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Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

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    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

    Hey all - I am new to this site but been on TSM over a year & active on that site. Started BAC 4 days ago and I actually think I am feeling some results! Maybe imagining it, but it seems very subtle. No SEs, but yesterday and today I went until 8 pm w/ nothing to drink & few thoughts about it...except hopefulness this med works. Just kind-of forgot about looking forward to next drink. Was busy, and while busy, did not think about hurrying up and getting thru so I could get home and relax & have my wine. Today, especially...what with the Masters and the fact I work weekends @ a country club as the "bev cart babe" LOL... I just wanted to play! Everyone was drinking all day and although a few times I thought, "Ooooo yeah, tomorrow I have off, I can go home & drink wine, watch a movie, etc..."

    It really only occurred to me a few times. When I finally did hit the course about 4 (instead of going home), I was just excited to play and focus on my game (w/ no beer!). Got home around 8 and only just now on my not bad! I am really hopeful after reading everyone's posts here, plus several others who came here from TSM, that this will be MWO! I think alot about TSM and now this med when I am working the course as there is one member in particular who is a HORRIBLE alkie...but so sweet and nice...I wish there were a way I could turn him on to one or the other methods.

    I have gotten so excited and hopeful starting with posts & encouragement from corkit & wort on the TSM site...then here. And now the support and offers of help from Dr. Fred! Wow! No, I have not tried to call or email. I think what you all are sharing is good enough for now. I will email him soon, but will let the deluge sortof die down first.

    Glad to be here and looking forward to all of our support & input, and being part of the "cured". It's an incredible thought that medical science really might have found a cure for this "disease"!


      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

      houtx;836026 wrote: Hey all - I am new to this site but been on TSM over a year & active on that site. Started BAC 4 days ago and I actually think I am feeling some results! Maybe imagining it, but it seems very subtle. No SEs, but yesterday and today I went until 8 pm w/ nothing to drink & few thoughts about it...except hopefulness this med works. Just kind-of forgot about looking forward to next drink. Was busy, and while busy, did not think about hurrying up and getting thru so I could get home and relax & have my wine. Today, especially...what with the Masters and the fact I work weekends @ a country club as the "bev cart babe" LOL... I just wanted to play! Everyone was drinking all day and although a few times I thought, "Ooooo yeah, tomorrow I have off, I can go home & drink wine, watch a movie, etc..."

      It really only occurred to me a few times. When I finally did hit the course about 4 (instead of going home), I was just excited to play and focus on my game (w/ no beer!). Got home around 8 and only just now on my not bad! I am really hopeful after reading everyone's posts here, plus several others who came here from TSM, that this will be MWO! I think alot about TSM and now this med when I am working the course as there is one member in particular who is a HORRIBLE alkie...but so sweet and nice...I wish there were a way I could turn him on to one or the other methods.

      I have gotten so excited and hopeful starting with posts & encouragement from corkit & wort on the TSM site...then here. And now the support and offers of help from Dr. Fred! Wow! No, I have not tried to call or email. I think what you all are sharing is good enough for now. I will email him soon, but will let the deluge sortof die down first.

      Glad to be here and looking forward to all of our support & input, and being part of the "cured". It's an incredible thought that medical science really might have found a cure for this "disease"!
      Welcome, you may know me from TSM, there my name is "Struggling". I have been on Bac for a few days over 2 months and have been af for 2 months. Glad you are trying bac, it really works!


        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

        It sure looks like it - thx! Will keep posting my progress & int'd in others.


          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

          houtx, I'm so glad the BAC finally came and now you're on your way! If you follow taking it the way you are supposed to you should be OK. There's so much help here on MWO with so many trying BAC that we're all going to get to the end winners! Here's hoping the best for you and the other GF's on TSM that they also might find their way to tryig BAC. I've talked to the others and it seems that things are so up in the air they don't know which way to turn, maybe you can encourage them.

          Here we go, good luck


            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen


            Way to go! Best wishes...

            TSM started 1/22/2010; Wks 1-6: 78u/wk
            Baclofen + TSM started 3/5/10; Wks 7-25: 52u/wk
            Alcohol free and indifferent since 7/15/2010


              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

              I've titrated up on Bac fairly quickly but with no bad side effects. I've been on it since the beginning of April and am up to 60mgs per day/ or 20mgs 3x's per day. I don't have any apparent side effects (except intensity of alcohol when drinking) and feel I could go higher. I've been at 60 for over a week. Should I stay put, go down, slightly up? Thanks in advance for any opinions on the matter.


