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    Hi there....I'm coming into the conversation late. Sorry about that. Mama Bear got hers from River Pharmacy. I got my prescription from my Dr for the Topa but she doesn't have any experience in using it if for alcohol addiction. It has really, really helped me though. I sort of worked my way up by the book. I am currently at 200 mg and I think that is going to be too much for me. I think I will be going back to 150 mg. That was a good stable dosage for me.
    I feel good and I don't have the constant battle going on in my head. I do also use the L-Glutamine powder. That stuff is great.
    Hope this helps.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15



      DeeBee;830617 wrote: Hi Fennel,
      I've just done a search and see that most of RJ's posts are in the "Subscriber" section which you can only gain access to if you pay a fee to join.
      I don't believe you will find any personal information about RJ if you google her as RJ is not her real name which she mentions at the beginning of her book.
      Okay...that certainly makes sense.

      But all of that aside, do research the Topa further as I've had great success with it and the other med to investigate is Baclofen. There are quite a few informative threads here in this section about the different meds and the success others have had.
      It would be great to have control over the craving. I'm definitely looking into this.

      BTW I haven't ever ordered online as I had a heart to heart with my GP who although knew nothing about the MWO programme was willing for me to try it when I went to her armed with the book and some research I downloaded online.
      Sigh. I don't have that sort of relationship with my GP. The doctors in my partner's and my insurance program aren't accepting new patients. My GP was my partner's old GP and she took me on as a favor to my partner. A few months ago, I went to see her for peri-menopausal issues. I wanted to be put on hormones to alleviate some of the symptoms, and she refused, suggesting I wait it out. Perimenopause can go on for fifteen years! I ended up going around her and going on bioidentical hormones.

      Another issue is that I don't want any record of a prescription for Topamax. My partner and I had to purchase our own insurance when we first started our own business, and I was shocked at what a dirty business it was. My partner was rejected repeatedly because she'd been treated for headache six months earlier. I was rejected because I'd been on anti-depressants in the past- no hospitalization or suicidal ideations, just because I'd been on anti-depressants.

      We finally found an insurance company that accepted both of us, on the grounds that they would cover nothing concerning headache in my partner and any psych issues for me. If we ever have to go this route in the future, I know I'll NEVER get insurance if I have a Topamax prescription in my record.

      Good luck!



        NoraC;830620 wrote: Hi there....I'm coming into the conversation late. Sorry about that. Mama Bear got hers from River Pharmacy. I got my prescription from my Dr for the Topa but she doesn't have any experience in using it if for alcohol addiction. It has really, really helped me though. I sort of worked my way up by the book. I am currently at 200 mg and I think that is going to be too much for me. I think I will be going back to 150 mg. That was a good stable dosage for me.
        I feel good and I don't have the constant battle going on in my head. I do also use the L-Glutamine powder. That stuff is great.
        Hope this helps.
        Thanks, Nora...
        I took a look at River Pharmacy, and it looks pretty decent. I can pick up L- glutamine at my co-op...they have tons of stuff there. :thanks:



          I just got topomax, tonight will be my second night. It defeniantaly takes the edge of! my hands are shaky but thats it. My severe anxiety is lessened. I am at 50mg and will work my way up. I am also on Geodon for bipolor and the combo is working great. I was never a depressed person just wired and nervouse all the time. To the topomax is great

