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Why I am quitting Baclofen

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    Why I am quitting Baclofen

    Hi Folks,
    Disclaimer: What I will say in this post is only my individual experience, everybody's experience is different especially with this chemical. I am forever grateful for other people's posts on this matter. There seems to be a wide range of outcomes with this drug. This post is only intended to present one person's experience and not a generalization for all people.

    Having been a 'problem alcoholic' for many years I was greatly intrigued by Dr. A's book and his experience of curing both incipient anxiety and problems with alcohol. I applaud his courageous experiment. It was with that hope I launched my own experiment with the Baclofen 'cure'. I was encouraged with many positive posts on this wonderful forum.

    However, my experience has been some different. Once again I dont write this to discourage anyone from trying Dr. A' route. It is very promising. Here is my story in short.

    I am 65, drinking since I was 17 off and on but recently increasing my consumption of wine and vodka to a level that was objectionable to my wife. I decided to try the Baclofen route because I believed that alcoholism is a chemical problem, a brain imbalance if you will.

    At any rate, I titrated up to 160 gm over 7 weeks. During that time I had the following side effects (some of these may have been compounded by other medications I have been taking) however, I decided the outcome was not worth what I was experiencing now.

    1) severe sleep disturbance: sleeping only 3-4 hrs a night and a light disturbed sleep at that.
    2) hallucinations: although these do not bother me per se they get tiresome. As I posted previously some have been insightful but most are not worth the time. And I dont think the average person would entertain them very well.
    3) physical disturbance: pseudo drunkeness, ataxic movements during sleep. Having to pay intense attention while driving and operating power tools.
    4) cognitive problems: my short term memory has taken a major hit. I cant remember if I took my medications just 60 seconds ago, I dont remember many episodes I saw on TV (this can be a positive!). I have major problems of paying attention and getting spaced out. i.e. watching the dryer spin around for 15 minutes, making a list and forgetting I made a list.
    5) Sexual dysfunction: no libido, no orgasms. This is very important to the quality of my marriage.
    6) on the positive side my drinking is down by three-fourths. In truth, I have never been a pass out fall down, aggressive drinker. Ive have drunk alcohol to 'get away'.

    I would appreciate any feedback on this post as I will continue to check the forum. I may have lots of Baclofen to sell at a very reduced rate.

    thanks for listening,


    Why I am quitting Baclofen


    I'm guessing you know but just to double-check: don't quit abruptly. Titrate down slowly or you might get withdrawal effects.

    A decrease of 75% is quite a lot. Dr. A stayed at 180mg/day for quite a while before deciding to increase; during this time he continued to drink without control. It sounds like you might be seeing a positive outcome. Depending on your weight, 160mg/day may not be nearly enough. I will be the first to admit that baclofen is a very hard drug to take. Maybe before quitting, you might titrate back to 120mg/day (20, 20, 40, 40) and hold there for a week or two to see if the side effects might become more managable.

    I certainly admit that baclofen is a very hard drug to take. I struggle with being zoned out, spaced, sleepy, etc, on a daily basis. As far as sexual dysfunction is concerned, I can honestly say that this has not been a problem with me so far. Baclofen has not helped, but it has not hindered in any significant way. I also take naltrexone, which I think has more potential to negatively affect libido. Everyone is different, but if it helps, I continue to function acceptably in this regard.

    Whatever you decide, I hope you will continue to post. I would be most interested in what you experience. If, when titrating down you feel the cravings return, please keep your options open. Baclofen has really nasty side effects, but consider the alternatives: DUI, marriage problems, hangovers from hell, etc.

    Good luck,
    TSM started 1/22/2010; Wks 1-6: 78u/wk
    Baclofen + TSM started 3/5/10; Wks 7-25: 52u/wk
    Alcohol free and indifferent since 7/15/2010


      Why I am quitting Baclofen

      Hi azuldog,

      They certainly sound like bad side effects. But there are lots of methods to try apart from Baclofen.

      Many of the long-term abstainers here are sober and happy without medication, including me (apart from about a month on Antabuse in my case). So what's your plan now?
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Why I am quitting Baclofen

        Marshy;833187 wrote: Hi azuldog,

        They certainly sound like bad side effects. But there are lots of methods to try apart from Baclofen.

        Many of the long-term abstainers here are sober and happy without medication, including me (apart from about a month on Antabuse in my case). So what's your plan now?
        ditto to what marshy says, have you another plan in place

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Why I am quitting Baclofen

          I stopped taking baclofen only 1-2 weeks into my sobriety because I couldn't tolerate some of its side effects. Antabuse helped me stay sober if I took it early enough each day (I was a hardcore night-time alkie). I've been sober 10 weeks so far. I'm thinking of using baclofen again just to see if it can help out with some anxiety and depression during my sobriety, so maybe it could help you even if you can't keep taking it right now.


            Why I am quitting Baclofen


            I'm doing my best to understand... You're worried about side effects, right?

            TSM started 1/22/2010; Wks 1-6: 78u/wk
            Baclofen + TSM started 3/5/10; Wks 7-25: 52u/wk
            Alcohol free and indifferent since 7/15/2010


              Why I am quitting Baclofen

              Individualized side-effects of Baclofen

              Hi Gang,

              Yes, I have a plan. It's non-chemical and can be found in the book: The Heart of Addiction by Dr. Lance Dodes. The first few pages hit me square in the face. You can look it up on Amazon if you want.

              Now, as I said in my original post I know Bac has done wonders for many, many people but there are many people who just drop off the screen never to heard from would interesting if we could interview them to get valuable knowledge. But I didnt want to one of those, thus the post.

              Go to Wikipedia and look up Baclofen. There you can see a nice tribute to Dr. A, but scroll down a bit and read Withdrawal Syndrome. I have experienced 80% of these phenomena
              on the way up to where I am now. It's just not worth it anymore. It's wrecking my life. I am very likely a very small fraction of people who experience so many SEs all at once. I am not hopeless, I have a plan and the 'toolbox' here. I will continue to lurk on the board and check in from time to time. Thanks for your concerns. That's what makes this a great place.

              best wishes,