                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                hopefulspirit, this is just my opinion but I would stay where you are at for another week or so. How quickly did you go up seeing it's only the 12th of April? Again this is just my opinion but going very slowly helps the body to adjust to the meds. Did you read RV9's post on how he's taking it?

                Good luck and remember you can always go down slowly if you have to.



                  Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                  Had to say HELLO to all the familar faces here from TSM!

                  I am about to hit the Bac train as well. CorkIt - Thank you!!!

                  And thanks to all the others here and the information. I have been holding off starting as I just took a trip abroad, and am now dealing with some stressful crap that will soon be ending. (Remodel and relationship)

                  I am always amazed at the support on this forum ... and as it was on TSM. Wish TSM had worked for me - but I ended up in the same boat as others with no real results.

                  Hugs to ALL of you and know I am so grateful. I am hoping to start Bac this coming weekend if "life" behaves" for a few days .. =)


                  PS: FRIG! Look at my join date here! Topa, TSM .. please Universe, let this be ny answer ...


                    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                    This is just my opinion ( I have been on bac since lasy aug with great results) You have to do bac like boot camp and stick with the regemes that have been posted up. I had some side effectsand had some the other week when I had anew batch through. I think its worth riding the side effects , being as kind to yourself as you can , rest drink lots of water, because if you can make it to the other side bac really does work , I am a living , smiling happy testiment to that ! So good luck and stick with it.

                    Hopeful its great you have had no side effects I would suggest sticking with a slower tiration because a higher dose might just kick start some side effects which would be a shame when you have done so well.

                    I have considered calling Dr Levin but decided against it as its not in my budget at the minute and when I have though about it there is lots of information on here which is really usefull. So thanks for everybody who is posting about this drug !


                      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                      Hi WTE, I'm so glad you came on board with BAC and at the same time sooo sorry about the relationship he sounded so perfect and a keeper.

                      Braveheart, I'm anxiously waiting to get where you're at and to know what it's like to be free! Thanks for your encouragement.


                        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                        Hi Houtx

                        Ive been following your story on TSM and Im thrilled that your happy with your first few days on bac. You are always so welcoming on TSM, and so happy that it worked for people even though you didnt benifit much from it yourself. I look forward to reading your progress with bac. BTW my name is Mario over in TSM.


                          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                          Hi corkit, bac is great but its not a total cure all in my experience you have to look at your mind set and previous habits and always be mindfull that you have a problem with al and not become complacent. BUt saying all that its worth sticking with as I have tried every med and sup going over the past few years and in my experience nothing compares to bac . It still amazes me how al has been totally down graded in my mind , where as before it was constantly on my mind. I now feel like a normal person !


                            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                            Hi Houtx and Waiting, so good to see you on here! I am a kindred TSM spirit, trying bac b/c nal didn't work for me. Up to 90mg, having some troublesome side effects, but I'm determined to ride them out.


                              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                              LOL I have posted what I thought was a reply...didn't go thru - ugh!! Hate getting used to new things! Thanks Mario/Sylvia for recognizing me & appreciate the kind comments. Glad to see you here, WTE! Yay!! Great to have so many familiar names from TSM & knowing we are still trying! I love us!!

                              Guess there are a bunch of us from TSM now here - GREAT!! Glad to be holding hands as we forge new ground. As a side note, Corkit needs our support - she posted on TSM (wort's progress thread) that she has recently been diagnosed w/ cancer. I don't know where it may be posted here, if anywhere, but the fact she went public on TSM, makes me think it will be public here shortly.

                              in the meantime, I am PMing her my personal info as I live in one of the world's most renowned cancer centers. I am just so sad and concerned for her right now. Hard to ariculate, as we all know. But need to share the love and offer care and support.



                                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                                My husband had his psychiatrist appt. tues. and he surprised us by giviing him a prescription for baclofen! However, he told us that he wouldn't feel comfortable prescribing for more than 30 mg. a day. But then our mailorder for 200 tab of lioresel came today from 4rx and we can do this ourselves if we need to... especially having a dr. we can call for advice (thanks Corkit!).

