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Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

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    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

    Hi I am reading all this with interest. I called D Levin form Engladn in the early hours of this morning. I spoke to him but because of the time differance (it was 9.20 pm there, I mis calculated the time difference) he said it was to late to talk and suggested a call an hour earlier tomorrow so he could check that I was on the correct dose and doing it right. He sounded like he was willing to talk, ne never mentioned a payment. I am going to reserve judgement on all of this untill I have spoken to him. I sincerly hope his motives are genuine as it would be very disappointing if he was just another person trying to make money from this horrible illness. I do take Eileens point about the cost of session for therapy, but the initial post gave the impression that he was providing the service as he wanted to help people. $150 is a lot of money to lots of people and beyond their means, it would be very disappointing if thats was the case. I am just trusting that this is not the case , as it is not unreasonable for somebody to expect payment for any service they provide but I would prefer to know that right from the outset so I can make an imformed decsion and have confiedence in that person .

    Overall I get the impression that many of us have side effects when we tirate up to quicly, which is a very easy thing to want to do as we are keen to get the 'show on the road'

    Jenn would it be possible to post the protocol he suggested for you ?

    Corkit do you have anything to add about the pament for sessions ?

    I will take Jenns stance and hope that he is a sincere man who genuinlly wants to help others and if nothing else this threas has got like minded members chatting and sharing information on tiration that has come directly from Dr Levin, which can only serve for the good.

    As a total side note. I got my baclfen from 4RX pharmacy and have been taking it since last Aug, but I noticed that the effect seemed to be wearing off with the last batch ( I think I may have messed up my maintenance dose, which is why I am keen to talk to Dr Levin) I have started on another batch now at the dose I was taking and I am experiecing the side effects that I had when I first started out. WHich makes me wonder was the last batch genuine or not ? Has naybody else had any problems with meds ordered online as you do hear about online pharmacies selling countfait drugs ??? God its such hard work doing this at times trying to weedle out the genuine sources , not for the faint hearted, good job mine is 'Brave' lol


      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

      I just got back into town for work and I'm trying to catch up on what has happened since I was last here. I'm so sorry if I gave the impression that the doc would not charge you for his service because that never enter my mind. My husband and I paid to see him and what he charged blew us away, cheap! Please remember he's not just a MD counseling you he's a professor of psychiatry at Northwestern U., a psychiatrist, a neuro-scientist as well, so charging $150 after office hours at his home is I think reasonable. Please don't give up he really is a compassionate man but he's only one man compared to how many of us!

      RV9, good to hear from you and I didn't know that you were on BAC much less know Dr. Levin. Are you ok? Did you get a hold of him for a prescription?

      I wish I could offer you more about him answering his emails and such but I can't for now. Right now I'm dealing with some bad medical news that might keep me off and on from this forum but I will do anything I can to help all of you.



        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

        Eileen, did the Dr. Levin say it would be $150 for every phone call to him or a one time fee of $150? My opinion is that it's a one time fee.



          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

          Ok, I finally finished reading all the posts and I'm a little confused by the different outcomes some of you had with Dr. Levin. It seems that some had to pay while others didn't, is that right? I really don't know what is really happening other than what I know of the man and that he is totally sold out with BAC as a cure. So, those who can afford $150 isn't it worth the cost to have piece of mind under someone's care taking you through the unknown and for those of you who can't afford it I would let the doctor know that too and I would be surprised if he didn't help you. I can only hope I'm right.

          Hoping the best for all of us


            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

            tryagain;835054 wrote: Sorry if this is dumb, but I just reread, is that 5mg 3 times a day to start or simply 5mg all day - I am thinking you start with only 5mg all day?
            Yes, 5mg once a day. Do that for a couple or three days then up to 10. Then 20. Then add 20/day each week.

            Now to be honest, I tend to have a good tolerance for medication so I didn't have any problem ramping up a little faster (5 days between bumps-up instead of 7). But that's just me and I did it unsanctioned by the doctor.

            I'm at 120mg and haven't hit "the switch" but oddly today (for the first time on bac) I had a drink after work and don't feel like having any more. Sort of like when naltrexone started working.

            BTW for those who might wonder... Naltrexone worked for me but I found compliance difficult. I tended to take it too late before drinking (30 minutes or so). It's a 30 minute drive from my office to the booze store so it was easy to remember to take it when I got in my car after work. I should have been taking it mid-afternoon. So those of you on Sinclair stick with it if you can do it right. I'm just giving baclofen a shot because it's soooo much cheaper for me than naltrexone is (bac is on the $4 list at Wal-Mart). I'm spending maybe $25 per month on it).

            @Corkit: I spoke with him several times on the phone. A couple of times were just quick conversations to set up later times to talk. The other two times were 45 minutes or so of more in-depth discussion. He billed me $150 each for those. I expect to probably have to pay another $150 to get a 3-month refill. In the end I can live with that, especially if the bac kicks in.


