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Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

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    Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

    I have a stack of these now from my official UK prescriptions, so if anyone in the UK would like one or two just give me a shout and I'll send some

    Obviously it's critical to carry info on you at all times that you're taking Nal in case of real emergency. The cards are credit-card sized, and just a laminated piece of card, but they have very clear instructions for medical personnel who might treat you.
    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

    Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

    I used to carry just a note in my wallet saying 'I take 50mg Naltrexone daily' but these medical cards really would grab the attention of ER staff should the worst happen, and you were hospitalised due to an accident, unconscious, and in need of pain relief.

    I keep one in my wallet, one in the cupboard so my family can bring it to hospital staff if ever need (gods forbid), and my sister who lives a little while away has one too, as she is my ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact on my mobile phone. Better safe than sorry with stuff like this.

    I'm happy to post them anywhere in the UK if people would like them. You don't need to give a name, and as far as I'd know you'd be having them posted to a friend or relative, so I'd have no idea who they were actually for (just in case people are worried about confidentiality - but it's true!)

    Hope this might help someone

    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


      Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

      I want one mate! :thanks:
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        Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK


        Me Too please eight!


          Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

          No problem guys, I'm so glad that I might be helping others with this

          Just PM me an address and how many cards you'd like and I'll post them off.

          I have eight spares right now, and get four more every four weeks with every new box of Nal (that's how important they are - four cards provided in each four week supply!)

          I've decided to post abroad too if it can help anyone.
          I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


            Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

            The first cards were sent off today second class, so they should be with you guys in a couple of days

            I've already deleted the PMs with the addresses I was provided.

            If they don't turn up this week let me know and I'll send some more (it should be OK, but the British postal service isn't what it was!)

            Please let me know if you get them OK and if you think they're useful (I do, I think it's really important), and if so I'll carry on bumping this thread

            Five cards left for the minute, and I'll get four more in about three weeks.
            I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


              Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

              Four cards left (for now), so glad people are finding this helpful

              By the way, on the reverse of the card is space for your prescribing doc's info. Obviously if you don't have one, just leave this blank, and don't let that deter you from carrying it - in the worst-case scenario this info could save your life. But, it might be worthwhile putting your own name somewhere on the card so medical staff know for sure that you're on the med? You'd hope they'd know that from finding it on your person / in your wallet or purse, so just a thought to be extra safe...
              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                I'll have some more cards in a couple of days (apologies to the folk who I've delayed sending them out to - they will be on their way this week )

                Mousse seemed to find the card really useful, and reggie gave a great tip (though I haven't checked the link) on this page:


                Chocolate Mousse;838919 wrote: Hi Eight, just wanted to say thanks again for the medical card and I have a lot more peace of mind now that I am carrying a record to state that I am taking Naltrexone should I be in an emergency situation, but please God I wont!

                With the best of luck to us all on this journey :l
                reggie;838925 wrote:
                I printed my own from this site...seems to be spam free as i have NOT been inundated with rubbish since making one... I printed 2 out one for my wallet and one for my parteners.and laminated..the great thing is you can change them and update as you triate up
                All the best and remember YOU WILL hit your switch then the hard work begins!!!!
                Free Medical Emergency Information Card
                I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                  Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                  What does it say?

                  Can you please tell me what the card says? I am too far away to ask you to mail one to me but would like to carry one as I too take Nal before I drink. Thank you.


                    Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                    Camla;839261 wrote: Can you please tell me what the card says? I am too far away to ask you to mail one to me but would like to carry one as I too take Nal before I drink. Thank you.

                    I'm happy to post to anywhere, but completely appreciate people might not want to give an address. Also the contact info for the company is a UK telephone number.

                    I've checked the link reggie gave and it seems like a great idea to carry something like that (with emergency contact numbers and all your meds on it) as well as one specifically about Nal. The reason for that being that Nal has such huge implications if, gods forbid, you end up unconscious and in need of pain relief.

                    I may scan the card so you can just print it off if people find it useful? Please let me know.

                    On the reverse is space for Name of (prescribing) Doctor (if you don't have oine leave this blank - the crucial
                    thing is that medical staff know you're on Nal and take the implications seriously), their telephone number, Name of Patient, Patient's Telephone, and Date written (so it may be useful to have a recently written one, or just leave that part blank?)

                    The front of the card says:


                    This patient is taking the oral opioid antagonist NALOREX (Naltrexone Hydrocholride)
                    If this patient should require analgesia and a non opioid agent is adequate,
                    it should be used. If analgesia with an opioid becomes necessary, the amount
                    of opioid required to achieve a given level of analgesia may be greater than
                    usual and the resulting respiratory depression may be deeper and more
                    prolonged. In such circumstances a rapidly acting analgesic that minimises
                    respiratory depression is preferred. The amount of analgesic administered
                    should be titrated to the needs of the patient. The patient should be
                    monitored closely by appropriately trained personnel in a hospital setting.
                    For further information medical personnel should call:
                    Medical Information Department, Bristol-Myers Squibb Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
                    Telephone: 00 44 1895 523740
                    I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                      Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                      Hi I would find it usefull if you would scan the card please, I take nal just when i plan to have a drink but like you say its best to be on the safe side. And may i add what a kind person you are doing this for everybody, the kindeness and the lengths that people pn this site go to help otheres has truely restored my faith in human nature ! God bless you . No wonder you need 8 days a week to do all your good work !

                      Again thank you.


                        Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                        Thank you very much indeed for your kind words Brave Hearted

                        This is rather a passion of mine - that people take steps to protect themselves just in case.

                        You raise a very interesting point too - what should people do who just take Nal occasionally? As it takes a few days to fully 'wash out' of your system, maybe it's best to carry a card for a few days after saying when you last took it.

                        To that end, it'd be really useful to put a scan up here. Then folk could print multiple copies and on the back could write when they took their last dose each time.

                        I have a scanner, but it may take a little time. The brain is willing but the technological know-how is weak!! I'm also not sure what the quality will be like, as the cards are quite small, but I'll do my best
                        I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                          Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                          I've just counted and I have 20 spare medical cards now, with 4 more on their way

                          I haven't forgotten about the scan, I'm just struggling with it a bit...
                          I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


                            Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                            Thanks a million for the cards 8, :thanks: I have one in my wallet now and given a friend one so he knows the name of the drug if an emergency happened, hopefully that never happens!


                              Spare official medical cards for Nal for those in the UK

                              Most welcome Scot, I'm really glad you found them useful

                              Still lots of cards left if anyone needs some.
                              I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies

