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Meds and mental cravings

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    Meds and mental cravings

    I am asking for some feedback on the supps and meds becasue waht I am doing alone is not enough. I am sure that things feel better after a certain amoutn of time (when???) but I seem to be stuck on the hampster wheel that is the enormous anxiety and guilt of the first day or 2 then after that subsides some, the "just one" thing. Well, I have accepted now that I need to be AL free for a long while (maybe always) to be succesful. Okay-- so here is the question-- do the meds help the mental cravings and if so which? I do not really have physical craving-- I do not shake or sweat or anything like that-- but my mind will just race with obsessive thought on alcohol-- drinking it, not drinking it, how to stop it, etc. Rumination to the nth degree. I think that is caused by the alcohol and if I just stopped it for long enough I would ease up on those thoughts-- but do any of the supps help that ease? I have treid several benzos in the past for anxiety and personally did not find them too helpful for either stopping it (they maybe made me sleep) and I also feared getting hooked on them (because I just worry about everything of course). I used to take topamax for migraines but after i had my son I could not tolerate it hormonally-- it made me nuts (maybe I was just nuts anyway as a new mom but my migraines were nto going away). Any help I woula appeciate!

    Meds and mental cravings

    Some people here say that L-Glutamine has helped them staying sober.
    For meds, I can highly recommend Baclofen - which will help you get out of off the loop, and will not make you addicted. Lots of success stories on this board with Baclofen (including me)
    since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
    since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
    reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
    since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
    since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

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      Meds and mental cravings

      Read your post because I'm curious about responses to it...I'm nervous about taking meds. What were the side effects you experience with topamax?


        Meds and mental cravings

        Don't be afraid becasue of me

        I took topamax pre-baby and it was awesome-- took it for migrianes only. Lost weight, life changed for better. After baby I think I was just nuts and the headaches continued and the neuro wanted me to try to prevent them and not take pain meds if I had them (and I can see why). So he took me off topamax and switched me to another antiseizure drug which really does nto help a ton either. Generally now I just deal with the headaches and accept them. They are not as bad as they were in my 30s.. At this point I would just have to say that I would be taking a different tack with him-- that I wanted to try the meds for alcohol reasons and nto for headaches. There has been alot of shame with admitting the lack of control so I am not sure i want to go down the prescriptions route. But I think the meds did not do much for me-- because post baby I was drinking anway and wanted to drink with them-- even at increasnga amounts which granted were to stop headahces but they seemd not to help with the drinking either. i really am just shooting in the dark with what might help. But I wanted feedback.


          Meds and mental cravings

          did you do bac from the on line pharm? My docs are skeptical and will not prescribe. How does that work?


            Meds and mental cravings

            ATLThrash;827491 wrote: did you do bac from the on line pharm? My docs are skeptical and will not prescribe. How does that work?
            I got mine from a local pharmacy - but only because it is prescription free here. My psychiatrist is also very skeptical - I was at 300mg before - now at 75mg - as that is what he wants me to be on. Even when I was at 110mg he was like ... what a freaking amount.

            He did not even know what Baclofen is, neither does he really care I think. He had to first look it up in a book, and there it says 75mg a day max. dose. So that is what he told me then.

            I am still a bit pissed off at the doctors, as they are not actively helping people. If someone had 5 rehabs, is about to die, why not give them Baclofen in high dose? What do they have to loose?

            It is absolute bullshit to be afraid of high dose Baclofen - even with 2000mg you will fail to kill yourself. Take 20 times as much of the normal dose Aspirin/Paracetamol/Ibuprofen - you will die by 100% by multiple organ failure.

            Do not let the doctors scare you. Get Baclofen from the internet. There are threads on this board on where to get it best. It really depends on where you live also - but you can get it in any way online!
            since 23. Apr 2009 : TSM - failed to reduce units
            since 08. Jan 2010 : Naltrexone + Baclofen combination therapy
            reborn since 16. Jan 2010 : Alcohol Free (AF) - only taking Baclofen
            since 22. May 2010 : Baclofen against anxiety/fear
            since 14. Mar 2011 : off Baclofen - taking 25mg Topamax/day

            My stats :


              Meds and mental cravings

    [/video]]YouTube - The Lion sleeps tonight FULL


                Meds and mental cravings

                I'm in the US

                It is sort of hard to get docs here to prescribe any of the anti alcohol drugs here it appears to me unless it looks to them liek you are really about to die. Guess I am only there in my mind and not to them-- my liver function tests are good, I have not done anything truly awful while drinking, never driven wile drinking etc-- but I still feel it is time to stop! I do not want the DEA at my door (ha) and I have never used an on line pharm. I will explore this thread more.