              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

              @Eileen and Brave:

              Dr. Levin did not strike me as someone out to make a killing taking advantage of people. The two "sessions" he billed me for were full-length (45-50 minutes). He said many people with addictions could benefit from psychotherapy, which he was willing to do (for $150 a session) but he said he would leave that up to me and help me regardless.

              Contrast to a local shrink I tied to use for Naltrexone. He started talking about doing for $150/week (IIRC) with a seven-day Rx each week. He then ultimately refused to do it but charged me $150 for the 5 minutes it took to say 'no'. Another local doctor also indicated willingness to do it on a pay-weekly basis. Dr. Levin is a saint compared to these guys.


                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                Clarification on my doubtful reaction

                rv9;835051 wrote:
                As far as him being busy - that's the kind of busy I could deal with. He charges for his telephone "sessions" at $150 a pop. Thankfully he doesn't insist on regular sessions. Just a consultation here and there. My last was in December.
                I don't think I was clear about my reaction. I think it would be crazy of Dr Levin to not charge. And I would be happy to pay it. I would not feel comfortable NOT paying him, in fact.

                I was just reactiing to rv's comment (quoted above) and then thinking about how Dr. Levin told corkit not to reveal the protocol and have everyone call him instead. From rv's comment, it did sound like he charged "$150 a pop" -- meaning perhaps for 5 minutes? -- and that he had discouraged corkit from revealing anything and encouraged her to tell people to call him. It felt like we were being misled (although I never doubted the Dr's true intentions and belief in Bac) and I don't take well to being misled... That's all.

                Obviously, now that rv has explained it more, if I had known that, I would never have reacted that way.

                And yes, I agree with everyone that $150 is a pittance compared to the benefits -- and compared to the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent so far on trying to cure this disease, and the hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost income, all of this not to mention wrecking mine and my family's lives.
                Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                  Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                  Hi all glad that all seems to be cleared up. Guess we are lucky here in the UK services here are free, although they invovle a waiting period and you can pay and go private if you want a quicker service, but you have the option. At least now I can decide if the $150 is in my bubget and proced from there and unfortunatly any prescribtion issued in America would prorbably be useless her which is a real shame. Its a pity we dont have a Dr Levin in the UK but its heartening to know that there are people out there who are coming around to the meds route , as it should all add to proper clinical trials being conducted.

                  Beatle your reaction was quite understandable as we can often be forgiven for being a bit synical about people offering help or cures for our illness, as like any other vunerable group there is always people looking to exploit us , you only have to look at some of the adverts that pop up around this site which guarantee a cure and as most of us are desperate we can be easily parted from our cash. I myself spent $350 on and hour and a half session with a guy ( I also had to travel to meet him) it was conducted in a room that he obviously rented by the hour, he was shabbily dressed, spent most of the session talking about himself and the cosmos. I was stunned at how the session was nothing like he had promised on the phone, but I still stupidly handed the cheque over. When I got home I was in shock at how foolish I had been, it was only when I spoke to a friend who made me realise that I had been conned and engougared me to cancel the cheque. I was expecting the guy to contact me but surprise surprise he didnt ! I suspose I was just one who got away ! So I too am rather synical of poeple untill I know the full facts. But from all the post on here Dr Levin is a professional reputable guy with a keen knowledge of bacolfen which is what we need. I am so sorry what you have lost to this horrible illness Beatle, lets pray baclofen is our long term cure.


                    Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                    The only protocol Dr Levin gave me was to back off my dosage to 130mg/day for a week and to 100mg/day the next week. And to take it in 3 equal doses a day, morning, midday, and bedtiime, if one dose is higher it should be at bedtime.
                    Thank you rv9 for your info on dosing up protocol.
                    I may well have to just go with whatever knowledge is posted here. I haven't worked since September and have very little savings left.
                    I really did think that corkit's original post meant that Dr Levin was offering his services pro bono, having seen other Drs do so for causes close to their hearts... and I do tend to be an eternal optimist.
                    Be Well All,
                    "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
                    Leonard Cohen


                      Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                      Thank you to everyone who is contributing to this thread, it is still very useful ebven if some of us can't/or decide not to call the doctor.

                      I understand the dosing is something like this-

                      Days 1 to 4.......... 5mg (one dose)
                      Days 5 to 9..........10mg (one dose)
                      Days 10-14..........20mg (one dose)

                      Week 3- 40 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 4- 60 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 5- 80 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 6- 100 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 7- 120 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 8- 140 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 9- 160 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses
                      Week 10- 180 mg per day to be split in 3 even doses etc.

                      I know its probably OK to jumpstart the first 2 weeks but it may be better not to - am I on the right track?


