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What to expect on BAC

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    What to expect on BAC

    We're still waiting for the BAC to arrive from ALLDAYCHEMIST and we're concerned on how it will effect my HB when he begins to take it and starting a new job. Any problems with driving or concentrating on the job? We're excited about starting it but at the same time a little nervous as well. Loop, 8, struggling, and craving you're people I know from TSM so please give me your input and all our new friends here on MWO.

    Thanks for your support

    What to expect on BAC

    Hi Corkit,
    (this is struggling). The main thing is to start at the low dose - 5mg in th emorning - 5mg in the afternoon and 5 mg in the evening. at this dose he will be ok, function normally. Take this dose for three days and then maybe do 5-5-10. take the 10 in the evening so that if he does feel a little tired he will be at home but I think he will be ok. I am not a large man and I was fine so he should be ok. Dont worry about it, it will all be ok. once he is comfortable with the dose, than he can bump up the 5s to 10s. Please remember, if you are going to drink while taking it, the booze will hit him harder. I also suggest that he pick a date where he decides no more booze and have a plan to have the house empty and let the bac help him say no.
    Let me know when you get it and I will help along the way.


      What to expect on BAC

      Hiya corkit!

      I remember you too, and would like to welcome you here (I know you've posted a bit but I haven't bumped into you much yet)

      I'm tall and skinny, and all meds hit me hard, and Bac's been no different. The first few days I was dropping off to sleep like crazy, so I can can only second hoping's great advice to start very slow and slowly build up. Your HB will know how it affects him after a few days, and 5mg really isn't that much to start off with. Imho, it's best to start off really low and err on the side of caution, then move up once you know how Bac affects you.

      I know hoping and others have had incredible success cutting the booze out totally once they've reached a certain level, but I wouldn't recommend stopping suddenly. Having been through detox a few times and hearing all the horror stories it's a risk too far for me.

      I'm plugging away with TSM still and trying to get my Bac up. I'm up to 70mg but have been stuck on that for ages, as I still get SEs at that level, but most people seem to tolerate it much better than I do.

      All the best, please let us know how you get on

      I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


        What to expect on BAC

        Thanks struggling, I really appreciate your help and I will be asking help when it comes.

        have a great weekend!


          What to expect on BAC

          Hi 8, you probably remember the whole banner thing with TSM, right? that was me I'm afraid that started it, ugh. Thanks for the info about what to expect he's totally relying on me right now for all of this and I'm the one who's nervous about him taking it. If it was me who was taking it hey bring it on but relying on him to do it right while I'm gone during the day freaks me out that he's going to mess it up. I'm going to stay close to this board through all of this and I'll accept all the help I can get.



            What to expect on BAC

            hi corkit,

            good to see you here!

            baclofen is actually a performance increasing drug. lo0p is lifting a lot mor weight with it, and i notived myself insomnia, being awake 20 hours a day without feeling tired. but that only happens when you are above 150mg per day!

            start with 5mg 3 times a day and increase every 4th day i.e.

            day 1 : 3x5mg
            day 2 : 3x5mg
            day 3 : 3x5mg
            day 4 : 3x10mg
            day 5 : 3x10mg
            day 6 : 3x10mg
            day 7 : 3x15mg

            and so on. you keep drinking alcohol just like normal. in about 2-3 weeks you will notice with this dose shedule reduced drinking levels and then suddenly total disinterest. you have plenty of room to titraterate up. you can go up to 300mg/day - by then anyone would have total disinterest to alcohol
            since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
            since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
            reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
            since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
            since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

            My stats :


              What to expect on BAC

              Thank you all for the advise and when the BAC does come we will be sticking close to MWO for your help. We're nervous but anxious and know this is our only way out for him we've tried everything else but with no success although we're both still taking Nal and hoping that will kick in with a cure but until that happens it will be BAC.

              take care my friends


                What to expect on BAC

                Hi corkit,

                Thought I recognized your name -- good to see you again!

                I started bac about 2 weeks ago and I have very few, if any, side effects. (For the record, I weigh about 123 lbs.) I am only up to 45mg right now, but tomorrow I will bump it up to 60mg.

                I agree with 8, start low and increase every 3 days. Every time I've increased my dose, I expected side effects, but so far I've had none. Still drinking, but I think it's less. Haven't really measured, though -- I need to start doing that.

                Good luck with your journey(s).


                  What to expect on BAC

                  corkit;825060 wrote: Hi 8, you probably remember the whole banner thing with TSM, right? that was me I'm afraid that started it, ugh. Thanks for the info about what to expect he's totally relying on me right now for all of this and I'm the one who's nervous about him taking it. If it was me who was taking it hey bring it on but relying on him to do it right while I'm gone during the day freaks me out that he's going to mess it up. I'm going to stay close to this board through all of this and I'll accept all the help I can get.

                  I remember my friend, of course, I just thought I wouldn't mention it on here! It was a completely legitimate and important point in the view of not only me but many others, and I'm not the only member who left that forum at least partly because of the owner's attitude over the whole business.

                  Ah well, old news. I still get asked back by old friends, but won't have any part of a site run by someone who accuses most of the membership of being 'on the verge of a drunken rage' when they politely express concerns.

                  Ah well, old news, let's talk no more about it!

                  The only important part of my reply: how are you both getting along, I haven't seen you post in a while?
                  I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

