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Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

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    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

    I am relatively new here on MWO but this is my progress and the amazing things that have happened recently. My husband and I have been doing TSM for over 7 months now and though we have seen some noticeable changes the drinking is still high to the point that we have looked into Baclofen as another route besides doing TSM. I came across on MWO the article of GQ about Dr. Ameisen treating a patient named Martin but the interesting thing I noticed was a colleague of Dr. Ameisen named Dr. Fred Levin who I took a chance of calling in the hopes that he might call me back. Well, he did call me back saw the two of us a few days later and is totally on board with Baclofen and is a close colleague of Dr. Ameisen. He has treated 40 patients so far with 100% success and believes Dr. Ameisen will get the Noble prize for his work with Baclofen.

    Now here is the great part I just talked to him about the people on this forum (mind you he gave me his home phone number) and he told me that he would rather have you call him than try to do Baclofen by yourself and fail and get hurt. So here is his name and home phone number and he said to be patient because he can only talk to so many people at a time. I have been on Baclofen now for over 2 weeks and have had NO SE and he told me that I should not expect to have any!!

    Dr. Fred Levin

    Good luck to all my new friends here on MWO, there is help out there!

    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

    Hi corkit,

    I remember you from the TSM forums. Hello!

    As I'm in the UK, it's not practical to contact Dr Fred Levin by 'phone. Does he mind being contacted by e-mail? If so, do you have his e-mail address? BTW, if you choose to publish it here on MWO, I strongly suggest that you disguise it in some way - otherwise, the e-mail address is very likely to be picked up by spambots and Dr Levin will be bombarded with spam. For further information on how to do this, please take a look at:

    How to Disguise Your Email Address in Newsgroups, Forums, Blog Comments, Chat - About Email or...

    Disguise Your Email Address When Posting Messages - Protect From Spam

    I also note your comment that "He has treated 40 patients so far with 100% success...". Having yesterday started the thread, I found the above comment very interesting.

    "Love's the only engine of survival"

    Leonard Cohen


      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

      When to call Dr. Levin

      I should have said in the first post that Dr. Levin is in CHICAGO Central Time Zone so please call between 7:00 - 9:00 CT. We really want to be thoughtful of him and for his openness to help us. He really is a unique man which my husband and I are so very grateful for.



        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

        Hi Virgil, I will try to get an email from him and yes he has cured 40 patients 100%! and with no SE!


          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

          Thanks corkit! This is wonderful info! I am having serious SEs, & want to call Dr Levin.
          I may even drive down to see him if I can ditch the vertigo for the 8 hr round trip...
          As I do wish to repect the good Dr's time and helpfulness, did you mean call between 7-9 a.m. or p.m.?

          Thanks again for sharing this hopeful news!:thanks::h

          "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
          Leonard Cohen


            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

            Thanks so much corkit for sharing this with everyone here, and what a tremendously kind offer from the good doctor!!

            I'd be very interested to have his email too, if he doesn't mind. I just have one quick question for him. Please feel free to PM me if that's what he'd prefer.

            I'd also love to know what his take or advice on Naltrexone and TSM is, as I'm eight months in now myself.

            Anyway, again, thanks so much :goodjob:
            I don't come here much anymore but you can always mail me at rotunda 2000 at hotmail dot com (no spaces). Might be able to help with Bac emergencies


              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

              Hi Corkit, thank you for this usefull information. I follow all post on baclofen with great interest as I am a complete convert having been on it since last Aug with huge sucess. Although I have a few issues that I would like to discuss with Dr Levin as untill now apart from this forum and a couple of emails from Dr A , I am very much flying solo on this and get my baclofen from an online pharmacy, so to be able to speak to a real doctor would be truly amazing ! I like virgil am in the UK I tried to call but got a voice mail , I did not leave a message but will try another time. For anybody calling from the uk the number, with dialing codes is 0013126425803 . Anybody any idea what time from the UK would be the appropriate time to call to coencide witht he 7-9 time slot ?

              I truely hope Dr A gets recognistion for his work with baclofen and that the wider community can benefit from it , the tough of al probelms being de-demonised is totally breath taking to me as I have lived in shame for over 30 years over my drinking and have been on the brink of despair at my lack of will power and what I saw as my personal weakness . Baclofen has shown me I am none of these, but I am sick with an illness that medical science courtosy of Dr A, has found a cure for. I now lead a happy contented life and I actually like myself, which is a wonderful feeling after despising and hating myself for many decades ! That is why I follow baclfen theards , I want to be part of spreading the world so that other people can experience what I have ! Once again thank you corkit, we are playing our part in this campaign !

              A very thankful BH xx


                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                Jen, it's pm not am. Dr. Levin is a psychiatrist, scientist and a professor so he is not available in the daytime that's why he's so nice to offer his evenings to help us. Hopefully we will all be mindful of him and keep in those times.


                  Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                  8, I'm still on Nal as well and he didn't even blink when I told him as though it really wasn't of interest to him. The only thing he did was make sure the meds we were taking didn't interfere with the BAC. Remember he is so gun-ho about BAC that his interest in Nal is next to nothing. I guess if we asked Dr. Sinclair about BAC we would get the same attitude.


                    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                    Virgil I can't send you an email and 8, I can't seem to find you in the member list to send the two of you Dr. Levin's email address.


                      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                      Dr. Levin

                      Hello Corkit,

                      Thank you SOOO much for this helpful information!! I live close to Chicago and would be willing to drive down to see him. Could you please leave me his e-mail address? I would be so grateful!

                      Thank you,



                        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                        corkit;834479 wrote: Virgil I can't send you an email and 8, I can't seem to find you in the member list to send the two of you Dr. Levin's email address.
                        Hi corkit,

                        I have just PM'd you.

                        I don't know why you're having a problem e-mailing me via the MWO forum. Perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain.


                        "Love's the only engine of survival"

                        Leonard Cohen


                          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                          baclofen and campral

                          Oh, My Goodness! This is a godsend (having Dr. Levin's tel. number). We're determined to go the baclofen route for my husband and I came down to the computer to figure ut how to order baclofen online (I'm a new computer user). We don't know if he should continue the campral while on baclofen. He has just begun withdrawing from it.
                          We have just one week's supply of baclofen from our family dr. (all he would give us) and I'm sure the psychiatrist will do the same (his appointment is the l6th), even though he has admitted that baclofen has had some "amazing" results.
                          I hate to add to the flood of tel. calls Dr. Levin will be receiving. Is there any way I can give him my e-mail? I'll try the phone, hoping we can leave a msg. and e-mail number.
                          We were so nervous about doing this the wrong way and now we can communicate with someone like Dr. Levin. This is an answer to prayer!


                            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen



                              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                              Spam bots will snag that corkit. Write it like:






                              or something
                              :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                              Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                              Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                              Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                              A Forum
                              Trolls need not apply