                        Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                        baclofen - dr. levin

                        Corkit, I haven't yet got through to Dr. Levin... Yesterday, I got frightened at last moment of not having my thoughts together (I do much better writing things down) and didn't try him.
                        I would like to e-mail him. I had kind of assumed that there might be a charge for his services (and $150. for an occasionally call or note response seems not only reasonable; but most helpful for someone who can't afford regular visits. I've never heard of a dr. doing this and it is a great service. The psychiatrist we have (on our medicare managed plan) gives us 15 minutes for a $40 co-pay... and it's rush, rush, rush (like "hurry up and get out of here for the real paying patients.)) Plus, last time he saw my husband, he literally told him not to come back, that he couldn't help him as long as he was drinking! When he said "But that's why I'm coming to you" ...the doctor did us the favor of saying "You might want to ask your family dr. about baclofen... I've heard amazing things about it." And he went to the trouble of writing it down on a piece of paper. We researched it, bought the book, and have been trying ever since to get a doctor to prescribe, after even more research on it. (Our family dr. would give us only 1 wk. supply).
                        Having decided to "do it ourselves" I've just ordered 200 tabs of 10 mg baclofen (lioresel) from 4RX (seems the quickest and cheapest), I was even able to reach a real person on their toll free number when a computer glitch informed me the "transaction was not complete".
                        Thank God for this forum... more help and info than we've had in years.
                        And thanks, Tryagain for giving out your planned program of doses/times. That sounds very much in keeping with an effective approach. We'll try that.
                        My husband is no longer on campral, and because baclofen is the only addiction med
                        (he does take a cholestral pill), we'll save our calls to Dr. Levin, having the comfort of knowing there is help available. I know he has many urgent calls waiting for him at this time.


                          Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                          eileen;835505 wrote: Corkit, I haven't yet got through to Dr. Levin... Yesterday, I got frightened at last moment of not having my thoughts together (I do much better writing things down) and didn't try him.
                          I would like to e-mail him. I had kind of assumed that there might be a charge for his services (and $150. for an occasionally call or note response seems not only reasonable; but most helpful for someone who can't afford regular visits. I've never heard of a dr. doing this and it is a great service. The psychiatrist we have (on our medicare managed plan) gives us 15 minutes for a $40 co-pay... and it's rush, rush, rush (like "hurry up and get out of here for the real paying patients.)) Plus, last time he saw my husband, he literally told him not to come back, that he couldn't help him as long as he was drinking! When he said "But that's why I'm coming to you" ...the doctor did us the favor of saying "You might want to ask your family dr. about baclofen... I've heard amazing things about it." And he went to the trouble of writing it down on a piece of paper. We researched it, bought the book, and have been trying ever since to get a doctor to prescribe, after even more research on it. (Our family dr. would give us only 1 wk. supply).
                          Having decided to "do it ourselves" I've just ordered 200 tabs of 10 mg baclofen (lioresel) from 4RX (seems the quickest and cheapest), I was even able to reach a real person on their toll free number when a computer glitch informed me the "transaction was not complete".
                          Thank God for this forum... more help and info than we've had in years.
                          And thanks, Tryagain for giving out your planned program of doses/times. That sounds very much in keeping with an effective approach. We'll try that.
                          My husband is no longer on campral, and because baclofen is the only addiction med
                          (he does take a cholestral pill), we'll save our calls to Dr. Levin, having the comfort of knowing there is help available. I know he has many urgent calls waiting for him at this time.
                          Eileen, It sounds like now you have the meds , and we have a good idea of the dosing plan the doctor will recommend your husband should hopefully be able to get started soon. At least you have the doctor s number to call if you have any problems.

                          I do so hope he can get going see results soon - it sounds like nobody has been very helpful towards him.

                          I have dropped my dose back to 10 today and will stick to that for four days, then go up as per RV9s schedule.

                          Amazingly I don't hardly have any cravings today although I have dropped down.


                            Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                            I forgotto add yesterday that when I googled Dr. Levin's name it came up on several sites spelled as LeVin. From my old highschool French I believe that translates as "the wine"...
                            "I fought against the bottle, but I had to do it drunk."
                            Leonard Cohen


                              Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                              It's Jack's third day on 5 mg (per day). Didn't think there would be any SE on such a low mg... but he had a headach and some dizziness today. At same time, he seemed much less depressed, claimed no urgings for drink... even went to library without detouring to the liquor store.
                              I don't think it could be working this fast... except maybe SEs are from the low dose.
                              We may have to stay on the 5 mg longer than a week because his psychiatrist appt. isn't until the l6th.
                              Hope, but not optimistic about this dr. prescribing the baclofen; but I've already order some online and it should be here by then or soon after.
                              First time we've both felt this happy, just having the hope. I'm going to enjoy it thoroughly.


                                Dr. Fred Levin colleague of Dr. Ameisen

                                Great news Eileen, and I'm sure in a day or two the SE will disappear, it could be the left over AL in his system and not the meds causing the headache and dizziness.

                                Hang in there it will work!

