcoholic. My counselor this morning suggested I give the Antabuse a try (I filled the prescription months ago...haven't taken any yet). I am concerned about the interaction of Antabuse with "everyday" things like mouthwash and some body sprays/lotions. Once I've gathered more information about that, I am going to give it a try.
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Antabuse versus Campral

                      I didn't have problems with those common day things but I did break down and convince myself that when I lowered the amount I was taking; I could drink through it. It's not a pleasant experience! I think you should be off of it for a full three days if you decide to relapse.


                        Antabuse versus Campral

                        ive been on campral for about 2 weeks now. i cant say ive felt any significant change in my feelings towards AL. i havent had a drink for over a month and hope to keep it that way. so anything i can throw at the problem is good.
                        Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                        Keep passing the open windows


                          Antabuse versus Campral

                          Hi -- Been using Campral -- killed my cravings and even improved my mood -- but got one of the side-effects - diarrhea, tried to wait it out but it got worse. Doc said it was unusual but was concerned about dehydration. So there you go. If I could stay on Campral I would -- I don't need a deterrent -- the craving killer really helped with my mindset. 12 days and counting. Good luck.

                          AF 21, March 2010

                          "First say to yourself what 
you would be; and then do 
what you have to do."


                            Antabuse versus Campral

                            I just took my first dose of Antabuse. For me, it's Friday afternoon around 3:30, the time of day where I normally start planning my drinking...which liquor store to go to, how much to get, etc. etc. Since I took the Antabuse about 20 minutes ago, drinking tonight is NO longer an option. It's such a relief to not have to think about it anymore! Like I said in a previous post in this thread, I was on Campral as well. It works fine if you use willpower also, can still drink on it. I hope it works for you, I just know for me it wasn't enough...I guess I need to be "scared straight". Hang in there, and let us know how you're doing!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

