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New here, have bac questions

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    New here, have bac questions

    Hello :new:

    I jut found this board today and am so happy to see all the information there is on baclofen.
    I have a quick question as I have made myself late for work after reading all the very interesting posts for hours.

    I tried baclofen a while ago after coming across Dr. Ameisons book, I bought my baclofen online as my doctor did not want to prescribe. I stopped taking it after a week because I was worried about the side effects but i see many people here had the same side effects and continued.

    I want to try again, but due to working shifts and having to drive home I am a bit worried about starting again. My question is does anyone have any experience with taking one dose a day before witching hour?

    I am a small female 5 foot 1, and weigh 120lbs, I couldn't go beyond 30mg before as side effects were quite severe, I wonder if it would work for me taking around 15mg to 20mg per day an hour before my drink cravings usually begin.

    Thank you all for all the information here. :thanks:

    New here, have bac questions

    Try again,
    I am not sure that would work, but if you start off slow, the side effects should not be bad. Start at 5 in the morning, 5 in the afternoon and 5 in the evening. Do this for 3-4 days and then maybe go to 5-5-10. That way the extra is in the evening, after work, maybe an hour before you usually drink. I think if you tried it all at once, it would hit you harder than if you were to spread it out.
    I am here if you have more questions!


      New here, have bac questions

      great advice hoping, I have tried taking it just twice 5 afternoon and 10 at night and seems to do ok, well at least for a few days. I would stick to the way it is prescribed 3 x a day and keep posting. We are all here for you.


        New here, have bac questions

        Hi TG

        I am a female of a similar size as yourself. I think hopings advice sounds good to me. I agree that if you had side effects beofre one large dose might have a negative effect on you

        I have been on the bac since last Aug and now take a 50mg dose (25x2) and do up the dose if I feel I need an extra boost for whatever reason. It took me a while to get used to it and on a couple of occassion felt reallt unwell on it, but I stuck with it as I knew it way the drug I needed and had absolute faith it would work ( dont ask me why I knew that, but I just did) and it was a bit of a last chance saloon as well, whcih is another story all together. But I did stick with it and it has worked for mr which is fanatstic.

        My main advice would be find a way to stick witht he bac and keep to that as it is so very worth it ! its changed my life, and I wish you the same sucess.

        Regards BH x


          New here, have bac questions

          Thanks, Thanks, Thanks! I cant tell you how glad i am to have found this board and how I wish I had found it two months ago.

          Well I logged in from work and followed advice. My normal routine is to leave work in the evening around 8/9 pm, and on the way home stop for a 6 pack of beer. That's enough to get me wasted and at the weekend i have more. I dont remember the last time I did not drink for a whole day, probably about 6 months ago. I am 37 and have been like this for the last 8 years and heavy drinking just about everyday since I was 16. I live on my own.

          I took 10mg baclofen at 5 pm during work, and felt pretty Ok, bit tired but nothing serious, wasn't thinking about drink much at all and on the way home bought 3 cans instead of 6. Actually thought I might manage without but I could feel it wearing off around 8ish when I was thinking about leaving work and I stopped for it anyway.

          Tomorrow, I will take the 10mg dose at 4, and top up with another 10mg at 7pm. I actually think I might be able to pass the shop on that dose. Feel good now, able to concentrate and completely sober I had the third beer half an hour ago, ate some supper (thats unusual) and am now looking forward to reading a book.

          Amazing, thanks to your advice and all the posts I read today it makes all the difference to know I am not the only one trying this.

          Will update on my progress but have very high hopes for tomorrow, the most optimistic I have felt for years.


            New here, have bac questions

            Thats the magic of bac! Next time, try to resist the urge to stop, and when you get home and take your evening dose, It should take your mind off of it.
            Congratulations! keep us posted.

